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Lifes bullsed up and now had my licence revoked

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I have some respect for you.


You have come on here knowing full well your going to get ripped to shreds!!


And you have took it!!


And you have had the balls to accept what you have done is wrong and you have learnt from it!!


And accepting you are wrong and have done wrong and learning from it says a lot as well


A lot would still be pleading innocence.


But you haven't.


We have all messed up in our life and that is everyone in one way or another. But how many will admit to it!!


Well you have


Fair play


Take your punishment and spend this time wisely go collage find a career that is local to you and you don't need a car for and work at that!


What I would do to get a local job or be able to work from home save me a fortune


But you are lucky you are young and not got a mortgage ect as you would probably be loosening that now.


You have had one big lesson in life!!!! Make use of it and bring some thing positive out of it!!


I think you loosing your licence is a mixture between your age and dangerous driving if this had been a 40 -50 year old they might of got away with there licence I don't know but I don't think your age has helped in one respect.

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well today I was driving to a meeting, turned off a roundabout and came face to face with a driver on my side of the road who was in the middle of overtaking a horse.


people do these things.

its not quite the same tho is it mate, if the driver overtaking the horse was seen by the police would he of been banned and put on a tag? No I didn't think so either, there for the op must of been doing something much more dangerous
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Hard lines Pest Expert, but try not to pay too much attetion to the perfect population of Pigeon Watch, we have all made mistakes (even those who say they dont!) Do your bad, learn from it and then put back in for your ticket, I lost mine once, the time passes quicker than you expect it to and you can carry on shooting, get a mate to put your gun on his ticket and wait your time.


But just make sure you learn from it.......

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Most have done worse and got away with it. Im not the cleanest person around here and yes I have made a few mistakes and paid for them. you may be looking at the revoke in the wrong light. you got a ban, fine and a tag. you lost your transport, job and freedom, life, at the moment is feeling real ****. not saying you would or anything but how would the police look in the public eyes if they didn't take you firearms and in a few months time one tries to do something stupid. not saying your this type or every would, what im saying is it might be a butt covering exercise by the police. that's my take on it.

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to the op .


you messed up big time and got caught fella , you know that you were racing just the same as i do and everyone else does , you were just inexperienced at driving and unlucky enough to get caught and the police just took a big bite out of your ***** , it wont feel like it now but in a few years youll realise just how stupid it was and why theyve punished you so harshly (youll realise as soon as your first child is born, i did).

weve all been there and done it , some get caught , some dont , it could have been a lot worse so you just need to grit your teeth and get on with it ,

life is a massive learning curve (especially at your age) , youve been punished to teach you a lesson(i bet you wont do it again?).

this will seem like the end of the world to you at the moment but in the grand scheme of things its nothing , give it a couple of years and youll get your sgc back and your car insurance will come back down to a level that will still cripple you financially and it will all just be a distant memory.

im not sure if posting on here was a brave thing to do or stupid but youve done it so fair play to you .

when youre working and driving again and one of your mates wants to race , let him have a race by himself and it will save you from feeling as carp as you do right now.



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Sonny we have all done silly things of all sorts of degrees when we were 19 ! myself included ! also including some who are not so young such as Chief constables , Barristers ,Judges , MP,s ect ect ect ! & they should know better ! .

Now you are a silly sod ! as you & we all know & yes the out come could have been far worse had you had killed some one & remember the road often looks clear until its to late !!! .

If you want to fight the decision I think you will have to appeal or at least you will have to engage a Solicitor or perhaps see BASC or one of the other organizations & I hope they will be able to advise you but the law is a strange animal if you don't under stand it & like the old Guiness add says " Not every thing is in Black & White ! "

Good luck sonny & make sure you learn by the errors of your ways .


Lets us all know how you get on ?

Pole Star

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If your being honest with the facts I think that's a ridiculous level of punishment!



Edit: I'm not saying what you did was acceptable but it seems pretty harsh.


I fully agree with above.Stupid behaviour I would say but very harsh penalty

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Still not sure we have the full script. Speed was said to be 42mph, which made it sound like he had been clocked by mobile Police. Later - speed is said to be 40mph.


When you suddenly find yourself on the wrong side of the road, during a very risky overtake - you have run out of road in which to return to the correct side - you have the presence of mind to check for other vehicles (but not pedestrians) and coolly take the time to check your speed - 42mph - quite precise, but can't find the time to brake. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


"I no how fast i was going by checking the speedo.." There was allegedly no other traffic, but no comment about pedestrians. Someone could have been killed. After all he didn't take any notice of a Police Officer stood at the side of the road.


No response to the request for the offence code. No comment on whether this was trial or a guilty plea.


Blaser F3 - Mike summed it up. It shouldn't have been posted on a public forum. As others have pointed out, we have probably all done stupid things, but not everyone posts in public saying they were hard done to in losing a shotgun certificate. Not guaranteed to get sympathy off fellow shooters and none whatsoever from the anti-gun lobby.


If it was a genuine one off, I hope the OP's life isn't ruined. If it wasn't a one-off, I have no sympathy whatsoever.

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The lad has made a mistake, posted the details here and asked a question thats all. Sure he's been silly and he's paying the price, agreed it might not be the best thing to put on an open forum but at 19 he isn't going to be blessed with as much wisdom of a some us with a few more years behind us is he? There might be more to the story or there might not, but does it really matter? He's accepted he made a mistake, he's paying the price, he hasn't asked for sympathy, he's just gutted at losing his cert. What he needs is guidance and advice not people inflating their egos by having a snipe. Honestly, the speed at which some of you judgemental old ******** turn on him is a bloody disgrace.


Anyway the lad has probably had enough for today and so have I, so close the bloody thread and move on..

