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Flynny: I did redo the exam 3 times and had 3 appeals to stay on the course each time being told to write it a different way by a different tutor and each time getting a lower mark so student advice at Southampton Uni isn't the best by which time my other coursework had suffered and become below pass mark so it wasn't due to no bother as you seem to think. I think on retrospect I should of said there ARE jobs out there but WAY too many applicants for the positions offered and although I'm constantly taking on further education to better myself there are not always the opportunity's available that some people think still exist.


BUT I must specify I'm not in support of these freeloading cretins than drain our society's money when its the people trying to better themselves and working bloody hard to get somewhere in life and they get it easy thinking the world owes then a favour.


What ever happened you the term you only get out what you put in?

Edited by Ian.S
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Flynny: I did redo the exam 3 times and had 3 appeals to stay on the course each time being told to write it a different way by a different tutor and each time getting a lower mark so student advice at Southampton Uni isn't the best by which time my other coursework had suffered and become below pass mark so it wasn't due to no bother as you seem to think. I think on retrospect I should of said there ARE jobs out there but WAY too many applicants for the positions offered and although I'm constantly taking on further education to better myself there are not always the opportunity's available that some people think still exist.


BUT I must specify I'm not in support of these freeloading cretins than drain our society's money when its the people trying to better themselves and working bloody hard to get somewhere in life and they get it easy thinking the world owes then a favour.


What ever happened you the term you only get out what you put in?



Fair play mate,


Keep looking something will turn up mate.





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And there lies the problem, yes as I said 99% of the scumbags shown in this version of trash TV, do not in reality deserve better than they have,for instance to have 9 kids is not just irresponsible, without income it should be criminal! But there are those with genuine need, and for anyone to say they did not feel a little sorry for the plight of the young girl on the show (the one who did not constantly use profanity or scream like a spoiled petulant child ) then they have no compassion, its easy to get caught up in the they are all the same rhetoric but truthfully not all are, fail to recognise that and you lose humanity, and I for one fully admit to feeling so so sad watching this prize version of TV dog dirt.


Oh and bungler as for us up north being all the same, some of us do work and some of us probably pay more tax per year than those you revere can only dream of,and I really do not mind one bit if its spent on people with real need,after all they may even pay their SKY subscriptions B) eh!



Not often I find myself agreeing with KW but in this case he is right. Certainly in the first paragraph.

Having visited Scunny on a regular basis for work reasons, it is stuffed as a town. 95% of jobs were in the Steelworks and many govts, not just this one have forgotten about this corner of Lincs.


I used to go to Peterlee in the early 90s after Dewhirst closed their factory and it was the same. A work pal from the south had never seen anything like it.


As with any story there are two extremes, those that have got themselves into their own problems and will never do anything to help themselves no matter how much money you throw at it, and those who, given the help, will make a go of things.


Both are illustrated in the programme but in summary, this is an area that does need help.

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Have these people never thought about relocating to somewhere that has jobs. East Anglia is full of Eastern Europeans most of them seem to find work. But these good for nothing sponging **** want it all for nothing. Thank god the older bloke has had the snip so he won't be breeding anymore. As for the girl of 16 did feel for her a bit but can't help think her baby is better of somewhere else.

They all seem to smoke drink and do drugs they don't need to go to work as I do and will pay for them.

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I wonder how it would go down if benefits were given on a special debit card - which only allowed you to buy food and essentials. No booze, no cigarettes, no playstations, no sky.


I'm sure they'd find a way to get around it - but it would certainly make things more difficult.

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Agree with both the last points from Aris & Johnny, my earlier point was saying that it is not as black and white as it first seems. I am very black and white myself and also a huge tory so for me to make a post like that is a rareity, or perhaps I am seeing with wider eyes.

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I wonder how it would go down if benefits were given on a special debit card - which only allowed you to buy food and essentials. No booze, no cigarettes, no playstations, no sky.


I'm sure they'd find a way to get around it - but it would certainly make things more difficult.

The way round it is easy....


They would 'sell' the credit for less than its value, and buy drugs and alcohol using the cash...

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Have these people never thought about relocating to somewhere that has jobs. East Anglia is full of Eastern Europeans most of them seem to find work. But these good for nothing sponging **** want it all for nothing. Thank god the older bloke has had the snip so he won't be breeding anymore. As for the girl of 16 did feel for her a bit but can't help think her baby is better of somewhere else.

They all seem to smoke drink and do drugs they don't need to go to work as I do and will pay for them.



Of course they have and then rapidly avoided the issue, they DON'T want to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


These low life scum had parents that didn't work and produced far too many offspring that don't work and they in turn will just breed and breed and the children will not work.


All the time this soft country of ours pays them to sit on their ***** in front of huge TV screens with lager and fags and a dog, why would they bother to look for work?

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I watched this monday night to form my own opinion on things,i found myself sitting there grinding my teeth,i only do this when things really **** me off,when a twenty one year old woman with five kids to different fathers can get sixteen hundred quid a month benifits,it beggers belief,these people have paid no contribution what so ever to the country,and the same old pony,well i have five kids to feed and the government should be responsible for them,no you had them you should be responsible,get off your fat **** and and get some pride in your life.

