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went to church today


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I define myself as "agnostic" but i do go to chapel quite regularly, my children love attending the Sunday School (although i hated it when i was a child!) and i must say i do like the other parents who attend. (Many including the minister are members of the local angling club) I also find it quite theraputic. I'm also looking forward to this weekends Sunday School trip to the beach, with a few beers thrown in! So having turned my back on it for a while i find myself attending again.

Glad you enjoyed it unapblanca.



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i'm different,as i've got faith in god but not really into religion.i say my prayers and talk to/thank god a few times a day,i don't believe you need to go to a special building once or twice a week to be close/thank god.i'm not against folk that are regular attenders,but i do think its more of a social thing for them,more than a spritual one.i also believe most of the religions all stem from the same original story,but like chinese whispers they've got distorted through the ages,resulting in different beliefs.

Very well put mate.

I don't think you need any special building to feel close to any "Life Force/Creator/God". Let's face it, if there is a God who created us (And I'm not prepared to say that there is or there isn't) and he is the Universal Force that he is proclaimed to be then he would be with you to watch over you and hear you regardless of where you were.

I have my beliefs and I have my faith but I prefer not to broadcast it or push it into others faces, it's a personal and individual thing!

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every man is entitled to follow his own belief in whatever way he chooses without reprisal from others........... when your back is against the wall and you think it's your time you will pray to anyone or anything that you think will hear and help you

Yup everyone is entitled to their own opinion :)

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If it makes you happy, gives you purpose in life, and makes you strive to be a better person - then more power to you. I don't see the harm, and in fact, I would encourage it.


But it isn't for me.

Edited by aris
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I decided to go to a church service today, apart from christenings and weddings and the odd Christmas service, I have never really gone. I went to a c of e school as a kid and had plenty of church visits but never really got into it, although I respected it. Anyway, I went today to an ecumenical service, it was a bit of this and a bit of that with a communion thrown in, and I have to say I enjoyed it, people have their reasons for going and I think mine is to try and get a faith and find more inner strength. The people there were great, and the minister made a point of introducing me to everyone and a bbq was served afterwards. I will definitely go again, I might go round to different churches and just get an idea of what I like. Good on you! I would advise caution though, there are a lot of differing ways to worship and worship is just one of many parts of being a christian, so if you are interested take a lot of it with a pinch of salt and do not, I say again, do not be afraid to ask questions. The only silly question is the one that isn`t asked!



regards. una.



p.s After just the one visit, I think I 'get' the point of it.



BBQ you say! Interesting Some have breakfasts, some lunches, some don`t start until 6pm some start at 8-30/9 am



i'm different,as i've got faith in god but not really into religion.i say my prayers and talk to/thank god a few times a day,i don't believe you need to go to a special building once or twice a week to be close/thank god.i'm not against folk that are regular attenders,but i do think its more of a social thing for them,more than a spritual one.i also believe most of the religions all stem from the same original story,but like chinese whispers they've got distorted through the ages,resulting in different beliefs. I would only add that this would apply to Judeo-Christian religions



Ask if any of your local churches are running a "Christianity explored" course, it runs over 7 weeks and is very interesting. It brings up some very interesting discussions, and may help you decide if its something you would like to take further A good course, but I would say it is something that is better explored after a year or two finding out whether religion is for you or not as it can be a bit baffling and very off-putting for some to dive into what discipleship means. Get to know the people there and build a relationship first would be my advice.


Nice to hear someone actually trying to find out a bit more about what it means to have faith...(organised) religion as such is another ball game.

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Henry, i think you may be thinking of the discipleship course, taken from my churches website...Christianity Explored is a course based on Mark's gospel, with each session involving a short talk and time for discussion. You don't need to know anything about the Bible; you won't be asked to read aloud, pray, sing or clap; you will be given every chance to discuss freely.



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Codswallop it all is.


At last here we have the man who knows why the universe , time , space , life , exist & the answer too every thing , I take it he can even tell us where space & time end ! he is just amazing ! :whistling: . . Better to keep an open mind just in case :) .

