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problem with next door


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I am lucky enough to have premision to shoot over a 20 acre lake which has ALOT of geese and ducks on it, I flight it about twice a month and don't shoot rediculous bags. Recently Ive heard that the shoot next door have been pushing the birds and basicaly using the lake as a drive. They dont have permision to do this and I was wondering what I can do? Ill happily name and shame the shoot and the people involved if it helps stop it. Any ideas?



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Either send a letter to the shoot or be there when it happens and explain its trespass and poaching as they dont have permission


If they get funny then get a letter off your guy explaining they dont have the right to drive birds off his land,


Or you draft the letter, then send it to him for signing.


If you mention getting the police involved to the offenders then that might be enough


No matter which way you go, it has to stop.



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Get a few mates to push their birds over to you and shoot them. What's good for one is good for another.


Edit... If they're not shooting from your land then it's not poaching as far as I'm aware. Wild animals belong to the land owner of where they're shot, not where they take off from.

Edited by njc110381
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Get a few mates to push their birds over to you and shoot them. What's good for one is good for another.


Edit... If they're not shooting from your land then it's not poaching as far as I'm aware. Wild animals belong to the land owner of where they're shot, not where they take off from.


I stand corrected sir



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the people doing the pushing are trespassing though


That is true. I should probably add that just because it's what I'd do, it may not be a good idea! In fact if it's my idea it most likely isn't the best plan!


Trail cams are a great idea. And talking to the shoot captain. Hopefully it'll be an easy fix but if it's not perhaps stick a few pheasant feeders on your ground as a hint of your intentions!

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A passive approach is the best first step, find out from your landowner what his take is on it, he may or may not give a toss. It someone is coming in and driving the ducks and they are not allowed to they are breaking the law. Sometimes,especially if the landowner does not shoot or is a mate of the shoot owner next door he will not be bothered by all the fuss and all you can do is shoot as many of the ducks you can for yourself when you can. It may be worth having a chat with the shoot next door if you think you can carry enough political weight on the subject. Sometimes you can put alot of work into something, getting it just right for yourself and someone just comes in and helps themselves, if they are doing it legally you will just have to put it down as one of those things. I've been there and its a nightmare but sometimes its just the way it is.

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If I were in that situation, I'd be inclined to be on my patch with a video camera in my hands on shoot days & not only film what went on but also make a point of getting full face film of those involved.


Then I'd tell the culprits what I've done and if there was a repetition, I'd take the film to the police and discuss what prosecutions could be brought against them....... Even most of the beaters will be shotgun certificate holders and I'm sure most at least will be inclined to steer clear of any potential trouble.


Mind you, the threat of a few feeders on your land or feeding the lake and and an occasional drive/flight for your mates might also make them look at things in a different light. LOL.

Edited by shakari
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Funny things shoots. Firstly is it a commercial next door or a DIY syndicate ?


I would say if its commercial then the best route would be a letter to the Head Keeper / Estate Manager by registered post pointing out that what HIS beaters are doing is illegal and he must desist with immediate effect. Keep copies etc. If that doesnt work then it a complaint filed with the police


If its a DIY shoot, a word in the ear of the shoot captain letting him know that he either knocks off driving the ducks off the ponds or you will be upping your attendance at your pond with large groups of friends and you will go out of your way to be a pain in his *** ! He wont want to have his whole shoot knackered for the sake of a few ducks.


We have some very awkward neighbours on my shoot and the best policy is if you can all rub along together. When it starts getting legal its a whole different nightmare, believe me.


Hope it works out in the end

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Speak to the shoot captain, tell him to crack on in exchange for a gun or a day for you and your mates! or tell him to stop! Either way just speak to the who evers in charge, I wouldn't bother with all the cameras etc just yet, and having a go at any beaters is probably barking up the wrong tree they have proabably been told that they have permission! realisticly this is probably a misunderstanding, like, they spoke to someone for permission and got the wrong bit of land or had a long standing arrangement with a previous land owner etc. At least thats what you are best to assume rather than being all confrontational when you speak to the shoot captian! It's easy to escalte a situtation, but calming it down can take alot!

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i personally wouldn't start with video cameras and formal letters just yet, i would go around and talk to the shoot captain / land owner. it may a simple misunderstanding or 'cheeky error' that could be stopped without any bad blood. if this fails, then get busy with the video camera and formal letters :good:

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Unfortunatley there are some Keepers "commercial AND diy" who seem to think the odd transgression is OK!


When I beat in Northumberland there was a certain drive where the neighbouring shoot would send their dogs into OUR wood to flush out our birds! When challanged they snearingly remarked "It's the dogs instinct to flush"


When WE flushed the wood they would stand in the field behind, lined out and pick off the birds going back!


The place I beat now is similar! There are 2 shoots back to back on the same wood! We have the wood and the neighbouring shoot have the field. They line out along the wood boundary and their beaters flush a small wood.to one side! When they start their salvo OUR birds lift and.end up going OVER their guns!


You really need to try and just get on with the Neighbours!


Personally I would tell them it's fine "with the land owners permission of course" to shoot two days a month with a limit on the bag, in return for Vermin shooting all year on THEIR land and a few walked up days at the back end of the season!

Edited by Lord Geordie
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two things i can add that if some if you your land that's trespass second thing if there shooting game/pheasants partridge and likes of that im 100% they be shooing lead and that's a crime in it self to shoot lead at wildfowl /duck/geese unless your in Scotland. I find out who ever in charge and say if it continues you will have no other choice to contact the police firearms department BASC and RSPB for shooing wildfowl with lead and the trespassing part to.

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Unfortunatley there are some Keepers "commercial AND diy" who seem to think the odd transgression is OK!


When I beat in Northumberland there was a certain drive where the neighbouring shoot would send their dogs into OUR wood to flush out our birds! When challanged they snearingly remarked "It's the dogs instinct to flush"


When WE flushed the wood they would stand in the field behind, lined out and pick off the birds going back!


The place I beat now is similar! There are 2 shoots back to back on the same wood! We have the wood and the neighbouring shoot have the field. They line out along the wood boundary and their beaters flush a small wood.to one side! When they start their salvo OUR birds lift and.end up going OVER their guns!


You really need to try and just get on with the Neighbours!


Personally I would tell them it's fine "with the land owners permission of course" to shoot two days a month with a limit on the bag, in return for Vermin shooting all year on THEIR land and a few walked up days at the back end of the season!


good idea get a deal cut i would!

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