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Pigeon shooting nightmare!!!!


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Well for a few months me and my friend had been looking forward to a 3 day shooting break, being told on the run up to it that we will get 100 plus bag days! Bring plenty cartridges etc etc !

First morning we got put on a field of cut rape at least 2 weeks cut, not a pigeon to be seen ! Got packed up off to another spot where there was pigeon lucky if 100 on field!

On the run up we are being told we will be first to shoot all areas on fresh cut fields! Finding cases and wads scattered all around the place !

The guide was pleasant man but when the gamekeeper turns up one day and says a bunch of Cypriots were out the previous week you can't help but feel ****** off!

I organised the trip hoping my friend more so than me would get a good bit of shooting bit when the fields have been shot out what goods that?

I've shot since I was old enough to hold a gun and I'm not zipped up the back!

A huge let down we managed less than. 50 birds in 3 days mostly sitting looking at the sky with no birds to be seen !!!

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Yep it cost us! Shooting , digs and eating dinners at night, shops for a packed lunch, £190 for a thousand shells that never even got opened ! I fired less than a box of shells ! I'm not naming names cos I'm not like that ! But as we travel 4 1/2 hours back home we have no shooting stories to tell and going home in a pretty depressing mood !

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I'm not naming names cos I'm not like that !


Forget the digs, the Fuel, the shells and the food, If you were told you would be the "first to shoot" and weren't then you were lied to. Either let us know who "ripped" you off or put it down to the fact pigeons are unpredictable and you had some bad luck, If you want guaranteed numbers go shoot some clays.......

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Listen pal when u keep in touch asking if the birds are there and get told a pile of ****! It would of saved us alot of money I could of shot that in one day where I live ! The fact wads cases lying around and being told a pile of **** has annoyed me! Wouldn't you be ? Unpredictable ? If there's the 1000's he said that were on it up to the day before we left and to go out and see nothing not even feather or pigeon **** !

Shot a wheat field yesterday that had been clattered at least the previous 2 days before we were on it, with the guns not even picking there birds leaving them in piles quite clearly where they had been shooting! Shot the day before ! What chance have we got to bag up ? When on the Wednesday the guide went over to the same field to pick up over a 100 pigeon shot on the same field ! Shoot clays go and whistle you tit!

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Listen pal when u keep in touch asking if the birds are there and get told a pile of ****! It would of saved us alot of money I could of shot that in one day where I live ! The fact wads cases lying around and being told a pile of **** has annoyed me! Wouldn't you be ? Unpredictable ? If there's the 1000's he said that were on it up to the day before we left and to go out and see nothing not even feather or pigeon **** !


Yes exactly i would be mightily peed off and would have asked for my money back, did you take photos of the piles of birds etc? nothing you can do about the fuel, digs and food but you can get the money from the "guide" and put them on here to stop others being duped, fact is it sounds like the same shooting has been sold at least twice possibly more times. This "guide" needs avoiding....but if you don't name them and the area they operate then your just whinging....

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Yes I'm whinging if any 1 want to know then drop me a pm! No pictures of the piles of dead birds but when we arrived our guide had just came back from that wheat stubble with over a 100 cos he said the guy would just dump them ! The area was around Nuneaton, Leicestershire, east midlands. I found our guide pleasant but we just felt like we were getting the leftovers as there's s party of guns coming to shot next wk so he must have something in line for them cos they come each year !

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I've been thinking of writing something this last week of my 2 brother's and a mate's misadventures in Scotland the week before. They booked a week's shooting in February and hired guns from the guide to avoid the hassle of taking guns through airports. For the first three days, not a pigeon in sight anywere, harvest not on, fair enough. Forth day, they were taken further, decent shooting, 3 guns got about 70 birds. Fifth day, slow work, round 5pm when things began to pick up, the police turned up and as the owner of the guns, guide, whatever was not present (he left 2 helpers with the guns), they spent the night in lock up to be released the next morning with no charge and missed the last day as the guns remained with the police.

That was a nice week in Scotland,,not..

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I've been thinking of writing something this last week of my 2 brother's and a mate's misadventures in Scotland the week before. They booked a week's shooting in February and hired guns from the guide to avoid the hassle of taking guns through airports. For the first three days, not a pigeon in sight anywere, harvest not on, fair enough. Forth day, they were taken further, decent shooting, 3 guns got about 70 birds. Fifth day, slow work, round 5pm when things began to pick up, the police turned up and as the owner of the guns, guide, whatever was not present (he left 2 helpers with the guns), they spent the night in lock up to be released the next morning with no charge and missed the last day as the guns remained with the police.

That was a nice week in Scotland,,not..


Since when did the owner of a shotgun have to be present because another licence holder is using it?


Yes I'm whinging if any 1 want to know then drop me a pm! No pictures of the piles of dead birds but when we arrived our guide had just came back from that wheat stubble with over a 100 cos he said the guy would just dump them ! The area was around Nuneaton, Leicestershire, east midlands. I found our guide pleasant but we just felt like we were getting the leftovers as there's s party of guns coming to shot next wk so he must have something in line for them cos they come each year !


Does he advertise on here?

