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Teacher Jeremy Forrest found guilty


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Are we having a sweep?


Ill have 4 years - breach of trust and going not guilty will put the numbers up. Perhaps a bit harsh really when a serial nonce like Stuart Hall got 15 months. There we go.



He knew the score - already having Googled it to check what he would face. Whether they genuinely think something of each other, he was a teacher, in a position of trust. He abused the trust.


I wonder who thought up his brilliant defence - it was a bit amateurish to say the least.


3 years would be my guess.

I will go with 3.5 years,not the full sentence available,but enough to send a message out to people in a position of trust.I think Mungler is right the not guilty plea was not his best option and will only go to adding to the sentence.

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He should have gone with guilty straight off, hands up and a big apology with lots of mitigation and extenuating circumstances. He would have got off lightly.


What people don't appreciate is that with an early hands up you normally get 50% off for starters.


Add in ruined career, not a classic paedo scenario and a "one off", ruined life due to media interest and not a danger to the public who knows - with burgeoning prison populations and so on he might got away with a tag and time served on remand.


The Courts hate a "not guilty" plea running to a full blown trial - it's expensive and it shows you don't accept what you have done is wrong (the corner stone of most justice systems).


If he gets a soft Judge 2 years at best. It's child abduction and coupled with the aggravating factors say that on the mandatory sentancing guidelines (whatever the Judge reckons) he's getting a good bowl of porridge.

Edited by Mungler
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Yes.. I have 2, a 20 year old and a ten year old, my wife is 9 years my younger and I was well aware when I was at school that a good chunk of the 5th year girls (so 15 at the time) were dating much older guys... you know, the ones who used to come to see them at lunch-time and pull up on the motorbikes. If you think this doesn't go on you are naïve. most 15 year old lads are far too immature for your average 15 year old girl and even 15 year old girls are very manipulative and find it easy to get what they want!


I am not condoning it, if it was my daughter I would be horrified and yes, it is an abuse of trust, however, to label him a paedophile is very harsh.. what will you think if they are married and living happily ever after in 10, 20 years? will he still be a monster? sometimes love comes along when you least expect it and when you could really do without it!



Oh I know it goes on, as I said I have BOYS, one of who is 15 and my wife wont trust him with his girlfriend!!!!!!



If and it's a very big if, they are still together after a number of years, he will no longer be a monster as she will be well over the age of consent!

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5 1/2 years.




I dunno what went on with his defence team and what instructions he gave and what advice he received but the whole teacher with 15 year old pupil abroad thing with a "not guilty plea". Yeah, good luck with that.


Incidentally, I just read the jury took 2 hours to find him guilty. That's guilty with a capital "G" (and a side note of you have wasted our time :lol: )




Looks like I was the closet with 4 years and even then I was 28% under cooked.


Harsh-don't-mess-with-the-pupils-tastic :lol:

Edited by Mungler
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I'll say 5.5 years!



And the winner is.......................................


5 1/2 years.




I dunno what went on with his defence team and what instructions he gave and what advice he received but the whole teacher with 15 year old pupil abroad thing with a "not guilty plea". Yeah, good luck with that.


Incidentally, I just read the jury took 2 hours to find him guilty. That's guilty with a capital "G" (and a side note of you have wasted our time :lol: )




Looks like I was the closet with 4 years and even then I was 28% under cooked.


Harsh-don't-mess-with-the-pupils-tastic :lol:



Try Specsavers!!!!!! :good:

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the bit that gets me a little though I can see the logic for it is the assumption he would have got far less for pleading guilty. Now if he didn't believe he was guilty why should he plead guilty, personally I don't think he abducted her against her will so though we can all agree it was an abuse of trust whether it was abduction is another matter.

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He Googled what he would get, so he must have considered that he would be found guilty. As for the abduction - he only got a year for that.


I'm with Mungler on this. A truly awful defence "strategy" - and that is being charitable.


Pleads "Not Guilty", won't take the stand, arrested in France in the full glare of TV, newspapers etc. Bang to rights.


Just what planet were they on when they went along with a "Not guilty". It certainly wasn't Planet Reality.

Edited by Gordon R
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