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What to do about neighbours dogs barking?


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I have two neighbours who are both friends, and they both have dogs that bark continually.#


One lets their dog out at around 6am and 1.30am and it just stands and yaps (westie, vile, pointless breed!!)


The other has a GWHP that kicks off if anything comes in range and wakes my lad up.


Suggestions as to what to do appreciated

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I have two neighbours who are both friends, and they both have dogs that bark continually.#


One lets their dog out at around 6am and 1.30am and it just stands and yaps (westie, vile, pointless breed!!)


The other has a GWHP that kicks off if anything comes in range and wakes my lad up.


Suggestions as to what to do appreciated

its a massive problem. in my opinion, the vast majority of dog owners are selfish and arrogant, I come to this conclusion through what I see and hear everyday. Trust me, they are not your friends, but scum.

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thats what dogs do they bark.part of living together in society,putting up with minor things around you,i bet your neighbours think the same about noises from yours and other houses.dont hink legally theres anything that can be done to stop a dog barking at noises and strangers approaching property.

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thats what dogs do they bark.part of living together in society,putting up with minor things around you,i bet your neighbours think the same about noises from yours and other houses.dont hink legally theres anything that can be done to stop a dog barking at noises and strangers approaching property.

1990 act a barking dog can be classed as a noise nuisance, which could result in a prosecution if the local authority take it to court

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thats what dogs do they bark.part of living together in society,putting up with minor things around you,i bet your neighbours think the same about noises from yours and other houses.dont hink legally theres anything that can be done to stop a dog barking at noises and strangers approaching property.

My dog doesn't bark

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Diary all occurrences first for about a week/two then go to the Council's Environmental Health department and complain.

It would help if you had a polite word with said neighbours first but not essential, It is actionable by the Council but keep pressing them once you have reported it.

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thats what dogs do they bark.part of living together in society,putting up with minor things around you,i bet your neighbours think the same about noises from yours and other houses.dont hink legally theres anything that can be done to stop a dog barking at noises and strangers approaching property.

and this is one of the problems with some dog owners have this opinion stuff the neighbours my dogs entitled to bark all day


I have a lad that works for me had the same problem neighbour chucked dog in garden at 6 in the morning and it started barking


Several calls to the council had it sorted

Edited by castletyne
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I have not long gone through the same problem. Some times its not that easy having a talk to the owners, its possible they may get a little defensive and a fall out may be imminent. But it saves going down the official route.

You need to keep a diary of the times and length of the nuisance noise for a few days, you then give the council a call to report it, they will then send you both a letter informing them of the compailnt that's been put forward giving them the chance to amend thing's. It will also give them advice on how to try and improve the matter. They will be given a time to sort out the problem.

At the same time as they receive there letter you would have recieved the same but also a sheet with date and time columns to record what time, how long and what the actual disturbances were, in your case and the time you say it would be sleep disturbance.

After a given time you send off the report and the local council act on that, by informing the owners of the issue's. If the dog owners dont act after recieving the reports then the next stage is having a recorder placed in your home which you trigger when the dog bark, this reords for a set time and it records the level of noise and the Time.

If after this the council are happy you have a case the next step is they need to be at your home when the dogs are causing the disturbance, there needs to be 2 of them to witness the dogs barking.

They will then issue a notice to the owner's. Who then by law need to sort out the problem.

It sounds long winded but its a problem I had not too long ago, the only difference is I work permanent nights,12 hr shifts, and the dogs were barking from 08.25 til 17.25. This went one for 10 months, and believe me it was getting very close to confrontation, and yes I could not be too bothered about loosing my fac.

Best of luck..

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Just talk to them if they are your friends. We recently moved into a new house and asked our neighbours if any problems with our dogs to let us know as they spend the day in a kennel the last thing i would want is them barking all day and annoying the neighbours.


After about 4 weeks of being in this new house we got a letter through the door complaining about constant dog barking throughout the day and night from the council. It is an offence as its considered a noise nuisance and in worse case senario can end up in court with a £5000 fine for the dogs owners.


We were surprised to get the letter as my wife is at home most of the time and when we are home they bark very rarely. We had none of the very close neighbours complain, we did ask them and they said the dogs are fine and vary rarely hear them. We think its actually a dog from another house that barks regularly that we hear as well and is rather annoying and we think it may be our dogs being close make it bark more maybe...


Anyway our end result was we sent a response to the council explaining we spoke to neighbours and also the fact the dogs are used to being in the kennel and about the other dog etc, we also offered if they wanted to put the sound recording equipment in our garden they would be welcome to prove it isnt ours. They sent a polite response back basically saying they were going to follow it up,


I think anyone who believes all dogs bark and should be allowed to regardless need to be more responsible owners, all very well if you live on a farm in the middle of nowhere but in a housing estate with close neighbours its not fair on the neighbours to put your dog out in the garden and let them bark the whole time. All dogs will bark sometimes but not to the point were they cause a nuisance.

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Interesting one doesn't bark at 8 months I have one who isn't 3 weeks yet that is having a go. We're careful when they are out but what doesn't help is dogs in neighbouring gardens, mine only barks when she is barked at but we don't let her out between 10pm and 7am best option is as ever to talk to them and explain the problem and see if you can sort it without being a sneaky neighbour and going down the council route.


As for una well it says a lot to me people who don't like pets

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reporting your friends is a bad idea especially without talking to them 1st , if they are friends i doubt you want to fall out with them. all you got to say is "hey mate you ever thought of a bark collar we would all have a quieter life" if that results in a fall out then you still have the official route but at least you tried to do the decent thing and have a chat 1st.

Edited by overandunder2012
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The ******* next door to me, reported me twice to the rspca before even talking to me about the problem.

you must have known you had a problem fix it before a complaint is sent i have two labs hardly ever bark i keep them indoors but take them for four supervised walks a day

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