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Shooting noise

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Dear all,


We are working on a consultation response regarding noise complaints and shooting grounds, however, let’s not forget that some may try to use ‘noise’ to stop or restrict other forms of shooting.


I have a very tight deadline, and want ot hear if the ground you shoot at has ever had noise issues such as complaints from locals, especially from locals who have just moved into the area…


If you have and you can give me an idea of when the problem was, and who to contact at the ground that would be great – I need the info next week i.e. by 10th May!!!





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West London shooting Ground and West London Sporting Clays (Andy Castle) next door have had to build massive earth mounds to counter noise probs; Also A1 shooting ground near Borehamwood Herts were victims of a long campaign led by Tony Blackburn of all people.

Edited by Vince Green
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Northall CPC in Sussex have had major issues with local residents about noise and had to put up soundproofed sheds to try and mitigate, other issues as well. Speak with Dan Kerwood the owner and father of Charlotte Kerwood.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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Alex Cobb or Woodland Pursuits has been operating 18yrs, and is now subject to a neighbour campaign. Alex has a current problem, with aggression from his neighbouring local authority despite having satisfied his actual planning authority - www.woodlandpursuits.com


Doug Flourent of Oxford Gun Co has had a protracted anti working against him for years, and after a long legal battle the ground continued to operate after installing earth bunding.


The Woodleys of Horne CPC have had to abandon more than one venue and move on over noise. One short lived venue was Bones Wood in Lingfield, moved on by complaints from horse owners.


Roy Stead, now Caterham Clays, moved on by Caravan Site residents from Baker's Wood, Newchapel, to run in the Woldingham Valley, A22 Caterham Clays. He had aggression there, in turn, from a local who adopted a campaign war, which needed a legal hearing to resolve.

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Try contacting Steve at treetops sporting in Newport (new owner) he has in the past been on both sides of the fence so i am told.......

Yes a true 'if you can't beat em' join em' scenario there I bilieve. Have heard many stories that Steve campaigned against the ground due to the noise, that's why they never used to open on a Sunday so in told. He then became a partner in the business and hey presto you can shoot whenever you like no issues lol.

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Try Mickley Hall (Shropshire/Cheshire boarder) they have folk who i dont think have complained but have expressed concern and so they have built and continue to build there ground with this in mind, it seems to be a great compramise without detracting from good testing targets and a great safe setup.





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