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Kent man arrested after picture of burning poppy posted on internet


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As the poppy is a symbol of respect and appreciation for all those soldiers who lost their lives not only during world war 1 but all the other conflicts in between and modern such as Afghanistan.


I ask the question; Would you be happy if somebody stood at the funeral of a family member and burned their flowers, cards etc?


I'm guessing that 99% of people would agree that this is a blatent show of disrespect and the individual/s would be dealt a swift blow so why the difference?


If anybody has the cheek to turn round and say this is not similar then I suggest you look around and see who is covering your back!

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Whilst it is offensive and unpalatable to burn a poppy it shouldn't be governed by the criminal law.


Its not a specific offence to burn a poppy, nor is it to call a mate in a pub a ******, but if you want to start calling people a ****** in a packed childrens playground expect to get arrested.



Think outside of the box.

Edited by kyska
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I find arresting somebody for expressing their stupid views extremely offensive to the people who died protecting our right to express such stupid views.


The idea that the state is to protect us from "offence" is disgusting.



This has already been explained to you, if it doesn't offend you, you wouldn't make a complaint, just because it doesn't offend YOU, that doesn't make it not offensive to others.


So much for your unbridled human freedoms rhetoric, as long as it doesn't affect YOU, you're happy, how ironic.

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Its not a specific offence to burn a poppy, nor is it to call a mate in a pub a ******, but if you want to start calling people a ****** in a packed childrens playground expect to get arrested.



Think outside of the box.


Ok, let me make it a little clearer. I know it is not a specific offence to burn a poppy, but outside of the law of arson(of course not relevant if the poppy belongs to you unless endangering life) I do not think that 'offence' caused by the burning of said poppy should be governed by the criminal law. I do not think it should constitute a public order offence, nor any form of incitement etc etc. It is insulting and disrespectful, but that should be the end of it.

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As mentioned earlier the chaps we remember gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy each an every day in this country. And as some of you may know I had an altercation with some stroker in London on last year's remembrance parade because of his disrespectful actions and this year I had the honour of marching to the Cenotaph in Southampton so my respect for the day, and disgust at this poppy burning is beyond doubt.


However, all that said the offending social networker was exercising his right to freedom of expression/speech that the fallen gave their lives to defend, however for his disrespect to the fallen and their families I would love to see him fall down (and maybe up?) the stairs at his local nick six times before being let off with a warning.

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OK. Shooting animals for sport OFFENDS hundreds of thousands, possibly millions....where do you stop?

Have to agree with this really.I can't help but think that a lot of these numpties do this sort of thing(burning poppies etc)for effect;they know it will offend and therefore the reaction their acts cause is exactly the effect they want.I can understand them being arrested for their own protection,but if they didn't have the guts to do it in public instead of over the internet,then that just about sums up the sort of person they are doesn't it? I believe that those who gave their lives in both world wars did so to preserve the freedoms of both speech and choice.I saw instances of people ridiculing others at the weekend for not wearing a poppy,whereas surely the hard-fought freedoms others gave their lives to secure means they have that freedom of choice to make.I know of an ex-servicemen who wont wear a poppy,and there was indeed a Falkland's veteran on the J.Vine show last week who refuses to wear one.

I think as a society we are growing less and less tolerant,and that we're on a long slippery slope.I am fearful that we are becoming the type of country I used to see on the news as a kid where protests of all kinds were brutally and viciously quashed.

In my opinion these people are complete idiots,and I would tell them so,but even idiots have the freedom of choice to be so.Am I offended?Totally indifferent to be honest.I bought 4 for my family and that's all that matters to me;the fact that neither my other half nor my kids wore theirs matters not a jot to me.

