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Setting up with a ditch behind you?


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If you where in a field with a ditch behind you (standard sized drainage ditch) and there was a hedge on the other side, how would you make your hide?

Do you guys think it would be better to try and join the edges of your hide over the ditch and onto the hedge, to make a really long sided hide?

Or do you think it would be simply better to build a self contained hide (Like you would in the middle of a field) but just on the edge of a ditch?

Anyone had much experience with this?

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I have done both, wellies are good for standing in the water although we used to take a pallet for the hide base in the ditch.


Other times I have built single and two man hides at the top of the bank with just enough space to place a seat or have even dug in to the side to create a level space.


Good luck



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stick it in the ditch..........got a few pics of ditch hides....might post one if anyone is interested....

I always enjoy pictures of hides, for some reason, stick it up.


I have done both, wellies are good for standing in the water although we used to take a pallet for the hide base in the ditch.


Other times I have built single and two man hides at the top of the bank with just enough space to place a seat or have even dug in to the side to create a level space.


Good luck



Pallets is one idea, but I'll look about for one.


Unfortunately sitting in the ditch isn't a real opition, either because of the amount of water in them, or the depth.

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I set up in ditches in the open a lot of the time.

My preference is to dig a good step halfway down the bank , enough for my shooting stick and my feet.

The hide is only on my side of the ditch and its surprising how the birds ignore it, no matter how much sticks above the ditch.

Where I can't get down the ditch, I set up at the top.

In the circumstances I don't use a semi auto, even though I have a magnet on a stick, picking the empties out of the ditch and weeds is a nuisance.

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I set up in ditches in the open a lot of the time.

My preference is to dig a good step halfway down the bank , enough for my shooting stick and my feet.

The hide is only on my side of the ditch and its surprising how the birds ignore it, no matter how much sticks above the ditch.

Where I can't get down the ditch, I set up at the top.

In the circumstances I don't use a semi auto, even though I have a magnet on a stick, picking the empties out of the ditch and weeds is a nuisance.


When you set up at the top, do you try and loop the sides of the net round to give you a backdrop? you just leave the hide with an open back?

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we are fairly lucky where we shoot as the land is well drained......pallet is a good idea as suggested.....one thing about setting up in a ditch , is we use less netting. and our shooting is better as we stand to shoot..just put a bit of netting at the top and angle it backwards..

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we are fairly lucky where we shoot as the land is well drained......pallet is a good idea as suggested.....one thing about setting up in a ditch , is we use less netting. and our shooting is better as we stand to shoot..just put a bit of netting at the top and angle it backwards..



sorry cant load pics onto this topic....

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When you set up at the top, do you try and loop the sides of the net round to give you a backdrop? you just leave the hide with an open back?

I set up a standard four sided hide and keep it as low as practical and shoot from a sitting position.

As most of my hides are in open areas 80+% of my shooting is done sitting down.

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If you where in a field with a ditch behind you (standard sized drainage ditch) and there was a hedge on the other side, how would you make your hide?


Do you guys think it would be better to try and join the edges of your hide over the ditch and onto the hedge, to make a really long sided hide?


Or do you think it would be simply better to build a self contained hide (Like you would in the middle of a field) but just on the edge of a ditch?


Anyone had much experience with this?


With a hedge as the back ground I would still make a field hide 3-4 feet from the edge of the ditch.

In the summer I use my purpose made ditch seat to great effect as you can travel light and set up on the back of the ditch using the natural vegetation as cover.


Personally I would never dream of hacking the landowners ditch so I could shoot his pigeons, but each to there own…..




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Build your hide up top on the edge of the ditch. Pigeons should take no notice of this newly grown 'bush'. I'll post a picture of my hide on the edge of a ditch from my session yesterday (sporting pics).

Please do.



Thanks for the great advice guys.

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I often shoot on the top edge of a large ditch, too steep and deep to get in, I use 3 different types of net to cover a five or six sided hide so that it shows different colors and textures from different sides, I even put a sheet of ghost mesh over the top behind me as I find pigeons coming in from behind and passing directly over the hide often shy away as they look straight down into the hide, and I always sit as standing for hours is very painful on my already worn out back, I also make use of any natural weed I can get to decorate the hide, large hedge parsley plants, bindweed or even nettles all help to create a more natural 'bush'. :good::good:

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As TEH for set up, had the same situation many times, but dont hack down a bush, dig up or slice up anything on your permission without permission, or it may be your ex permission.

I should have mentioned that I get permission from the Landowners to make any "alterations" to their property that I deem necessary. :)

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