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What havent you shot

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What kind of question is this ? Who cares shoot what you prefer to hunt you don't win prizes for the biggest list of kills ! Alot of people on here shouldn't be allowed guns


I think the question was posed out of innocent curiosity? I composed a response then realised when we got to species I didn't even know them all (foreshore duck in particular) and the list could become long an incomplete. No harm in a bit of chat.

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What kind of question is this ? Who cares shoot what you prefer to hunt you don't win prizes for the biggest list of kills ! Alot of people on here shouldn't be allowed guns

Why be like that??? I asked a question out of curiosity . Were on a shooting forum


I eat most things i shoot and never waste . Ive yet to shoot a jay and realised this yesterday.


Always the same with keyboard heros:(

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Call me a cynic but I find the thought of killing things just to tick them off a list a tad abhorrent! ???

Lifes a list but you miss understand .i havent a tick list its a saying .


Call me a cynic but I find the thought of killing things just to tick them off a list a tad abhorrent! ???

Lifes a list but you miss understand .i havent a tick list its a saying .

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