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The Sport of Gentlemen?


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I sell a few shoot days through various methods including this forum and every year it never ceases to disappoint me how many no shows and let downs I get.


I ask for a deposit against bookings but there are always the ones who drag it out until a few days before the booking when they either let me know their plans have changed if I'm lucky or alternatively just don't bother turning up and I don't hear from them again. I never used to ask for deposits at all but as usual its the few who **** it up for the many.


There are at least three names on this forum alone, but should I name and shame? Whats the point, people will no doubt give me the public abuse and hurriedly come up with a reason why I am somehow to blame.


Can we please remember that syndicate and commercial shoots alike rely on a full season of pegs being filled just to survive and lost revenue means failing shoots and less opportunities for everyone.


Whatever your budget or shooting discipline I was always taught that shooting was a sport for Gentlemen (and Women).

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Any genuine gun should be willing to pay a deposit - I would be.

I pay a deposit for stalking and my stalker has lost a lot of money through those who cant be bothered to turn up or ring, not to mention the early (4.00am) starts !

Make it a condition until you know the guys - it makes it worse for the rest of us in the end.

Half up front as a minimum, even a cheque gives a bit o added security.

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Guest cookoff013

2 years ago, i paid 100% deposit on a driven day. just to secure the pegs for that popular day. its a purchase agreement for a product.

i wouldnt hesitate to pay for it upfront. i was sent a reciept and documentation. it was paid by cheque so any disctepencys can be tracked.


certainly having a limit on when you must pay the minimum helps. its horrible chasing money from people. in some cases its like getting blood from a stone.,


OH they are willing to pay the minimum amount of deposit, then chasing the rest of the money is impossible. i`ve had my fingers burned, so i wont help out anyone else again.


money talks, nothing walks !

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This is answerable by the simple 'if it starts going wrong it will keep going wrong' law. (There must be a better name for it than that).


We're all familiar with he the scenario, someone is supposed to stump up goods, money, time or services and lo and behold they start prevaricating, then it's one excuse after another. As soon as this happens it will go teats-up, and you might as well cut that friend, customer, supplier whatever loose at the earliest opportunity.


A sporting agent I know takes 100% payment up front, they have a good name so it's not usually a problem. I was there the other day and they used to waste a disproportionate amount of time with people fannying about over payment, so nowadays it's pay up or no day booked for you.

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I'd name and shame

your providing a service, same as me with pest control that has more than one visit, I get payment in full before anything is done

its too easy for people to moan about the cost once all visits have been done, if they only pay a percentage

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My suggestion of half was the midway between a customer and keepers risk.

I pay for driven days when I get there - the keepers here know me and must be happy I'll get there and pay up as with most of us.

There are bad shoots out there who might take the cash and sell the day twice - although I have no experience of this personally.


Work with people you know and trust or ask for the full amount, as said 2/3 weeks prior and send confirmation/receipt.


I would personally suggest naming and shaming on here should be the norm - who needs shooters who are not as good as their word ? Eventually they would all get the message.

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I would suggest a payment of 50% upfront, adopting this method facilitates a financial commitment and adds more significance to attendance.


I would stress the balance must be paid x days before the commencement of the shoot. Failure to do so will see your peg go up for auction on a forum such as pigeon watch, taking bids on or above the outstanding fee.


In addition to the above, advertise the peg for the remaining balance on a first come first served basis. The keeper is paid in full for the peg, and somebody gets a very cheap rate for a days shooting at the expense of a fellow gun.


Just my input into the business side of things. Friendly shoots with know participants are likely not to take this approach.

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I just had this conversation the other day....


What we were thinking is a deposit and a time limit..say at least 2 weeks notice or you lose deposit.


At least then it gives you a chance to get other guns.


Wise move, but I'd be harder still.


Tell anyone wanting to join a shoot that their name will only be added to the peg list upon the receipt of a deposit of 25% of the shoot fee - then, unless the remaining 75% of the fee is received at least 3 weeks before the day of the shoot, they forfeit both their deposit and their day on the shoot.

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If I order a TV I dont pay on delivery. The full amount is paid before. Can't see why shooting shouldn't be the same. Gready people take pegs that others could have had and then pull out at the last minute. The shoot struggles to fill last ninute places and even if they get the money they are left a gun short.


Anyway one mans loss is anothers gain. I probably got that peg and had one of the best days of my life!


The days review is coming soon :D

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