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O- and B- donors, do you weigh 20 stone ?

Full Pelt

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I'm B+ gave my 59th Whole Blood Donation 2 weeks ago. I give at the National Blood Transfusion centre at Addenbrooke's Universary Hospital, Cambridge. I go in my lunch hour when at work. Women can give every 16 weeks, men every 12 (as we can regenerate our iron levels quicker). I've just signed up to an Interval study to see the effects on the body by giving even more regularly. I've been selected to give every 8 weeks!

I'm also registered on the Bone Marrow National register.

Get signed up guys, you can make a difference !


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I'm O+


:) will definitely look into it. Although I am an absolute wuss with blood/needles, despite many piercings!


Just look the other way or close yours eyes when they put the needle in. I used to be scared of needles (dentist thing when they seamed to enjoy inflicting pain). Now have been stuck by that many needles it does bother me, even watch what they are upto.


Don't know if they still do it, if you were nervous or scared they used to use a numing spray so you did not feel the needle going in.

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I'd love to donate again :(


Having been off the pain killers for 3 months (not through choice!) I went to give some of my nice AB Negative and got turned down as I have IBS!!, what on earth does IBS have to do with blood?, nurse was very apologetic but as it was on the list no can do :(

Edited by phaedra1106
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I cannot imagine what you must have gone through, but what a brave thing to do. I salute you. :good:


Thats a very special and courageous gift Nabbers. My commiserations to you and your wife however long ago it may have been it must still be raw.

I hope that, faced with a similar situation, I would be as strong and selfless as you both were.

You have my utmost respect.

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I'm going to give some soon.


Am I being spectacularly thick here, but what has weighing 20 stone got to do with it?


You are not alone, I wondered that too!


Think the rules are you need to be heavier that 7 stone?

That's a child weight though isn't it? lol

I'm 14 stone something, so I pass that rule easily!

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I *used* to give blood until a little medical trouble stopped me. After reading this thread, perhaps I'll see if it's OK now. I also have a slight case of aichmophobia... :)


One thing that I'd like to point out is that if you are O-neg, then your blood is special and particularly sought after. (It ain't *rare*, just "special".)


So, if you don't donate and are O-neg, please consider becoming a donor.





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Started donating about 8 years ago whilst working for a company that actively pushed us to register and had the blood bus parked in the car park. Used to love donating on a Friday at 3.30pm and then straight out for a night out in Cardiff on the lash, cheap night I tell ya!!!!


A neg, which I believe is rare but not the rarest.

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I *used* to give blood until a little medical trouble stopped me. After reading this thread, perhaps I'll see if it's OK now. I also have a slight case of aichmophobia... :)


One thing that I'd like to point out is that if you are O-neg, then your blood is special and particularly sought after. (It ain't *rare*, just "special".)


So, if you don't donate and are O-neg, please consider becoming a donor.






Yes I believe O- is needed as it is universal & can be used in medical emergencies on any patient, before they find out the patients own type...

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  • 1 month later...

22nd January 2012 will be my 100th pint (0+)


It all started when I was 14 and bored at the end of the summer holidays,

My uncle worked as a haematologist at the local hospital He took me to the labs when He was called out.

I saw 3 large chest type fridges filled with blood and asked how many months does that last.

I was told the hospital was not a large surgical one and the blood was less than 3 days worth. Upon hearing that I asked if I could give blood that day but was told I had to be 18 years old guess what I did on my birthday.



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