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went to church today


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This may be of interest to some of you if not ignore: Jeremy Vine has a programme on Radio 2 entitled Being Human, he has had several guests from varying backgrounds, authours, comedians, representatives from religions.

Recently he had a philospher called Alain de Botton, he discussed many thinhgs but of interest to this thread could be his opinon of religion. He is an athiest however he does mention that religion can offer people some good things notably as a way of bringing people together. Personallly i thought he put an interesting point in place.

Its still on the BBC Radio 2 Podcast.



Edited by Aled
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A long and winding road but interesting reading.

The OP said he felt better - excellent; religion is about feeling better. Whether you feel it in a church, a field, looking at the stars,it shouldnt matter. Religion is intensely personal and should be. If nothing else its about one persons communion with 'a maker', a soul mate, a responder to dreams.

Surely true religeon is nothing about making people believe, not in your faith or in any faith it must surely be about them finding their way.

Good on you OP, whatever makes you feel 'better'.

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its a miracle someone going to church made 8 pages there must be a god

the only reason I can see NEW people attending church is because they have now decided to ban porn on the internet, so the earlier you go the faster your foot is in the door :whistling::whistling::whistling:

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i once knew a guy who used to go to church to pull woman, he recons the christian birds love it :lol: thats a true story think he did more than a few in his church attending

wasn,t it the pope who said "go forth and multiply " :lol::lol: :lol:

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I went to church today for a double funeral,and in the big scheme of things it was very good(if you know what i mean) the vicar was very good and she gave a good talk,there was a stuttering fool who read a poem(me) and Elvis was played into the church and out,a massive turn out for two much loved Aunts and the weather held for them both,the wake was cathartic and some catching up with old friends and relatives was done.


I did find it strange that the only person to thank the vicar for a nice service and kind words was me the Atheist. :lol:


The church do some things very well in times of grief :good:

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I went to church today for a double funeral,and in the big scheme of things it was very good(if you know what i mean) the vicar was very good and she gave a good talk,there was a stuttering fool who read a poem(me) and Elvis was played into the church and out,a massive turn out for two much loved Aunts and the weather held for them both,the wake was cathartic and some catching up with old friends and relatives was done.


I did find it strange that the only person to thank the vicar for a nice service and kind words was me the Atheist. :lol:


The church do some things very well in times of grief :good:


I went to church today for a double funeral,and in the big scheme of things it was very good(if you know what i mean) the vicar was very good and she gave a good talk,there was a stuttering fool who read a poem(me) and Elvis was played into the church and out,a massive turn out for two much loved Aunts and the weather held for them both,the wake was cathartic and some catching up with old friends and relatives was done.


I did find it strange that the only person to thank the vicar for a nice service and kind words was me the Atheist. :lol:


The church do some things very well in times of grief :good:

well maybe you just hit the nail on the head. Perhaps the religion is a side issue and the support they offer is the real benefit of the church.

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You know what? I think that whether you believe in God or not (I personally don't) as long as you're a good person and try your hardest to be kind, considerate and treat others as you'd like to be treated, well, you can't go far wrong. Even if there IS a God he isn't gong to knock you for that.

No Carol Vorderman



Ha ha ha ha brilliant

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You know what? I think that whether you believe in God or not (I personally don't) as long as you're a good person and try your hardest to be kind, considerate and treat others as you'd like to be treated, well, you can't go far wrong. Even if there IS a God he isn't gong to knock you for that.



Ha ha ha ha brilliant

thats what i think

Edited by overandunder2012
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You know what? I think that whether you believe in God or not (I personally don't) as long as you're a good person and try your hardest to be kind, considerate and treat others as you'd like to be treated, well, you can't go far wrong. Even if there IS a God he isn't gong to knock you for that.



Ha ha ha ha brilliant

That pretty much sums it I think :good:

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Religion can get in the way of faith. Faith is a belief in the unseen, the unproven and the unprovable.


I know 100% that God is there for me.. so I'm very lucky.


He was there before when I chose to follow Jesus and has been there ever since. I've moved away at times, come closer at others, and I've not understood everything or had all the answers. But still...


He was there when I have lost dear ones, old and young, when our first daughter was given and taken away, and when I have just been feeling very down.


He is also there when times are good and it's then that it's important for me to acknowledge, thank & praise him.


He was there on Sunday when I was playing bass in church, there was a tangible feeling of the presence of his Spirit in the room. Somehow my fingers danced on the fretboard improvising note-perfect, as we all worshipped him.


He is there too when I get into the car park at work and ask for strength to get through the day. He forgives my weaknesses. When I get home too I can take time to thank him for his many blessings.


Yes, being out with a gun is also a way of feeling close to him, taking my part in his world as he has designed & gifted me to do. Staying in close contact with creation is important. But staying in close contact with my heavenly father is more important than anything else. Going to church helps me do this... refills the batteries somewhat sometimes, so I hope anyone who is looking for faith or wanting to know more will think on these things and find somewhere where faith is celebrated and nurtured - and not just religion.

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arjimlad, nice story :good:



well maybe you just hit the nail on the head. Perhaps the religion is a side issue and the support they offer is the real benefit of the church.


Like below, religion is empty if it does not have the support for others side to it.


You know what? I think that whether you believe in God or not (I personally don't) as long as you're a good person and try your hardest to be kind, considerate and treat others as you'd like to be treated, well, you can't go far wrong. Even if there IS a God he isn't gong to knock you for that. From a christian perspective the theology is wrong, faith without works is as dead as works without faith.

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To be honest i couldn't care less. I have my own morals standards which are quite strict. Whether it works in a Christian context matters not to me. :)

Sadly BB, although I agree and also adopt a 'do as you would be done by' approach to others, those others own moral standards and consideration for their fellow 'man' means its harder, still worth doing and just kicking in a few doors.

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