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A day on the pigeons


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Well what can i say, what a cracking days shooting myself and pigeonblasterian (Ian) have had today.


After arriving at one of the farms Ian has permission on at half past 8 this morning, as soon as ian pulled up and had a quick scout around to see if there was any pigeons in sight, he had decided that because of the weather situation it would of been better to go to a farm we previously shoot a couple of weeks ago. So off we went a few mile down the road. arriving at the field we was going to be shooting on we soon found out that the rape crop was getting hammered as we stood there and watched. as we loaded up the barrow with all the gear, from nowhere snow began to fall pretty heavy. trekking half a mile across a field pushing a barrow with snow blowing in your face wasnt the most pleasent of experiences iv even had, anyways after getting the hide all set up and the decoys out we had finally sat down with guns loaded waiting for the birds to come through. at this point i may add the snow had stopped and the sun was shining.


it was around half past ten when we had got the first woodie coming for a nosy past our decoys, my first shot of the day and i dropped it, but as i was loading back up ian had dropped another fast flying pigeon coming across our killing zone. As it always does it dies off and your sat the freezing yours nuts off waiting for another bird to come across for a nosy. Ten to 11ish and nothing has flew past for ages and we both said we can tell what sort of day its going to be. With that a flock of at least 50 came right above our heads totally unexpected both guns were up firing both barrels. i think we dropped 3 birds off 4 shots which i think was pretty good considering the sun was beaming in our eyes and these birds were off like the clappers.


As the day went on the birds just came in steady numbers downing a few and to be honest missing a few to many too. in the end we had replaced all of the decoy shells with live birds and ended up finishing on 22 pigeon. As this is my first season shooting shotgun ian has taught me alot in the short space of time about pigeon shooting and the 'Art' of decoying.


cheers for reading this and i will be sure to write some more reports on my days out with my gun.




Edited by JamesDunn93
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I was also using a manual flapper made by ditchman to attract the pigeons.It worked very well and just needed a few tugs to attract the pigeons.

If a pigeon turned towards the flapper i just gave the flapper another couple of tugs and it was surprising how it attracted them.

I never over used it and it brought them in nicely.It did not work every time but pulled a few over to us that would not have bothered.

I found that it worked better than an intermittent electric flapper as the birds that came in were not spooked by it starting to flap as they got nearer.

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