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For the Walt hunters


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I was too young and later too old to be in any of the forces also short of lamp oil, but I know a few old WW2 veterans some Poles, they never gob off about their time in the services and any exploits they got up to.


The do however talk about the friendship and camaraderie they experienced, they talk about the hardships their families underwent, especially the Poles.


Only one guy I knew ran off at the mouth and he turned out to be a proper walt.

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I can't understand people who wear medals that they never earned. I would never wear my grandfathers or fathers medals, they earned them I didn't.


My auld fella wouldn't be one to spout of about his time in the army, you have to drag stories out of him sometimes.


He was however fond of saying that those that complain most about Walts are usually Hats :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I can't understand people who wear medals that they never earned. I would never wear my grandfathers or fathers medals, they earned them I didn't.


My auld fella wouldn't be one to spout of about his time in the army, you have to drag stories out of him sometimes.


He was however fond of saying that those that complain most about Walts are usually Hats :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


You are entitled to wear you Dads or Grandads medals,just wear them on the right hand side of your chest,everyone wearing medals will understand that you are wearing them to honour a loved one,you see a lot of men,and womenwearing their fathers and mothers medals with pride

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You are entitled to wear you Dads or Grandads medals,just wear them on the right hand side of your chest,everyone wearing medals will understand that you are wearing them to honour a loved one,you see a lot of men,and womenwearing their fathers and mothers medals with pride


I know what your saying, but I just wouldn't feel right doing it. I probably sound dead odd lol

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Pastiebap, get those medals on a decent coat or jacket and get out there.


As for the walters, I've been watching that site with a mixture of amusement for a while now. There is one chap on there called Jack Livesey, who is currently serving time I believe for obtaining by deception, who was a massive walt, claiming to be ex 2 PARA including Falklands service. As it happens, I've had dealings with him on a couple of occasions, and have heard his claims first hand. The really sad bit is that one of his claims when he was rumbled was that he was at a unit I was at during the same time period, so I had a small hand in his downfall.


The thing I really dont get is the lads who did a bit of TA service or similar but who feel the need to dress it up as more - you know the sort, the reservist lad who helped out loading the odd aircraft in the UK who is all of a sudden claiming to have been sniping insurgents and dodging fire in the combat zone.


Walters... excellent entertainment.

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You are entitled to wear you Dads or Grandads medals,just wear them on the right hand side of your chest,everyone wearing medals will understand that you are wearing them to honour a loved one,you see a lot of men,and womenwearing their fathers and mothers medals with pride



Well, you live and learn. I had no idea that was possible. I have my dad's and grandad's medals. Cheers.


(PS--I'm not a Walt!)

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You are entitled to wear you Dads or Grandads medals,just wear them on the right hand side of your chest,everyone wearing medals will understand that you are wearing them to honour a loved one,you see a lot of men,and womenwearing their fathers and mothers medals with pride


Really? Last time I wore my grandfathers knights cross with oak leaves to the centotaph I was nigh on beaten to death.

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Have a read of this,should explain a few things,



Jesus, there are some sad weirdos linked to on there! How tragic must your life be if you have to fabricate this stuff?


I've never served, my only military experience is a stint with the OTC at uni, but I rarely mention that to people in fear of being thought of as a Walt, I just can't understand how these people expect to be believed ???

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i work with a guy who fits this bill purfectly...last nights claim was he was tortured by Bosnian rebles for 18 days..rescued by the SAS and later joined the "regiment" himself...


its just never ending with him...it keeps spewing out.


i think i hate him.


Don't hate him, learn how to love him, and encourage him.

Because one day he will say something that you can prove that he is talking out of his *****,then you can confront him(best done in a crowd) and bathe in the heat that comes off his red face.

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Don't hate him, learn how to love him, and encourage him.

Because one day he will say something that you can prove that he is talking out of his *****,then you can confront him(best done in a crowd) and bathe in the heat that comes off his red face.



i cant even look at him when he starts...i have to walk away.

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Just remembered a tale from a mate of mine, authenticity questionable.


Back to WW2...........guy on the scene who I never met claimed to be a Bomber Squadron Leader ?? According to mate did not look any older than the rest of us, which puts hime well out of the picture for WW2.


OK says he I will prove it, i'll bring some photo's in showing the squadron.


Sure enough a few days later he turns up with a pic of a bomber and the flight and ground crew with the bomber in the background.


After some inspection someone said I can't see you there Walter.........Reply











Who do you think took the picture





The mind boggles????

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Been to a Remeberance Day parade out here in rural France this morning. One of the old guys told me that all over France their war heroes are remembered by little plaques outside their houses or the place where they fell. He proudly told me the locations of all four plaques.

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Been to a Remeberance Day parade out here in rural France this morning. One of the old guys told me that all over France their war heroes are remembered by little plaques outside their houses or the place where they fell. He proudly told me the locations of all four plaques.



Chuffing hell Clive. Its only a matter of time before the Kermits burn you out. :lol:

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