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Trouble is nowadays, by the time you have commuted to work for you minimum wage job paid your rent and council tax your working 40 hours a week for a tenner in your pocket.


Stay at home pay no rent or council tax get benefits and crisis Loans, white goods and all sorts of stuff you may need and your made but you still got 40 hours a week to **** drink smoke and play computers.


You have no pride or self respect but that's a small sacrifice and who gives a **** when all you neighbours are the same.



Edited by karpman
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Makes me mad. Rent paid, 1600 quid. It's a joke. As a few people have said I think you should get 12 months on benefits (as anyone could end up in trouble) then after that you need to work for it. Up early, litter picking etc just to get them out and motivated, they will soon look for real work.


Someone said it would take a few more people out of work, maybe, but we are paying for it anyway so why pay twice, times are hard.


That young family moaning as the social stopped payments, an they can't feed their kids, but look in the back ground, he's on his **** playing ps3 on a large flat screen. Kids come first all us lot would sell them to feed our kids if we had to, not these people. Makes me mad. This country is well and truly broke at the moment.


I was working in a rough block of flats last week which had vote labor stickers everywhere. Made me laugh. The government is trying to cut back to save the economy, will annoy people, smack rats will come and vote in force, then a soft touch labor will get back in and totally bury the country.


As someone said, going to be an interesting 5/10 years ahead...

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Its just wrong when a benefit system provides enough for a life style like this. Enough for Fags, Booze, Drugs, Plasma TV's, Play Stations, Sky TV Subscription, Mobile Phones etc, the list could go on. Perhaps instead of getting cash they should get Vouchers which could be redeemed for essentials like food, clothing, rent, bus fares etc. I don't think there is an easy fix to this as long as the benefit system makes it worth their while not to go out and get a job.


Still look on the bright side, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing that i give the Government nearly £900 a month to help people less fortunate than myself. :no:

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These people are also habitual callers to Police to sort out the scrote on scrote squabbling that goes hand in hand with this mob.


Nothing better than being told "I pay your wages" by someone without a job.


The reply "actually you don't, I pay your benefits" usually works haha.


Thankfully different dept now so don't have to get as involved as I did.


I've not seen the programme, after seeing the advert for it I knew I wouldn't be able to stomach it.

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for instance to have 9 kids is not just irresponsible, without income it should be criminal!



In all fairness to the big guy with 9 kids, only 2 are his, the other 7 came with his Mrs.


He did say that he had worked, and paid tax & NI for 23 years before losing his job when the steelworks closed. Since then he has tried to find work but failed.


Compare his situation and attitude with the 21 year old couple on £1600 a month for sitting on there ***** and playing XBox.....I actually feel sorry for the guy with 9 kids.

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Trouble is nowadays, by the time you have commuted to work for you minimum wage job paid your rent and council tax your working 40 hours a week for a tenner in your pocket.


Stay at home pay no rent or council tax get benefits and crisis Loans, white goods and all sorts of stuff you may need and your made but you still got 40 hours a week to **** drink smoke and play computers.


You have no pride or self respect but that's a small sacrifice and who gives a **** when all you neighbours are the same.





So what do you suggest is done to solve the problem?

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Agree with both the last points from Aris & Johnny, my earlier point was saying that it is not as black and white as it first seems. I am very black and white myself and also a huge tory so for me to make a post like that is a rareity, or perhaps I am seeing with wider eyes.


The problem with condensing things down to black and white or polar extremes is that the world isn`t always like that. A couple of months ago a less well publicized programme was aired which showed the plight of several young people, one of which was a 16 yo girl (iirc) who left an abusive household and ended up in a flat with no cooker and no floor coverings and had little in the way of furniture. She used a microwave as her cooker and therefore had to buy ready meals which we all know are not as cheap as preparing a proper meal. She worked in a shop and was given her dole money instead of pay (can`t remember the name of the system ATM) and was OK with that as there might be a job at the end of it, at the end of the week she calculated, as she was savvy enough to budget, have £2 for luxury items and decided to buy some socks. Eventually she was gifted a cooker and soon had @ £5 a week she could save and opened an account with a credit union so she could buy a carpet for the living room.

In the end she did not get the job ....some things are not just black and white.




So what do you suggest is done to solve the problem?


Too many levels to say, better policy makers and better policies that mesh neatly with each other rather than clashing. Less vilification of those genuinely in need because as soon as you use words like scum, chav etc. you have a powerful obstacle to overcome for people who are not chavs or scum. It may be an easy solution for someone near East Anglia to move nearer the jobs, but for a 16 year old with £5 in her pocket from Glasgow anywhere outwith a 10 mile radius is as good as being a million miles away.


If you want to rant at someone who is a benefits scrounger, then please do, but it isn`t always that simple, there are many complex matters in regards to poverty and we do ourselves a dis-service when we think of it as a simply laziness.

