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One for the legal buffs please....


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How would I get someone to ( very craftily) check on our working practices ??? It's not just in my center..... It prety much everyogher center... We're a big company.... Very big, something like 700 centers......


you should do it yourself,, start keeping a diary of your working day ...everything,,, line managers comments as well , but be prepared to work it on your own ,,you will get no or very little help from your workmates ,, and only do it if you feel aggreived enough to stick your head in the noose to make your own life liveable,,, and if you decide to make an issue of it ,,,go as high up the tree as possible to dish the dirt,,,,,,,succesive over managers will put the bullet in your back before you get a fair hearing else even hr managers

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How would I get someone to ( very craftily) check on our working practices ??? It's not just in my center..... It prety much everyogher center... We're a big company.... Very big, something like 700 centers......

As I and others have said join a union, and get as many people as you can to join with you, they will advise and offer help in any way they can.

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Sounds like a poor manager to me, can he not control his team beyond x amount of hours of contact.


There should always be a willing for employees to help out on the odd occasion above and beyond the call of duty but not on a regular basis unless rewarded to do so.


This country would be a sad place if everyone turned there phone off the minute they clock off, but everyone is also entitled to a private life.


Weight up the options "fit in or **** off" or tackle it and try and come to some happy medium. You never know higher management maybe apauled by his constant harassing and maybe unaware of it. It might just show them that there op's manager is a poor leader and not the right chap for the job, no CEO wants a unhappy work force as he is the one in the public eye and is seen as a responsible for the companies policies and procedures.


Best of luck mate, let us know how it all pans out!

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Thanks guys... All sound advice, we do have a union, they're not much kop though..... I was wondering how someone like the watchdog programme might feel if they were to see some of the txts.....that could. Be quite interesting! My company's been "featured" on it in the past.... I can't say what we're called...... We're not allowed to say anything about them on our Facebook status..... Breach of company policy.... Bla bla bla.

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It's not May Gurney is it?


I believe im correct ,,if your contracted for an 8 hr working day,,,the 4hrs 30 mins was /is to allow you a mid session rest /meal break.....The extra 30 mins was put in so that you could not be made to work longer than this ,,,,after 6hrs would apply to a twelve hour shift but even then you are allowed a 15 min break within the 6 hours


I think you're talking about company policy there rather than the law. It's pretty easy to find it out.



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a company as big as that will surely have a HR department? i would try a chat with him first, if this does not work - escalate it via the HR department. I would be very surprised if they don't have a well developed process for dealing with employee issues such as this.


Avoid HR. HR departments stopped dealing with people about 10 years ago when they stopped calling themselves the 'Personel Department'. Their job is to now manage the people as resources (the clue is in the name) like any other type of resources such as plant or premises. People are just names in spreadsheets. In my business speaking to HR is a kiss of death. Next stop is being on the 'at risk' list.

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I cannot believe (well I can) how much poop is being expostulated here.


Right, here is a process to follow:


1. Meet with him and tell him calmly and in a non-militant manner that it's inconvenient and you would rather not receive calls out of hours unless it's a genuine emergency, because you don't feel you have the salary or responsibility to take such calls - if he agrees, great, if not, either put up with it for the sake of your job and future harmony (whilst you perhaps seek another role), or escalate it to:


2. Tell him it's really not acceptable, nor part of your stated terms and you will raise a grievance unless he stops (they have to have a grievance process by law) - ditto above then:


3. Raise a grievance with whomever the grievance process says to raise it with. If you get blocked in trying to raise a grievance take it straight to the Head of HR or a director.


Some HR departments are truly useless, but many more are glorified administrators trying to get their head round complicated stuff. Many bosses or 'line managers' have no clue about the limits of their remit, some seek to do exactly as they please whilst others tend to toe the line.



Edited by Thunderbird
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Brilliant advice as always on here. Why does nobody read the full thread before chipping in their bottom talk.



In the OP's earlier post he states he is in the motor industry, So according to JDog, the OP should go "self employed" - WHAT and build cars himself ????? :big_boss: Brilliant.


Thunderbird asks if he works for May Gurney. After a short time on the search engines I have found that May Gurney do not build cars. (I mean, who would drive a "May Gurney 355 turbo?")


Without the full facts, I can only assume that the OP works in a company that build cars 24 hours a day 7 days a week and that there are huge cost penalties involved if line stops occur. I also assume that as a person who works in management in a large motor company, that the contract he signed covers every single base and that he is just on here "letting off steam" rather than seeking legal advice from some pigeon shooters.

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I guess at the moment, trying to keep the company thriving is more than a 8 hour a day job..the boss feels he needs to keep on top of everything ,

many employees will forget about work as soon as the 5pm buzzer goes off....


i guess the question is...how much does your job mean to you ? if its just a job..then it may be better to find another


how well would you be off without the job ? I know many have said, you get paid for 8 hrs..so you just work the 8 hrs, personally i think having a job in this climate is a privilege ....


I work for myself and i receive phone calls even on a sunday...I have no problem with that as it results in work

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same here Jasper I get calls all day long and if sub contractors are ill or anything crops up I get the calls out of hours its part of the job. What we don't know is if its a couple of times a month or 5 times a night. If the former then just keep answering if the latter then it does need dealing with and probably the best way is simply turn your phone off.


As for Ditchman thats a true union supporting employees view. sorry ex employee what you have to remember is when you go to work for someone you have to actually earn the company money so you can be paid, most seem to forget that without profits you can't simply be paid. If that means helping out when there is an emergency out of hours so be it.

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