Edited by Pole Star
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Henry, i think you may be thinking of the discipleship course, taken from my churches website...Christianity Explored is a course based on Mark's gospel, with each session involving a short talk and time for discussion. You don't need to know anything about the Bible; you won't be asked to read aloud, pray, sing or clap; you will be given every chance to discuss freely.




Yes, my bad :/

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The village hall is a better place to meet local people and you won't have to talk to nut jobs who believe in sky fairies.


Wow ! & here we have another amazing man who can answer all the questions mankind has been looking for since our existence , amazing ! :lol: lets hope they don't wake up dead one day :lol::lol::lol::lol: . Could be a really nasty surprise for some :hmm: .

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Wow ! & here we have another amazing man who can answer all the questions mankind has been looking for since our existence , amazing ! :lol: lets hope they don't wake up dead one day :lol::lol::lol::lol: . Could be a really nasty surprise for some :hmm: .

No I can't answer all man's questions but I don't need to use a 2000 yr old chinese whisper to answer them for me.


Can anyone who believes in this rot tell me when, in what language, where and by whom any of the various versions of the fairy book were written? No because they don't know, they "think" it was written around 300 yrs after the events so lets look at this and see if it makes sense. There was a bloke, maybe, possibly or it may have been a mate of a mate's brother who met a bloke who told him that there was this bloke that might have cured someone of a really nasty cold, oh and there was this bird who got knocked up on a one night stand and had to think of an excuse in a hurry. Thankfully her old man was a bit thick & he bought her story of the Arch Fairy giving her a "present" I mean please, what a crock of shi ite, religion was and always will be about a few educated (mostly) men controlling the not so educated masses and relieving them of as much cash as possible to keep them grateful for their miserable existence.

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No I can't answer all man's questions but I don't need to use a 2000 yr old chinese whisper to answer them for me.


Can anyone who believes in this rot tell me when, in what language, where and by whom any of the various versions of the fairy book were written? No because they don't know, they "think" it was written around 300 yrs after the events so lets look at this and see if it makes sense. There was a bloke, maybe, possibly or it may have been a mate of a mate's brother who met a bloke who told him that there was this bloke that might have cured someone of a really nasty cold, oh and there was this bird who got knocked up on a one night stand and had to think of an excuse in a hurry. Thankfully her old man was a bit thick & he bought her story of the Arch Fairy giving her a "present" I mean please, what a crock of shi ite, religion was and always will be about a few educated (mostly) men controlling the not so educated masses and relieving them of as much cash as possible to keep them grateful for their miserable existence.



Calm down,i don't believe, but you have to accept there are people who do,and that is their choice,there is no need to go continental at anyone with a belief that you do not accept.It's a big world, no one has all the answers,live and let live.

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Having something to believe in can be very fulfilling I'm guessing. Ramming it down someone's throat can be very annoying, but fortunately most people respect that its not for everyone. I'm not knocking it, because I have never tried it as an adult, never say never is something I strongly believe in as I'm sure many of you do.


If it feels right then good for you and if you get fed in the process even better :)

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No I can't answer all man's questions but I don't need to use a 2000 yr old chinese whisper to answer them for me.


Can anyone who believes in this rot tell me when, in what language, where and by whom any of the various versions of the fairy book were written? No because they don't know, they "think" it was written around 300 yrs after the events so lets look at this and see if it makes sense. There was a bloke, maybe, possibly or it may have been a mate of a mate's brother who met a bloke who told him that there was this bloke that might have cured someone of a really nasty cold, oh and there was this bird who got knocked up on a one night stand and had to think of an excuse in a hurry. Thankfully her old man was a bit thick & he bought her story of the Arch Fairy giving her a "present" I mean please, what a crock of shi ite, religion was and always will be about a few educated (mostly) men controlling the not so educated masses and relieving them of as much cash as possible to keep them grateful for their miserable existence.


Oh dear poppythedog hit a raw nerve did it ? :whistling: I'm just longing for some atheist smart ****! to top em selves on Monday & come back next week & tell us what its all about ? any volunteers ? :lol: have a nice day mate & don't volunteer for Gods sake ! :) .

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