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Another fatal dog attack


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Dogs breed to fight/bait, will always have that gene, its the same for hunting dogs? They were breed for a specific purpose. Any dog can attack, and cause serious injurys. Over the last few years it has been the 'Pit' breed.<br /><br />Over the last few years there have been attacks and deaths, for example. Jan 2007, 5 yr old killed by Uncles Pit Bull-terrier type dog. Dec 2007, 1 yr old killed by a Rottweiler. Dec 2007, 9 yr old serious scared for life after Rottweiler attack. Feb 2009, 3month old killed by a Staff & Jack russel. Nov 2009, 4 yr old killed, and his Aunt seriously injured by a 'pit bull type' dog. Nov 2012 1 month old killed by a Jack russell.<br /><br />I think this small example goes to show the media dont have it in for certain breeds.<br /><br />And lets not forget, a young girl has died through peoples ignorance.

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I adopted my staff off a Chav lad because he couldn't look after her.

Unfortunately she came with a lot of behavioural problems (non aggressive) She wasn't house trained, had SERIOUS separation anxiety and was a nightmare on the lead.


It's taken me three years of hard work to tackle these problems and to gain her trust and control.

I am confident that she is not an aggressive dog. She has never growled or shown any aggression towards myself or anyone.


But the bottom line is I have no idea how she was treated before I adopted her therefore the training and supervision is continuous and the chance of aggression is always there, like all other dogs.

Edited by hedd-wyn
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We have always had small dogs and I just do not understand why anyone would want a dog bigger than a staffy size dogs can be amazingly strong whilst out walking my dog a little while ago I saw this young woman walking this dog it looked like a pony and I thought if that dog decided that it wanted to go across the road there was no way that she could stop it so I would say unless you have need for a large dog you should not have one but this is just the attitude that gut us our draconian gun laws so perhaps we just have to live with things the way that they are and except that bad things will happon every now and then..

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If only people would be satisfied with having Jack Russells all they would end up with is bitten ankles but they have to show off and have these gurt big things that they cannot controll.

Not having a go at you four-wheel-drive .

Its not the dogs or breed its the owners that don't train the dog. you would of thought that your comment about the Jack Russells would be a good comparison but read this



Condolences to the girl's family.

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I keep seeing things like "90% of staffies are fine". It's the owners fault and not the dog. But with the vast array of breeds available these days, no one needs to have a staffie. There's lots of less dangerous breeds with great temperaments available.

Not many people 'need' a dog full stop,i have a child so i wanted a dog thats despite what media hype suggests (as we all know they never hype anything up) that is great with children so i chose a staffie

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Whilst I feel for the poor girl and her family, were the dogs not just doing their job? A person,not known to them as far as I can tell,has entered the house of their master and they have defended the property.As for all these calls for "only one dog per household" it is most likely that one Bull mastiff would be enough.What if the girl had been a burgler,or a rapist waiting for the daughter to come home? -then we would expect the dogs to do what they did,dogs dont know the difference between a stranger and a burgler.I am so very sorry that this has happened to an innocent child but we need to stop demonizing the dogs and concentrate on sensible ways to prevent this happening again.

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is that right? if a dog is capable of getting the better of you its a bad un simple as. a dog has its own mind and personality, its a living thing not an object that you can "switch off" if it gets out of hand, no dog owner can truly control their dog one day it WILL do what it wants whether you like it or not.



Edited by kdubya
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is that right? if a dog is capable of getting the better of you its a bad un simple as. a dog has its own mind and personality, its a living thing not an object that you can "switch off" if it gets out of hand, no dog owner can truly control their dog one day it WILL do what it wants whether you like it or not.



What, like drive to Vegas, smoke a cigar and see the dancing girls ? Dogs want structure and direction.


'Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance'

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Whilst I feel for the poor girl and her family, were the dogs not just doing their job? A person,not known to them as far as I can tell,has entered the house of their master and they have defended the property.As for all these calls for "only one dog per household" it is most likely that one Bull mastiff would be enough.What if the girl had been a burgler,or a rapist waiting for the daughter to come home? -then we would expect the dogs to do what they did,dogs dont know the difference between a stranger and a burgler.I am so very sorry that this has happened to an innocent child but we need to stop demonizing the dogs and concentrate on sensible ways to prevent this happening again.

So are you saying that a dogs "job" is to savage anyone to death who comes to visit ?? , perhaps the daftest statement on this thread yet.

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i love staffies but as the most popular dog in the country who's numbers far exceed any other breed it seems only logical that we would see more attacks reportedly being done by them than any other breed , if there were double the amount of GSD's than any other breed then we would see more attacks by GSD's , its just statistics

i disagree... Bull terrier breeds are agressive dogs not saying every single one is, but lets face if a collie was to lose its temper i personaly could sort it out, but a pit bull i could probably still neutralise it but injuries inflicted on the victim would be far worse! They lock on and you will most likely have to kill it to get it off! Aggression.is in all dogs but others ar far worse!

Double the amount of bull terrior breeds with cocker spaniels and lets see if your theory works? I cant see it myself

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Can i ask a question?? If bull terier breeds are not agressive then y do poachers cross breed bull terrier or bull mastiff into greyhounds= bull greyhound ? Is it for no reason or because it makes them more agressive when getting into gear with badgers /foxes and whatever else these degenerates use them for?

Just putting my point accross!

Edited by fabarm gamma boy
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Why do some posters link the breed / size of dog to their own size. Comments like:-

lets face if a collie was to lose its temper i personaly could sort it out,


It's usually kids who get attacked, so anything from a Jack Russell (or even smaller) upwards should be treated as a potential danger.


Dirty Harry - cruel but a classic. :lol::lol: :lol:

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Can i ask a question?? If bull terier breeds are not agressive then y do poachers cross breed bull terrier or bull mastiff into greyhounds= bull greyhound ? Is it for no reason or because it makes them more agressive when getting into gear with badgers /foxes and whatever else these degenerates use them for?

Just putting my point accross!

I would belive its for tenacity rather then aggresiveness and that comes from the terrier in them,'lock on' just a myth,aggressive to deal with badgers?what about dauschunds originally bred for badgers and like said above most attacks are on children so in the wrong hands could atill kil regardless of size of dog,but can't see many chavs walking around with one,people see a correlation between higher number of staffie attacks and blame the breed,not that ther is far more of them and far more untrained-uncared for,


hundreds of different breeds and a hell of a lot of them originally bred to hunt/kill,and on that note arn't they all originally wolves


I have found most people that believe the media hype regards staffies have never owned a staffie juse beileve what they hear or look at those owned by bad owners

Edited by westmids1987
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i disagree... Bull terrier breeds are agressive dogs not saying every single one is, but lets face if a collie was to lose its temper i personaly could sort it out, but a pit bull i could probably still neutralise it but injuries inflicted on the victim would be far worse! They lock on and you will most likely have to kill it to get it off! Aggression.is in all dogs but others ar far worse!

Double the amount of bull terrior breeds with cocker spaniels and lets see if your theory works? I cant see it myself

their just dogs woth muscles,some collies far bigger then a proper staffie and you would have just as much trouble if a dog wants to harm your in trouble regardless of breed,and like said previously most attacks on children so size doesn't come in to it,temprament does whis staffies are know for being great with children


On that analogy if a man without access to firearms looses his temper he could probably be neutralised without too much trouble, but one with a gun injuries would be far worse??

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