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Considering the big "im packing in!"


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So, a few months back i had a brief moment where i thought "i cant be ***** any more!" , but i managed to shake it off as a seasonal issue. With one thing and another, im loosing the motivation to get out and do a bit. Ive all the gear, and i mean all of it, so i could make a few bob if i sold up. Im not sure if i should give the heave ho, and have done. Ive about 1200 acres to play with, but seem to be having an issue to get myself out there. Am i going soft, or is it something i need to, once again, shake off?

Any ideas?

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I'm the same, it all seems too much trouble - too cold to go foxing, not worth rabbiting, keen to try a bit of roost shooting but have to wait till the end of season.

You, like me, need a mate to contribute half the effort of enthusiasm.

Its true though,the reasons to be out all night, all weathers after anything, seem weaker these days.


Unless you have a friend and enjoy their company and begin to share their enthusiasm.

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i think you know when it's time to hang up your wellies,my Dad was the most dedicated shooter i know, out in all weathers,no where was to hard to get to.But he had a season where he couldn't get out,then he slowly went out less and less,until he told me enough was enough and he gave up totally,10 years later he now doesn't even eat game,he said the taste has lost it's appeal.

He is in his mid 70's now and loves to hear about my days out shooting and how the dog did,and is still full of advice,usually along the lines of you missed because you are a **** shot,so i suppose there is a point in everyone's life when the cold mornings lose their appeal.


If it stops being fun,then that's the time to stop and enjoy the memory's of good days out in the field.



Or you could take up knitting or crochet :whistling:

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Some of us because of health issues are not as active as we would like when you have an enforced lay off its dreadful I nearly got out this morning but by the time the Landrover came to pick me up I was coughing and breathless so I had to stand down at least the terrier got a run out. I would advise you to keep at it you never know when you wo'nt be able to get out :good:

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If you don't enjoy it don't do it. No macho rubbish, do what you enjoy. I gave up shooting completely after the handgun ban, but years later I got the taste back and applied for SGC and FAC again. I shot vermin for a while and enjoyed it, now I've joined a club and shoot at paper as well.


A change is good sometimes, try something different or have a break. Above all, enjoy yourself.

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have chrimbo off .kickback eat too much ,drink too much watch **** films then ave a look round in jan.leave the gun at home ,take the dog walk your permission n see how u feel .if u target anything u still got it .if not know its time off but youl regret giving up i did ten years off thanks to a very ex wife atb clakk

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i was the same ..lost my permission cos other shooters left carts behind on the deck where horses were grazing,,45 yrs my family have shot over this land,john and andrea had to sit me down in thier kitchen and say all shooting had to stop,andrea was worried about the horses injesting the empty carts..............i have been a family friend since i was 4 yrs old and am now 56......andrea was in tears and inconsolable having to tell me there would be no more shooting ........mm if you fancy a shoot on your permission i would love to come out with you...dont give it up....i had no choice.....pm me ..i will get you back on track.....i am 45 mins away down the 62



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i was the same ..lost my permission cos other shooters left carts behind on the deck where horses were grazing,,45 yrs my family have shot over this land,john and andrea had to sit me down in thier kitchen and say all shooting had to stop,andrea was worried about the horses injesting the empty carts..............i have been a family friend since i was 4 yrs old and am now 56......andrea was in tears and inconsolable having to tell me there would be no more shooting ........mm if you fancy a shoot on your permission i would love to come out with you...dont give it up....i had no choice.....pm me ..i will get you back on track.....i am 45 mins away down the 62




souds like me evo and you should have a day out



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So, a few months back i had a brief moment where i thought "i cant be ***** any more!" , but i managed to shake it off as a seasonal issue. With one thing and another, im loosing the motivation to get out and do a bit. Ive all the gear, and i mean all of it, so i could make a few bob if i sold up. Im not sure if i should give the heave ho, and have done. Ive about 1200 acres to play with, but seem to be having an issue to get myself out there. Am i going soft, or is it something i need to, once again, shake off?

Any ideas?


It's not been the best year for our sport mate I would hang five chill, there is no reason you carnt have few month off and decide properly.

enjoy your Christmas and see what's what later on next year. :)


All the best.

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If you pack up your not getting an invite to the next meet up...man up you'll be a vegetarian next... Leave the shooting for a bit and get the rods out and then when you cannot catch anything you'll jump back to shooting where you cannot shoot anything either....

On a more serious note I have thought this several times over my shooting career particularly with the club but missed it like hell when I didn't do it and actually gave my fac back for two years and it was the biggest pain in the thingy having to re apply.

Think long and hard mate

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How about doing a little bit of Beating. You get to see it all.from another perspective. A good bunch of lads n lasses, a good laugh and in a lot of cases a few quud for.your effort and a brace of fresh birds :yes:


I would seriously advocate keeping hold of your gear for now :yes: I quit once and took a lot of time to build up the stuff again.


There are so many other activities to try, relating to Shooting, that perhaps you need to look into :yes:


Beating, Rearing, Pen building, Cutting back, Cover crop planting, Even planning the days drives :yes:


If you have a dog, you could try flushing!


Don't give in Fella!!!!!!


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