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just come back from the gun shop, and the gun smith said that you cant shoot pigeons on stubble any more, is this right , iv not heard of this new law.have you.



What would be your reason for shooting the pigeons , if they are just eating the dropped seeds after the harvest :drinks:?:good:

As long as you have good reason to do so there's nothing wrong about it . Just prove you have a good reason to do so before you next go out .

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One of many "grey areas" concerning the General Licence.


I will shoot on stubbles, until someone is prosecuted for doing so and the Police firmly enforce the tested law.

Its no different than shooting over set-a-side, roost shooting. sitting under flight lines, shooting pigeons when walking round woods etc.

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If you think about it, shooting pigeon over a crop (not a stubble after harvest) you only really stop them feeding there while you are there. If you hit them hard they will be wary and move away, but they will probably be there the next day if you (or someone else) isn't.


So, thinking about it you shoot pigeon to thin the population and try and warn them off, if you have less pigeon and they got hit hard then you are protecting crops. If one of the fields happens to be stubble then you shoot there, pulling the birds off the un-harvested crops therefore protecting them.


The general licence is specific about what you can't and can't do, the question you have to ask your self is "would I be happy with my reasons if challenged?". Nowhere in the general licence does it say "sport".

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You sure the gunshop wasn't being burgled at the time by some antis and you inadvertently interrupted the robbery?


Next time you are down there, pick up some humus and get a leaflet on the yoga classes they are running.


you can only shoot pigeons to protect crops.

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You sure the gunshop wasn't being burgled at the time by some antis and you inadvertently interrupted the robbery?


Next time you are down there, pick up some humus and get a leaflet on the yoga classes they are running.


you can only shoot pigeons to protect crops.


*********, what does that mean. You are taking things too literally.

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I will continue to shoot on on stubble and for that matter land that is mine until I get a jail sentence. If I get released for good behaviour I would then go back and do exactly the same.


This is England not some pissy foriegn land.


Only playing devils advocate mate, don't shoot the messenger :drinks:

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you can only shoot pigeons to protect crops.


There is no argument to that statement.

The reality is, that its a very difficult statement to be specific about.


If the pigeon is flying towards a field of crops, can you shoot it ?

If its sitting in the field of crops, but has not eaten, or damaged any, can you shoot it ?

If its sitting in trees surrounding a field of crops, can you shoot it ?


It is a ridiculous situation to try to enforce and so the Authorities don't.

Until some idiot starts shooting wood pigeons in their garden, in the middle of a housing estate in Hackney.

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dont go picking on me i was only told this,i will still go on shooting pigeons in the fields think someone got hold of the wrong end of the stick here. wait for it.


I will continue to shoot on on stubble and for that matter land that is mine until I get a jail sentence. If I get released for good behaviour I would then go back and do exactly the same.


This is England not some pissy foriegn land.

this is a nanny state.


Only playing devils advocate mate, don't shoot the messenger :drinks:

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There was a similar test case in court a few years ago.


A guy was prosecuted for shooting starlings in his back garden, this was when they were on the general liscense. He was baiting them onto his lawn with bread before shooting them with his air rifle. He was found guilty.


Can you see the similarities between this and shooting woodpigeon which you have decoyed onto a stubble field or setaside field?


I hope it never does go to a test case in court but I for one would be not 100% certain of a positive outcome.

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There was a similar test case in court a few years ago.


He was baiting them onto his lawn


Can you see the similarities between this and shooting woodpigeon which you have decoyed onto a stubble field or setaside field?


Frankly no I can`t unless you are baiting a field with cereal etc.


I can`t wait for the first case!

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There was a similar test case in court a few years ago.


He was baiting them onto his lawn


Can you see the similarities between this and shooting woodpigeon which you have decoyed onto a stubble field or setaside field?


Frankly no I can`t unless you are baiting a field with cereal etc.


I can`t wait for the first case!




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i was confronted last year whilst shooting over stubble.this bloke in his late 40~s said his bit wich i listend to untill 3 pigeons came right in BANG BANG hit one,.i just looked at him and told him to **** of because he was tresspassing.

i have zero time for do gooders,and my farmer has told me right from my very first time on his 2000 acres if i am confronted by any antis,do gooders,etc i must escort them of or call plod. :drinks:

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