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first trip in new boat


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Took the first trip in the new wildfowling boat today. Been playing with a cheap outboard I bought from an old guy near me and it finally fired into life yesterday. I forgot how loud and smelly two strokes are!


Not sure about shooting from it yet. Need a bit more confidence first on the water. Would like to decoy from it, but it may just take us to area and have to sit in the mud.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I got it from a local guy near me in Cornwall. He refurbishes them. Its not named actually. My wife keeps coming up with names but I dont like any of them. Any suggestions?. I went for a second trip out today to look around the marsh and the engine packed up and left me drifting in the tide. Luckily I had oars!

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  • 2 weeks later...

nice one fella. i used to the same with a good mate of mine we had a canadian kyack.no motor it would sail in a foot of water. all we used was the oars we could get to places other fowlers could not. and it paid of . could get up all the little gutters to decoy etc. good luck fella.

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Great looking little vessel you've got there! I've got one quite similar. My favourite engine is the mariner 2.5hp 2stroke, light, very simple, surprisingly pokie and a good example is about £200

Just picked up a Yamaha 3hp for a steal off Ebay. Had to go into deepest darkest Cornwall for it, but looks in mint condition.


steve0146 where abouts do you fowl as i am in cornwall too

Its the for the Tamar and Tavy. You might see me out one day as you drive over the bridge as that is where it is put in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice. :good:


Looks like a single skinner. Your feet will freeze if you don't tool up with your footwear. I'd also make sure the dawg has a nice thick dry mat to sit on.

Fit the boat out with a 'fitted carpet'. Local carpet shop will have offcuts that he is trying to get rid of or your old lounge carpet will do. Cut it to fit right up under the 'gunnels' so that it doesn't move around. Makes boat much easier to clean - just use the hoover.

Thick carpet = Nice warm feet. Your dog will appreciate it too!

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Fit the boat out with a 'fitted carpet'. Local carpet shop will have offcuts that he is trying to get rid of or your old lounge carpet will do. Cut it to fit right up under the 'gunnels' so that it doesn't move around. Makes boat much easier to clean - just use the hoover.

Thick carpet = Nice warm feet. Your dog will appreciate it too!

I have a roll of old carpet I use for dog bedding so I will cut some off. Thanks!

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Steve, have you thought about an electric outboard?. I have a 54 thrust Yamaha that I run off a leisure battery. I also carry a fully charged standard 12v car battery as back up. Its so quite which can have its advantages. Also its extremely pokey for an electric. Love your boat anyway, the best of luck come the season.

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Steve, have you thought about an electric outboard?. I have a 54 thrust Yamaha that I run off a leisure battery. I also carry a fully charged standard 12v car battery as back up. Its so quite which can have its advantages. Also its extremely pokey for an electric. Love your boat anyway, the best of luck come the season.



The current and tide is really strong crossing over to the marsh, I did consider an electric motor, but was unsure if it would be enough against the tide.

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The current and tide is really strong crossing over to the marsh, I did consider an electric motor, but was unsure if it would be enough against the tide.

I`d forgotten about the current as I shoot inland Washes which pose no problem so you may have a point mate.

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Honda 2.3hp air-cooled, four stroke engine pushed my little boat, much like yours, up and down the river Alde in Suffolk for years.

Big tides and lots of mud. Air-cooled and four stroke means less to go, or get, wrong.

Keep it simple.

My parents live in Wrentham so visit the area at Christmas. Looks lovely fowling ground. They had a lot of Greylag in the fields of sugar beet last year, something I dont see living in the south west.

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