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Sgt Mark Andrews gets his job back.

Dirty Harry

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Did like the comments that police officers have to be whiter than white and should either be sacked or not allowed to join in the first place if they have any previous convictions. Find it a tad hypocritical when there are several threads on here about getting a SGC or FAC when you have previous convictions and what you should do to get one if you do. Should SGC and FAC holders not also be whiter than white as you are deamed to be trustworthy enough to hold one so should they not be allowed to have a SGC or FAC if they have any previous convictions.


I didn't like what I saw on the video but as said before I wasn't there and if full possession of all the facts so I don't know the full story but from what I did see it was not how I would have done it. It does look like he went OTT and I did wonder what the other officers were doing. When we get someone violent in the custody everyone mucks in to get the person into a cell with hopefully no injuries to them or the officers.


Just to put a spanner in the works up here in Scotland we were all Police FORCES until we became a Police SERVICE (more customer focused apparently what ever that means).

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Did like the comments that police officers have to be whiter than white and should either be sacked or not allowed to join in the first place if they have any previous convictions.



Its not hypocritical it goes with the territory, here is a little education as to why they need to be whiter than white, this is from the merseyside force website.


"You must be honest and have a high degree of integrity to be a Merseyside Police officer.


Officers with criminal associations or convictions may be vulnerable to pressure to disclose information. Convictions and cautions for certain offences can also undermine a police officer’s position as a witness in court. For these reasons, Merseyside Police need to be careful about recruiting people with cautions or convictions.


Criminal record checks are made on all applicants. If you have a conviction or caution for any Criminal offences this will mean instant disqualification. Any non criminal offences, binding over imposed by a court, and any involvement in a criminal investigation will be considered, on a discretionary basis only.


hope this helps



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Dirty Harry - if you are serving Policeman, I will plait sawdust. Your posts are nothing short of a disgrace. People who support you are one card short of a full deck.


Feel free to sue me and make your rather outrageous views known to your superiors.

Edited by Gordon R
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It means, stop trying to troll. Most of us have seen enough trolls to recognise one in action.


'Sonny', top end ironic humour is how I assume that was intended? Fail.

Just googled "troll" and can assure you it was not intended as " an inflammatory, messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional responseor of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion"

Also to me you are a sonny so show some respect please


Dirty Harry - if you are serving Policeman, I will plait sawdust. Your posts are nothing short of a disgrace. People who support you are one card short of a full deck.


Feel free to sue me and make your rather outrageous views known to your superiors.


Second that

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Indeed, if you are talking about thugs in uniforms you're there from the start.


We've got Dirty Harry throwing them into the shower block because he's got the uniform and we've got NJC dropping in the canisters because someone in a uniform told him to :lol:

then it's off for a nice retirement in Argentina :)

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Indeed, if you are talking about thugs in uniforms you're there from the start.


We've got Dirty Harry throwing them into the shower block because he's got the uniform and we've got NJC dropping in the canisters because someone in a uniform told him to :lol:


I just see the world a little differently I guess. We're not talking about something that is 100% certain to be wrong here and likening it to your reference is a tad excessive. What we have here in my opinion is a copper who is a bit on the heavy handed side. He's caused a problem in the public eye and now the force obviously want to cover their backside. It's easier to tar one guy and let him go than accept that sometimes these things happen and try to explain his actions.


I stand by my statement that if she had come in sensibly and made a formal complaint if she wasn't happy then she wouldn't have been chucked in a cell like that because she'd have been allowed to walk in by herself, quite possibly with no physical contact from the copper at all if it wasn't needed. On top of that if she wasn't so drunk she wouldn't have fallen over and hit her head when she was given a shove to get her into the place she was being told to go.


I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of this sawdust plaited love heart. I can vouch for H - I'm sure it was him who gave me a ticket for speeding on his patch a couple of months back!

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I'd give him the benefit of the doubt simply because he is doing a **** job, dealing with the scum of society and I really hate the trial by media that goes on these days. On the basis of a short cctv clip he was hung out to dry, it was the end of a fairly tedious process no doubt if she had been nicked, then gone through the failure to provide a breath sample. Then decided she wasn't going into the cells and at the point of being pushed in couldn't stand up or stop herself falling. In a way it got her off a DD charge and the important bit being because the force was so busy looking after its image and hanging their employee they let her off to do it again. Now had the second time killed your relative rather than been a minor accident then people would think differently. DH has a long standing history on here of being quite a normal human being and probably knows more than has been posted so its quite interesting to see the flack being given. Like a few I think had she not been completely trolleyed none of this would have happened, most normal people do what a policeman tell them to but you get a few that don't whether drug addicts or alcoholics like this woman they must be horrendous to deal with day in day out. Obviously you can't injure them in custody but you also can't treat them like normal people.

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well what do you expect when you say anyone that defends him is a thug. Not something i take lightly my dear old boy

edit to add. Respect is earnt not given freely

Good morning

At last, you have summed up the whole debate "Respect is earnt not given freely" who in there right mind can respect that person for what he did. He handled it incorrectly as his superiors said. If you support him and some of you have openly agree you would do the same, then yes I will call you thugs.

I know a bit about respect and so will you one day when you've got a few more "T shirts"

Would you have done the same thing as he did?

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Many of the comments on here remind me of the "Yo! Threat Neutralised!" pathetic walting that went on here with the Olympics BMX-suicide-kid debacle.


What is it that uniforms do to people? Must be PhDs on this somewhere....


We live in an age - like it or not - where your actions are available for public scrutiny like never before. If you haven't done anything shameful, then you've nothing to be ashamed of, have you?


Res ipsa loquitur. :yes:

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Many of the comments on here remind me of the "Yo! Threat Neutralised!" pathetic walting that went on here with the Olympics BMX-suicide-kid debacle.


What is it that uniforms do to people? Must be PhDs on this somewhere....


We live in an age - like it or not - where your actions are available for public scrutiny like never before. If you haven't done anything shameful, then you've nothing to be ashamed of, have you?


Res ipsa loquitur. :yes:



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