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is it the gun or the cartridges?


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I am now on my second brand new benelli super vinci in 2 months as i had problems with the first one misfireing, jamming, and the camo rubbing off (i did 20 odd flights with it and quite a few clays). That gun went back and i got my replacement gun last week. So far ive done 3 flights with it and put 20 cartridges through it. All gamebore mammoth 42g 3 1/2in steel's or remmington sportsman 42g 3 1/2in steels.

Whilst out thismorning i swung the gun for what would of been the best chance ive had all season at some wigeon that came straight into the deeks, and click. Another misfire!

Im sure its not the cartridges as ive never had a problem with them before, exept from in the other super vinci that went back to gmk. But just so that i can make sure, id like to hear if anyone else or any members on here have had similar experiences with the cartridges mentioned or the gun itself, before i go and complain for a second time to my local gunshop.

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I have shot the same cartridges through my maxus with no problems. In fact i cant think of ever having a stoppage that wasnt my fault.. Dont know much about the benelli but maby they dont get on with 3.5's, to be honest as above you dont need 3.5, especially when decoying, i like to have something to eat when i hit one!!

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Does the Super Vinci suffer from the same potential problem as afflicts other Benellis and is known to the unwary as "The Benelli Click"?


It occurs when the breach bolt is either incorrectly closed or becomes dislodged from the closed position by being slightly jarred.


This results in the striker hitting thin air since it is not in contact with the cartridges percussion cap.


There are a number of causes of this, one of which is loading a Benelli incorrectly. You need to read the operators manual since the recommended loading sequence is different from other auto`s. It is designed such that the last thing one does when loading is to allow the bolt to strike home and lock in the closed position.


Beware of jarring the butt which may result in the bolt opening slightly. Take a long hard look at the bolt in the fully closed position and learn to recognise visually if it has moved. If it has, either push it forward or draw it back slightly and allow it to slam shut.


Never treat the bolt of a Benelli gently. It needs to close with some force to ensure a correct lock up.


You might want to consider thoroughly degreasing a new Benelli, especially inside the inertia bolt, the bolt slides and any return springs.


I shoot an SBE 2 which I`m quite happy with. Being aware of this potential problem I handle and load the gun accordingly and have never had the Benelli Click happen to me. Not knowing about it might be part of your problem.


Incidentally, I use heavy 3.5 steel homeloads through my SBE2. I doubt very much if these or any other cartridges are the cause of the problem.

Edited by mudpatten
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thanks for the replies. i wasnt aware of the benelli click problem. i will in future ensure that the bolt is released and driven home properly and that i dont knock the bolt.

i shoot the 3.5 mammoth 3's in steel because they kill clean and humanely and are just the ticket for geese and duck. thats my opinion. if i was just expecting wigeon and teal, id use 36g 4 or 5 shot depending on the circumstances. but please, i didnt want to start a cartridge/shot size debate thanks.

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never had misfires w the mammothsbut plenty with the remi's....as far as the gun goes,remi versa max all the way you wont want any uva auto after you tried this one..superb.. :good: :good: :good:


Cant go wrong with that! Had mine out tonight on another flight for pinks and put about 25 50g mammoths through it and not even a hint of a jam!


Fore end coming loose is a pain in the **** though.

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I all ways allow my sx3 bolt to slam home, when I first bought it it suffered from has been descriebed as the benelli click, never had a problem since.


Cant go wrong with that! Had mine out tonight on another flight for pinks and put about 25 50g mammoths through it and not even a hint of a jam!


Fore end coming loose is a pain in the **** though.


I never new you could get a mommoth 50g load.

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thanks for the replies. i wasnt aware of the benelli click problem. i will in future ensure that the bolt is released and driven home properly and that i dont knock the bolt.

i shoot the 3.5 mammoth 3's in steel because they kill clean and humanely and are just the ticket for geese and duck. thats my opinion. if i was just expecting wigeon and teal, id use 36g 4 or 5 shot depending on the circumstances. but please, i didnt want to start a cartridge/shot size debate thanks.

I agree. Not sure why you're getting a hard time for using a 40/42 gram shell on duck. They kill well, and it's not as if you're going to blow a duck to pieces (unless shooting at 10 yards).

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I use 3.5in mammoths on mallard like to ensure good clean kill or a clean miss not had any wounded which is the last thing you want , my pal had a Vinci and he had same problem with the click swung onto what Might have been his first ever drake pintail and CLICK! Luckily my maxus with 3.5 inch of #3 was up to job! I don't like Bennelis it's a common problem in a variety I there semis

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Sounds as though it could well possibly be a gun problem. The chances of having a bad batch of cartridges is rare, but does happen.

Personally I`d take the gun back just for a second opinion. If the problem still happens, ask for your money back and buy something else. Having a faulty gun isn`t ideal and plays havoc with your confidence.

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you have to make sure the bolt twist locks into place. it is the think that put me off buying, I went for gas operated instead. I have had a few friends guns on the bench now with this problem. make sure the key ways on the bolt face are clean from muck and unburnt powder and do not over load with oil when cleaning. less is more in this case.

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Had my Super Vinci for a year now. Never had any real problem with miss-feeding or miss-firing (I have had the occasional miss-feed). It's been used for everything from clays to Geese and it gets cleaned when I feel inclined to spend a bit of time on it.


But I would agree the finish (black) on the gun is very poor.

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well, i went for a flight this evening and had 4 misfires, using gamebore and lyavale 3in 36g 3's and 4's. i made specifically sure that the bolt was slammed home every time i reloaded the gun and the misfires were infrequent as to when they happened: one was the first shot, 2 was on the second shots and one was on the third shot! i still managed to nail 5 teal, 1 wigeon and a mallard though!

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