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A few at last


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My pigeon shooting has been terrible for as long as I can remember , when a decent day has been in the offing its not happened for what ever reason.


My last two trips out gave me just 13 birds a wrecked magnet after running it over with the van and a hole through my radiator for the trouble

To say I was getting a little down heartened would be fair.


Funnily enough it was while I was outside in my yard with PW member Bongannie who was kind enough to repair both my magnet and put a new rad in the van, I noticed a few pigeon dropping into a field of beet behind my house .


The next night there were a few more showing an interest so I made up my mind to have a couple of hours this afternoon.


This field is only about 150 yards behind my house so I walked out with my gear leaving the magnet behind and taking around 20 shell decoys instead of my usual dead birds, I also took my turbo flapper to use once I had a bird.


Luckily there is a convenient ditch to set a hide in I was set up by 4pm and did not have to wait long for the first birds with a pair coming straight into the decoys , I was very happy to start my session with a nice left and right.


Out went the flapper , and another bird was straight in and the third was in the bag , the first hour gave me 13 pigeons including another couple of left and rights.


At 5pm the wife phoned to say tea was ready :yes: which is one of the joys of shooting out of the back of your house :good: so I packed the gun away and went for a bite to eat .


I returned at 6pm and from then until I packed in at 7.30 pm there was a nice trickle of birds , I killed some crackers and missed some easy ones.


I finished with a nice bag of 40 picked with two lost in the standing wheat behind me for a total of 59 shots.













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Well done Fenboy you will soon be in the swing of things...pleased you never packed in after the bad luck you have had recently.

I came out of work tonight and the Pea field next to the big windmill was alive with pigeon....about 150 - 200 with loads on the wires.

I think it's time to check your Pea fields....I was blowing the car horn to lift them but they took no notice...nice to see but pity it is right next to the road.

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And about time too!


I am not familiar with shooting over beet. That crop in the pictures looks very tall. At what stage do pigeons stop feeding on it?


I agree with yickdaz about the lost hour, but I suppose that if you had ignored your phone your wife would have come storming across the field and taken you by the ear back for your tea.

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And about time too!


I am not familiar with shooting over beet. That crop in the pictures looks very tall. At what stage do pigeons stop feeding on it?


I agree with yickdaz about the lost hour, but I suppose that if you had ignored your phone your wife would have come storming across the field and taken you by the ear back for your tea.


The crop is mostly 7-8 inches tall at the moment.


I have had several nice if not massive bags in beet fields like this , the birds are feeding mostly on the weeds between the rows so once the beet has grown enough to fill in the rows it is unlikely to offer any shooting.


Beet can offer some very good shooting once harvested if its left for long enough before going under the plough , they like it once the tops and chippings have softened with a frost or two and you would be amazed at the size of some of the pieces that could be found in their crops.


Another bonus for me is that if its not ploughed early then there is a good chance it could attract some pinkfoots later in the year.

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