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that scheme Henry has come in for serious flack and yet it seems like the perfect answer, you had all this bull about companies exploiting people and making them work for below minimum wage. What they are missing is the fact untrained inexperienced people cost an employer more than they will be paid while they are trained and taken a chance on, when you could get an experienced person straight in and just work normally. Its a shame more of the positive cases haven't been mentioned but yours is right up there with the ethos of it.

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Just for you then al4x...


I work in a drop in centre and one of our volunteers is a 17 yo who is on this scheme (still can`t remember the name) she also has volunteered on residential courses that take kids from a variety of disadvantaged backgrounds on activity holidays around Scotland. She has passed her 150 hours of volunteering with the Saltire awards http://www.saltireaward.org.uk/ and is still enjoying volunteering.

She was worried a couple of months ago that she wouldn`t get a job from the shop she works in as they were cutting all staff hours, yet she has just found out she is getting an interview soon for a part time, and better paid, job.


...so sometimes the policies do work and people can be empowered to change the trajectory of their lives.


**EDIT** Forgot to mention, she isn`t a christian.

Edited by henry d
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We in the middle income brackets need to remember that it is not just those at the bottom that are creaming the system. It is those at the top as well! We in the middle are those that pay and carry this country and the spongers above and below us.


£1600 a month is more than I ever got in all my years of work and that £1600 will be tax free!

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Trouble is nowadays, by the time you have commuted to work for you minimum wage job paid your rent and council tax your working 40 hours a week for a tenner in your pocket.


Stay at home pay no rent or council tax get benefits and crisis Loans, white goods and all sorts of stuff you may need and your made but you still got 40 hours a week to **** drink smoke and play computers.


You have no pride or self respect but that's a small sacrifice and who gives a **** when all you neighbours are the same.



Good comment Karpman,


Most of us dont have much left over after paying our way thats life, SO THE LAZY SCROUNGERS SHOULD BE MADE TO WORK, just like the rest of us,


Benefits should be stopped for these toerags, and if you are in dire straights you should be given a card to just get the basics, non of this named brand stuff just tescos own brand etc. The government have put a roof over your head, have given yopu hot and cold clean water and heating. Just the basics should be provided, no loans for carpets etc, They should be made to go to charities for second hand clothes and house hold items etc.They then have the basics to live , no luxuries.


This is how you live if you dont work, luxuries should not be an option!!!!! ( the government should give them NO option) They then might get off there backsides and try and better them selves.


The government should give them no option, Either live with the bare minimum or find work,( obviously for the disabled etc this would be different, thats why the benefits system was put in place, it was not put in place for freeloaders)



People will say the crime rate will go up etc we will have to build more prisons blah blah, well so be it then everybody else lives by the law of the land(well most). So lets not make excuses for the government ,


build more prisons and lock em up, They might just think I cant be bothered with this in and out of prison malarkey, and when I do get out I just exist with no money in my pocket, Sod it i'll get a job,I know the scum will proberbly like prison and it costs more than benefits , but id rather pay to keep em off the streets than be out in the world influencing the younger generations, young billy then might think I need to get educated and find a job otherwise you end up a bum in prison. THE FREELOADING CYCLE NEEDS STOPPING NOW.


Harsh but that MY OPINION, No its not harsh stuff em.




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Lets imagine, if you are born of parents that smoke booze and take drugs you are more likely to have educational needs that go beyond "normal" kids.


You are more likely to have even more problems as you grow up due to lack of nourishment from poor diet and poor parenting skills.


Your social standing is vilified by people who use broad generalisations due to general ignorance and the media portrayal of you social class.


You will go to a local school that like the neighbouring estate is also in need of upgrading and therefore your education will lag behind "normal" schools.


Your peer group will probably have other children that have special educational needs, such as ADHD, global delay etc.


As you learn to read you will see people like yourself being vilified in the media, this will be backed up by TV and things you see on the internet, so you will probably lack self-esteem.


Some of these people will not be able to see past this and therefore will live up to societies generalisations and expectations built on this and will say "Stuff you" or words to that effect, and just because they didn`t get the same start in life as you or I did.

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Spot on Henry, you can all act higher and mightier than those wretches on the program in question but wake up and find yourself walking in their shoes one day as a youngster with non of the privilege and advantages that most of us enjoy compared to those on the fringes, then talk. Nothing is ever quite as black and white as you think.

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Nothing better than being told "I pay your wages" by someone without a job.


Had an abusive drunk try that line on me in once till I pointed out that I also pay my taxes which meant I theoretically pay for myself to be at work so I didn't have to put up with his abuse.

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OK here is a home example of how the system works



SWMBO works part time and earns say £600 a month. Nursery fees are £150 a month but get working tax credits of £80 to off set so net payment is £70. That we pay.


Then when he turned 3 we get some of it funded extra which all parents get. SWMBO puts her hours up so now earns say £700 a month but nursery fees are now £290 a month. Now earning more working tax is cut to £50 a month. On average get £120 for the nursery scheme so we now pay an extra £120 instead of the £70. So for doing the extra day a week she gets £50. BUT if she sat at home and did nothing would get more in benefits than working

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