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Called out on the seed

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I recieved a phone call at 11.00 that the seed was being ripped out by hundreds of pigeon, so I set out with no decoys just the basic kit. When I arrived at the farm it had about twenty crows, thirty doves and twenty pigeon on the one edge of the seed. So I left the gear in the Disco and walked them off and stood in the hedge , twenty minutes later I had shot three pigeon and two jackdaws so went back and picked up the gear and set up. It was now 12,30 and I sat in the hide and did not shoot a thing till 14.00. They started the trickle back in ones and twos which was great for the shooting. I had a good look at the field and could not see any seed at all so I do not understand why they are on the field. I stopped shooting at 17.00 and picked up thirtyone pigeon, eleven crows and jackdaws and eleven ferel and others. So a total bag of 53 which was a good day out.



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good session pc :good:

theres a few farmers we shot for that use the older type seed boxes and theres enough seed left on top to last the birds weeks, and they more often than not produce a few days shooting but some years they will hardly touch the fields even though its coated with seed

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