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should all those who offended the Koran be executed as the followers of the koran want ?


its just that i see them with a middle ages mentality....


if i were to go to Iran and started shouting anti slogans..without doubt i would end up hanged, stoned, beaten to death


Our Boys and girls died fighting so we would not have that way of life.....they fought to keep this country FREE...if we go down that road then we are no better than those hanging /beating war mongers



if they burn a poppy..do we loose respect for our war dead........no we don't in fact i would say the opposite

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I am offended by his disrespect, I am offended by his arrest (As it is also disrespect for the war dead). But non of this should matter as offense being a criminal act is pathetically stupid.


if they burn a poppy..do we loose respect for our war dead........no we don't in fact i would say the opposite


Exactly, The fact he was arrested is far more offensive than his actions. Him being FREE to be a complete **** would be respect for the war dead.

Edited by gazzthompson
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As the poppy is a symbol of respect and appreciation for all those soldiers who lost their lives not only during world war 1 but all the other conflicts in between and modern such as Afghanistan.


I ask the question; Would you be happy if somebody stood at the funeral of a family member and burned their flowers, cards etc?


I'm guessing that 99% of people would agree that this is a blatent show of disrespect and the individual/s would be dealt a swift blow so why the difference?


If anybody has the cheek to turn round and say this is not similar then I suggest you look around and see who is covering your back!


they may be due a smack in the mouth but not an arrest!

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"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"


The guy burning the poppy made a statment, whether genuine or just to troll who knows. The point is why let such an act even bother you? I think people are putting too much emphasis on the poppy to be honest.


As adults do we not have the cognitive ability to see this for what it is and just ignore it? Do we need to go running to teacher because our delicate sensibilities have been offended and we can't cope emotionally?



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they may be due a smack in the mouth but not an arrest!

Wasn't there some young lad jailed the other month for wearing a t-shirt with something about 'killing' coppers on it?At the time I couldn't help thinking that if enough people who'd seen it had said to him 'nice shirt son, you w****r!' chances are he would have been too embarrassed to wear it again.I'm with Vipa;a communal kick up the **** and public ridicule says so much more in my opinion.

Edited by Scully
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I think the offending public decency (streakers etc) is unnecessary but incitement to hatred, racial or any other form needs a closer look. Were we offended by those muslims who demonstrated when the war dead were brought home to Brize Nortom? Would we be offended if muslims burnt the english/british/scots flag ?

How do you restrain others from being total planks.


I also am offended by poppy burning and would wish some sanction against the person who did it, be they muslim, Cof E, catholic, green, lesbian - simply because it is intended as insulting and there is no need. Yes he should have been arrested and given a conditional discharge with repetition of the offence carrying a criminal record and a serious fine and community service. If that were the case maybe more people would realise that causing offence isnt trivial, as giving your life for your country is not trivial.

Poppies now have special status, iconic status and it does make a difference - at least to me,

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I'm glad he's been arrested. I wouldn't expect anything else. If you dont support this country and its traditions, war dead then they should be put on a plain and their British passport burnt. Bet they wouldn't like that. Save us a fortune on benefits to. Other country's would Hang people for things like this. We are just to soft and nanzy pansy in the uk. And the police have their hands tied by human rights etc etc etc.

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Hang on.... I'm ex-military and whilst I find this slightly distasteful and if I'm honest, more than a little stupid, there are those out there that find the whole idea of war abhorrent, they feel that honouring the dead glorifies war (which it does) and they feel the need to show thier feelings... if burning a poppy is how said plonker want's to get his point accross then let him do it... but it is his point, he is entitled to it and is perfectly within his rights to have that point and share it..


Those of us who feel otherwise should be big enough and grown up enough to just say... 'ok.. we feel differently but point taken!'


This is not in the same league as burning a Quaran.... and even then, should our justice system really be moved to act when someone wants to (peacefully) air thier views ??? absolutely not! as someone said earlier, the thought police will be along soon! this is one step too close to being told how to feel and how to act......


worthy of a slap, not worthy of the police.... Was talking to a copper the other day and he was telling me that he has to attend at least 2 calls a day where someone has called them because someone has called them names on facebook or other social media sites! what an absolute waste of police time and a complete overreaction from all quarters.....


Social media could well be the thing to bring our society to its knees... truly the work of the devil!

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