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Looks like trouble brewing !!


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its gona kick off aint it! america will do what i normaly dose "we will leave no stone unturned in the protection -(insert name of whatever country america has heard of that week)-and fredom from terriorists" in that case they will kick some rocks about in korea (again) and then declair war on france for no reason lol


He's so ronery

team america?
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The thing that I do not understand is why the Chinese carry on supporting this nutty gang off people I would not have thought that it was in there interest to have them next door ok the Chinese are not good to a lot of there people but the consequences of these nutters chucking a nuk over the border the yanks would retaliate and we are well on the way to armageddon.


But then looking on the bright side there are two many people in the world for us to feed and there is global worming a good war would in a lot of ways be a good thing. :whistling:

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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North Korea know full damn well they can only bluff, any first move by them and china will drop them completely which leaves North Korea alone to a fate even the North Koreans know is total suicide, I very much doubt there is a bunker deep enough to hide them from the **** storm that would ensue.

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chinas signed the sanctions deal with the yanks thats why he,spat his dummy out.the country that helped create the mess of two koreas have realised they dropped a bol.... and need to save face with their western customers .if china gets nuked god help us ,we,d run out of ammo b4 they run out of soldiers.

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chinas signed the sanctions deal with the yanks thats why he,spat his dummy out.the country that helped create the mess of two koreas have realised they dropped a bol.... and need to save face with their western customers .if china gets nuked god help us ,we,d run out of ammo b4 they run out of soldiers.


Don't you believe it, China has lots of people in the armed services, does not mean they are any good. Also they are around 8000 miles away from Europe, possibly a bit closer to the US via the Pacific. As CZ said NK is posturing and whilst the leadership may be willing to write off their ordinairy citizens, can anyone see these well fed elite wanting to go out in a blaze of glory???


There may possibly be some action against SK, if so what the UN decides (if they can make their minds up for a change) will determine which way the wolrd will spinfor a while.

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Don't you believe it, China has lots of people in the armed services, does not mean they are any good. Also they are around 8000 miles away from Europe, possibly a bit closer to the US via the Pacific. As CZ said NK is posturing and whilst the leadership may be willing to write off their ordinairy citizens, can anyone see these well fed elite wanting to go out in a blaze of glory???


There may possibly be some action against SK, if so what the UN decides (if they can make their minds up for a change) will determine which way the wolrd will spinfor a while.

This is where I have always thought that we are spending money on our armed forces all wrong we are an island and as such what we need to defend us is a strong Navy and Air force we should chop the Army what can they do on water then perhaps we would not be able to get involved in all of these stupid wars in places that most of us do not give a **** about.

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Don't you believe it, China has lots of people in the armed services, does not mean they are any good. Also they are around 8000 miles away from Europe, possibly a bit closer to the US via the Pacific. As CZ said NK is posturing and whilst the leadership may be willing to write off their ordinairy citizens, can anyone see these well fed elite wanting to go out in a blaze of glory???


There may possibly be some action against SK, if so what the UN decides (if they can make their minds up for a change) will determine which way the wolrd will spinfor a while.


no good? they already have nuke subs off the coast of the US as have the russians if you think the chinese are not a threat ( who knows who is actually pulling the strings of nut case in north korea) you are very short sighted.

watch this news report the worrying bit is a few minutes in



Edited by kdubya
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Well there's another 10 IBM's reprogrammed for guess where.


The guy is a 28 year old numpty, his strings are clearly visible, he is being manipulated by the hard school. Wonder if he and his 'advisors' realise where this could end (potentially).



Are they going to launch computers?

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I think we should send in the expendables!


Not good news this, surely he knows he can't actually do anything without his country been wiped off the map.


I think most of it is just hard line talk.


He know's it would be stupid to do anything.


Still, Its still a worry, A mad man with an army to play with.

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North Korea is ruled by fear firstly and secondly is bravado, the leader has to try everything possible to make himself look great and powerful and convince the people the likes of USA, Great Britain and other first world countries are scared of him which is why they bar external news as selling yourself as the most feared and powerful man in the world is kind of difficult when everyone laughs at you through puppet films and cartoons.

I would hope that even this numpty would realise he wouldn't even make a first strike against the south, to attack first is suicide and he is hoping all this posturing will make the south act first which they will not all the time the CIA are in the south offering guidance.

If he gets attacked first then hopes the Chinese will come back on side.

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