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Not sure, look I'm not going to name names on a public forum by all means I will through pm. His business seems respectable enough but went into it blind, but to be told there's birds and lots of them and go out and hardly see any, I mean I was told there were flight lines of 7 thousand going to his fields ? The guy was nice friendly and weather or not he was out trying to find us pigeon is another story ! We have been lied to and that in my book does not go down well he is on here and will prob read this but I'm not the type of person to hold back when i think something just isn't adding up ! Mabie we were a week to late, fine. If there were no birds then just tell truth and save us a trip. We enjoyed the villagers at higham on the hill and last night out in Nuneaton was memorable! And the 12 pigeon we shot one day in 8 hours we stopped in and they offered to make us a pigeon pie for the next days shooting. Not all bad. But I spent a small fortune for this trip and we have no photos of bags for the album ! Just so annoyed !!

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Well the first day we shot on a field of cut rape beside it a cut barley and over the top of the hill more rape. Or we had option of another to check with nothing in sight! As far as the eye could see! Move to another rape field that was apparently blue ! Put around 100 pigeons off nothing came back we sat till 8 o clock shot 16 I think it was that were just passing by not decoying. Met game keeper who said they were here a week ago and shot a bag full, he puts us on the same field the next day around 1/2 o clock my mate bagged 21 and where I was I shot 6 for 8 shots ! And my mate used a box n a half of shells! Last day went to another field cut rape that was cut on the Wednesday we arrived pigeon on that only around 50 so we set up ! Never saw a pigeon again the rest of the day, around 1 o clock, took us to a wheat field that apparently his friend went out and shot 40 the day before.it's not hard to find where a hide has been set up and I saw at least 4 locations of hides one with a pile of dead pigeons left from day before another with a barrage of empty cases ! Feather all over the field, this field had been shot out. I think we got. 16 passing by not even interested in decoys , magnet floaters but strong flight line way over to our left heading to a fresh cut rape it looked like. The trouble is I built my friends hopes up on false stories. Lugging our gear from pillars to post knackered up at 7 each morning for breakie. I need a holiday to recover from this at one point I was hiding in tramlines to get under some pigeon and suffer from inflamotorty arthritis which done me no favours the next morning ! I have a feeling I've let my friend down and it's annoying me I promised him good things from what I was being told and it came to a trip that cost us a fortune!

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Sorry to hear you had a bad time Mark, everyone can have bad times but to shoot over the same ground that was shot the day before and to fire less than 25 shots in 3 days is unforgivable in my book, it's August, there should be plenty of fields to shoot. I'd pack in if I had to do this for a living!




I heard all about it. When "Hiring" a shotgun to a client the guide must be an RFD, I am, for the sole reason to hire guns to my clients. Also, if you hire a shotgun and you come from overseas you must also get a police visitors permit to be left alone in the field. I believe many guides break the law this way.

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ring him and ask for cash back ,consumers act 1982 ,but not taking the pee but we have been up the farm and seen 100s one day and the next day nothing ,but if there was loads of fresh empty's up there someone else has been there and he said no ,then hit him with this


The Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 aims to protect consumers against bad workmanship or the poor provision of services. It covers contracts for work and materials, as well as contracts for pure services, and remember, this still applies even in everyday situations – such as going to the hairdressers or the dry cleaners – where you have no physical contract at all. Just as with Sale of Goods, Supply of Goods and Services legislation contains statutory rights, which don’t have to be specifically mentioned in any contract, but cannot be excluded. These are:

  • That the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill
  • That the work will be carried out in reasonable time (unless timeframe has been specifically agreed)
  • That the work will be carried out at reasonable cost (unless cost has been specifically agreed)

The legislation also details the remedies which are available to consumers in the event that any one of these statutory terms are breached. These can be found in the following sections.

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I could of shot what we shot around where I live! We just got told get the magnet out!

I don't fall out with people easy but when I do be somewhere else !

My guide was very pleasant, but struggled to get a hold of him alot of the time and we were just left in empty fields, to be fair signal was bad he did ring up and ask how we were getting on and when I told him numbers he was shocked ! He had a dodgy looking side kick who didn't say much.

While out we could hear fields getting shot from all around the place and it seems there's alot of this guiding going on £40 a day bring your kit! I just wonder how many we bag if we payed the 120 guided days?

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Im sorry you had a bad three days.

I'm not quite sure it's as straight forward as you've been duped. You said there were birds on the fields, you said there was birds in the air but not decoying, and you also said there was fresh cut rape on nearby farms.

It's not out of the question that the guy may have told you the truth but the birds had moved on to other fields. If you've been shooting long enough you'll know that the birds can switch fields over night.

I've never paid for days out, but I have been shooting long enough to know no one can guarantee birds.



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well the guide should be monitoring the day, and if he can see its not going to plan he should be doing his best to find you a spot were you will at least get a half decent day, also beforehand he should make sure he dosn,t put you in a spot that had clearly been shot in recent days leading up to it, same thing has happened to me,were a field had been shot days before i was due to shoot, and it does leave a sour taste in your mouth i can assure you

Edited by yickdaz
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