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"is" or "are"


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EDIT: to say that I should have paid better attention at my private school! :lol: :lol: :lol:



Fun with grammar always reminds me of my first job in freight. We had a French student there who was a bit of a div. One day he asked my then manager the difference between "Zis" and "Zat". (this and that)


My manager told him that English has masculine and feminine words just like French and that "zis" was male and "zat" was female. After six months of my manager extracting the weewee out of him, I swear that he went back to France with worse English than when he arrived :lol:

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EDIT: I stand corrected, it is more that just singular or plural. I still like my norkage analogy below though!




If you thought of the "is" and "are" in the context of a large pair of boobs you can't go wrong.


"Do you know the girl with the massive rack on reception? Her norks ARE lovely".

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1. The majority of Directors is/are available...


2. ...that a solid couple of hours is/are required.



According to this it should both be IS!! How strange!








Rule 13

Use a singular verb with sums of money or periods of time.


Ten dollars is a high price to pay.

Five years is the maximum sentence for that offense.



Rule 15


Collective nouns such as team and staff may be either singular or plural depending on their use in the sentence.


The staff is in a meeting.

Staff is acting as a unit here.

The staff are in disagreement about the findings.

The staff are acting as separate individuals in this example.

The sentence would read even better as:

The staff members are in disagreement about the findings.

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