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Yes as said MartynGT4 he is only 19 & the whiter than white types who have been older enough to be his farther have been nicked for much worse things ! . This young man knows he has made a balls of things & seems to me to be genuinely sorry & if that is so I hope he will get his SGC back but its not going to happen over night now!.

But I think unless he many thousands in the bank to pay for an appeal its going to be the long long haul sadly for him & I hope there is a solicitor on PW who could PM him on where he stands regarding this matter .


And you take it from me the Law is some times wired & unjust as I have found out , wish I could tell PW more but its still hush hush for the mo ! . Pole Star

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Mate... I sympathise, sort of... but look on the brightside...


When my son's best mate decided to overtake him in a very similar situation, he lost control of the vehicle and wrapped it round a tree... he then decided to die whilst my distraught son was trying to get to him in the wreck... when the police arrived, my son was arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and went through months of hell expecting to be charged and to go to prison (this even though there were 3 passengers in his car who stated he was driving perfectly sensibly and was not even speeding.... with no other witnesses, they just assumed they were racing! it was his mate who had a temporary moment of stupidity.... that cost him his life!) To put icing on the cake, my son then had to stand up and be cross examined at the inquest and relive the whole thing... He has changed since then... he is not the same person he was... something has been ripped out of him (and probably the other girls who were with him) that he/they will NEVER get back..


His best mate lost his life, my son and 3 others had their lives changed for ever, his mum and dad split up as they couldn't cope and now have to look at photos on his birthdays rather than their son....


All this... for a moment of stupidity...


Ya know what.... I've changed my mind, I don't have any sympathy for you at all and quite frankly you deserve all that has been dumped on you... what you did was a deliberate act and maybe more tragedies could be avoided if idiots like you just thought about things before they acted... being sorry after the event is ABSOLUTELY not enough... just think it lucky that someone didn't die and that you didn't ruin a large number of peoples lives in the process..


There... I've got that off MY chest!

Vipa , I don't know you , you don't know me but , how long ago this happened , I don't know, it must have been hard on your family and your sons friends family , life plays a hard card sometimes :( hope is all well with him :)
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I've done stupid things, I'll bet my lads have too, there's no undoing it now, so take your medicine and get on with your life. Find a job first, demonstrate that you have learned a lesson, and apply for your licence again in a few years time.


You're young, you have plenty of time to shoot, get on with your life and make the best you can of it.

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You are a 19 year old irresponsible twit, and irresponsible twits should not have access to guns.


There have been too many twits allowed to keep guns after clearly proving they were twits.

I was a twit at that age too, and for a fair time afterwards with a bit more under the belt than you admit to.


There will hopefully come a time when you cease to be a twit and become a responsible member of the community. That is when you might be able to provide references that you have been a responsible chap for a good few years.


Move on with your life - there are other things to play with - like girls etc. :lol:

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Sure, we've all make mistakes when we were young, and i'd bet most of us are guilty of having broke the speed limit at some stage, but i doubt many will be guilty of doing something Dangerous and Reckless while holding a SGC.

As hard as it is Pest Control Expert, you have proven that at this stage in your life, you are not responsible enough to hold a SGC, even more so by posting on here that it's unfair.

Do you not realise the enormity of what you did? do you accept by overtaking your friend in a 30mph limit, without being able to see or judge what was ahead (i'm presuming you couldn't see/judge because you couldn't make it back before the lights) that you could of Killed someone?

You think your life is ******, image how many peoples lives would of been REALLY ****** if you had hit someone.

Take your punishment, ACCEPT your crime and move on, your young, you have your whole life in front of you, enjoy it.


Oh, just a Question, why WERE you overtaking your mate in a 30mph zone? :whistling:

Yep, i was young once too. :innocent:

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You are a 19 year old irresponsible twit, and irresponsible twits should not have access to guns.


There have been too many twits allowed to keep guns after clearly proving they were twits.

I was a twit at that age too, and for a fair time afterwards with a bit more under the belt than you admit to.


There will hopefully come a time when you cease to be a twit and become a responsible member of the community. That is when you might be able to provide references that you have been a responsible chap for a good few years.


Move on with your life - there are other things to play with - like girls etc. :lol:


Spot on! :good:

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Did you know that the part of the brain responsible for evaluating risk and processing consequence doesn't fully develop until the early 20s... This is probably the main reason why young folk (mainly men) take stupid risks and do stupid things...


I am a firm believer that the minimum age to hold a driving licence should be raised to 21 for this very reason... Road deaths and accidents would be reduced, there would be an environmental benefit due to a reduced number of cars on the road, the insurance premiums for the rest of us would fall dramatically and it would stop hundreds of kids with dangerously modified and quite often uninsured cars hanging round in morrisons car parks thinking they are in F&F Tokyo Drift!


And yes... I was young once and did my fair share of silly things but not once did I ever put anyone's life in danger!

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Vipa , I don't know you , you don't know me but , how long ago this happened , I don't know, it must have been hard on your family and your sons friends family , life plays a hard card sometimes :( hope is all well with him :)


Thanks willpoon


It was 3 years ago, my son is fine but is not the same person he was, something deeply emotional changed his personality.. Having never tried to get my dying best friend out of a car wreck I can only imagine the effect that must have on ones psyche, particularly when you are then accused of killing him...


Haven't seen His mate's dad since the inquest, his mum couldn't even bring herself to attend but I guess that pain won't ever go away!!


It always makes me laugh... It seems that because we were all young once and probably did silly things, that makes it ok for kids to do silly things... Kids and stupid acts I don't have an issue with... Kids doing stupid things with and in control of a lethal weapon I do... But plenty of people seem to just brush it off as if its just part of growing up.... Erm..... No.... It really isn't!

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