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The Hussein case was different IIRC as he chased the guy and beat him after he was well away from the home. There was one several years ago at a rural post office where the post master stabbed a robber who died. It's a no win situation for most as it can and probably will ruin your life either way

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Interesting how there is such a common expectation that the burgled will be punished and the burglars get off scot free ( I may be exaggerating slightly but that's the sense I have of the common view on this thread). In fact the real evidence seems to be different - I found this on-line in an article on the subject of convictions in self defence cases;




How many cases?

An “informal trawl” by the CPS suggested that between 1990 and 2005 there were only 11 prosecutions of people who had attacked intruders in houses, commercial premises or private land. Only 7 of those appeared to have resulted from domestic burglaries.

Examples of prosecutions included a case where a man lay in wait for a burglar on commercial premises, caught him, beat him, threw him into a pit and set him alight.

Examples of decisions not to prosecute included a case where a woman took a baseball bat off a burglar and hit him over the head, fracturing his skull.


Using a gun will ALWAYS result in an arrest but doesn't always end in a conviction as even if the case goes to court juries are reluctant to find a householder guilty if the defendant can show (say) they acted in self defence. This does not include chasing someone and then beating them with a cricket bat (Hussain) or shooting an intruder in the back as they attempt to flee the premises (Martin).


I sincerely believe that householders have the right to defend their family, self and property and that intruders pretty much deserve what they get, if they weren't trying to steal from someone's house they wouldn't risk getting hurt.


A bit more thought should be given to the idea of using a gun to do that than appears to be the case from some posts here. Shooting someone to death in your own home might just be a bit tougher to live with than some people seem to think.



Interesting, have a link for the quote?


edit: Never mind, found it.

Edited by gazzthompson
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Interesting how there is such a common expectation that the burgled will be punished and the burglars get off scot free ( I may be exaggerating slightly but that's the sense I have of the common view on this thread). In fact the real evidence seems to be different - I found this on-line in an article on the subject of convictions in self defence cases;


How many cases?

An “informal trawl” by the CPS suggested that between 1990 and 2005 there were only 11 prosecutions of people who had attacked intruders in houses, commercial premises or private land. Only 7 of those appeared to have resulted from domestic burglaries.

Examples of prosecutions included a case where a man lay in wait for a burglar on commercial premises, caught him, beat him, threw him into a pit and set him alight.

Examples of decisions not to prosecute included a case where a woman took a baseball bat off a burglar and hit him over the head, fracturing his skull.

Using a gun will ALWAYS result in an arrest but doesn't always end in a conviction as even if the case goes to court juries are reluctant to find a householder guilty if the defendant can show (say) they acted in self defence. This does not include chasing someone and then beating them with a cricket bat (Hussain) or shooting an intruder in the back as they attempt to flee the premises (Martin).

I sincerely believe that householders have the right to defend their family, self and property and that intruders pretty much deserve what they get, if they weren't trying to steal from someone's house they wouldn't risk getting hurt.

A bit more thought should be given to the idea of using a gun to do that than appears to be the case from some posts here. Shooting someone to death in your own home might just be a bit tougher to live with than some people seem to think.



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The Hussein case was different IIRC as he chased the guy and beat him after he was well away from the home. There was one several years ago at a rural post office where the post master stabbed a robber who died. It's a no win situation for most as it can and probably will ruin your life either way

From police advice I was told what he should have said was, the burglar was going to get others/weapon and was coming back, so Mr Hussein still was in fear or his life, take that one to a jury and hopefully they would agree.

I do not believe in vigilante justice but the self defence rules are there and if you or your family have been attacked, you must have the right to protect, just do not attack first !

None of us know how we would react and hopefuly we never will.

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I just heard on the news the couple being burgled and firing a shotgun had been targeted 3-4 times before, and run............ a caravan and motorhome business..................the burglers are all related ...............I make no comment

Edited by onefulham
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I just heard on the news the couple being burgled and firing a shotgun had been targeted 3-4 times before, and run............ a caravan and motorhome business..................the burglers are all related ...............I make no comment

Lest sit back now & see what the courts make of it ? :hmm: .

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fingers crossed they get off ,regardless of who the burglars were the minute u break into someones house u lose all rights and should face real old fashioned jail.slopping out and hard labour why should hard working peeps live in fear of scum who steal and lie as a way of life.theres a town in america where the law says u have to own a gun to live there .whatever your thoughts for or against this its got a very very very low burglary rate strangley enough.human rights act the biggest gravy train ever by a prime minister whose wife gets 400k a year as a human rights lawyer howd that happen mr blair

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If he is cleared of all charges, how will the arrest effect his licence renweal?

Technically it shouldn't affect it at all as he wouldn't have been cautioned or convicted of anything. Of course what should happen, and what actually happens are quite often two different things . . . . :/ If they want to take his cert(s) off him they could easily do it i suppose, something along the line of 'repeated burgalry' or the like

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According to the article, it is the wife who is the shooter. Did they both have certs? If not, who was in possesion of the gun when it was fired?

In the Telegraph report I cannot find reference to her being the shooter.


The article reads "


Mr Ferrie, who owns his own mobile caravan and motorhome servicing business, had confronted four burglars, aged between 23 and 33, who broke into the cottage and fired a legally-owned shotgun at them, injuring two." indicating that he fired the gun.


It does say that his wife "Mrs Ferrie is understood to be a keen shooter and trains gun dogs." but that doesnt mean that she did the shooting.


Unless I am mistaken



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I do not believe in vigilante justice but the self defence rules are there and if you or your family have been attacked, you must have the right to protect, just do not attack first !

None of us know how we would react and hopefuly we never will.


This is terrible advice!! You do NOT have to wait to be attacked to act in self defence! If you 100% believe you are about to be attacked (you must state this) then a pre-emptive strike is perfectly legal and is considered self defence.

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Best not to speculate till full facts are known .




Have to say that would make for a dull forum :eh:


A good lawyer will get them off, proving minimum force was used. What is the 'pull' on a trigger... 3 to 5 pounds?

Thats more like it !

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This is terrible advice!! You do NOT have to wait to be attacked to act in self defence! If you 100% believe you are about to be attacked (you must state this) then a pre-emptive strike is perfectly legal and is considered self defence.

True, badily worded by myself, ment cannot just shoot people giving you a dirty look and just might be nasty to you.
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