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Wildfowling Season 2013-2014


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A few Teal about last night, fluffed my 1st chance of the year! was to busy watching a flapper amongst the decoys and didn't see 2 Mallard curling in from my right, knee was firmly stuck in the mud and just couldn't get round far enough to get on them. That's my excuse anyway :lol:


Nice to see a lot of Mallard about though.

I like your excuse... :lol::lol: :lol:


We did see lots and lots of mallard and I really thought you did get one of that pair that came to your right. Flappers are very strange little thing...quite funny the noise that they make :lol::lol: :lol:

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Had a good morning flight this morning.


Bit of a late start for the birds with low cloud rain and wind .


Bagged a teal early into the flight, then a long wait for the geese, some mallard passed my mate he dropped two.


Managed two greylags to finish a very wet soaked to skin morning.


Dog made a decent retrieve of a goose from the water and reeds, so a good morning all round.



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Well had a look this evening. Very little duck and NOTHING has moved on dark the 3 evening flights I've been out. Heard a few wigeon tonight but not in any big numbers yet.



Finally realised that September is great for getting the season underway but its pretty poor compared to October. When the birds are in you've always got the chance of an odd duck even if you're in the wrong spot..



Won't manage my next outing till Oct. but can't say I'm particularly disappointed by that. Roll on the pinks and wigeon/teal in bigger numbers..

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Well back from an opening morning flight on the Broads yesterday with a mate and we managed a reasonal bag of mallard and gadwall, made all the sweeter because I had a serious illness a3 months ago and I wondered if I was going to get back on the marsh again. My shooting was not at its best ( my illness has effected eye-brain - hand reflexes so having to learn to shoot all over again) , but it was a joy to be out and all the better to get a few birds in the bag. The dog made the day with one realy difficult retrieve having to swim a wide dranage dyke, run through a belt of reeds , cross a river bank covered in long vegetation and find the mallard in a thick reed bed and deliver the bird to hand within a minuet.


On another tack on steel shot sizes for geese. Boyed is a very experianced wildfowler and its worth listening to what he says about shooting geese. However his level of shooting skill enables him to hit geese in the head time after time , certantly more consistantly than i can. While I have brought down the odd one at 50 yards with no 3 most of my geese have been a lot closer than that and if I am going for geese I use larger pellets than no 3 , but provided you do not push the range no 3 will do the job.


However its always worth bearing in mind that te post was aimed at a berginer at wildfowling and for those more experianced tend to all have out favoured shot size and cartridge which will tend to differ and in reality all of us will bring our goose down on the day.

Listen, I am not disputing you can Kill clean with no.3. ( I have stated I have done so) I am disputing you can do so consistently at 50yds, no matter what a fantastic shot you are. Prove this to yourself and others by patterning your gun at 50 yds (there will be plenty gaps big enough to miss that head / neck) and remember the energy levels being so low out there you will require multiple strikes to the head a lucky single cannot be relied on. One thing you do get with small shot at range is a distinct lack of broken wings - this should tell you that even if the density is there the energy is not WE NEED BOTH. Being up front is pretty much essential regardless of shot size!

I have shot with an experienced and capable fowler who uses very small steel shot exclusively with success BUT he is very disciplined about range 50yds would not even enter into the equation with him.

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Put it like this: shoot enough geese and you will clean birds with small pellets only subcutaneous from being shot before ,(haven't got anywhere near the muscle never mind the organs).


You need bigger shot size to give you some margin for error. Most of us wouldn't say it's difficult to shoot a bird at 50 yards. However the margin for error in your swing at that range is pretty small. Not much in it between a good front end shot and rattling tail feathers

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Listen, I am not disputing you can Kill clean with no.3. ( I have stated I have done so) I am disputing you can do so consistently at 50yds, no matter what a fantastic shot you are. Prove this to yourself and others by patterning your gun at 50 yds (there will be plenty gaps big enough to miss that head / neck) and remember the energy levels being so low out there you will require multiple strikes to the head a lucky single cannot be relied on. One thing you do get with small shot at range is a distinct lack of broken wings - this should tell you that even if the density is there the energy is not WE NEED BOTH. Being up front is pretty much essential regardless of shot size!

I have shot with an experienced and capable fowler who uses very small steel shot exclusively with success BUT he is very disciplined about range 50yds would not even enter into the equation with him.

If your a good shot it doesn't matter what you have in the pipe it will be in the right place and do the job. Go and tell George dig weed that he shouldn't be shooting at 80 yards. Im not saying this is what I do (because I am not as good as him lol!!) but live and let live, its what ever you feel confidant with.. For me 4's for ducks and 1's for geese but I have shot a grey lag dead as any goose has ever been shot with 32g 4's, because I hit it in the head. If you are good enough to do that consistently that's fine by me.

Anyway Lets try and keep this thread on track!! I have tried to upload some pics from my first outing but they were too big I am going to edit them in a bit and then put them up hopefully

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Fist flight of the season was a great success! Plenty of ducks swimming about but only a few decent chance of sporting shots actually presented themselves, the fist was a tufted duck at first light which I dropped stone dead over the decoys in the water to give the dog his first retrieve of the season, and he was definitely more exited than I was!! Got a bit unlucky with the usual, ducks coming from the opposite way to where I was looking and then coming over as I had a drink, always happens! After sunrise a few pigeons started coming in another fowler was having a crack at them and sent some my way, I swapped over to some smaller cheaper carts which I felt less guilty at shooting at pigeons with, after a few misses the dog had an easy retrieve. Just as I was thinking of leaving a few mallard came over and I dropped one into some reeds which I thought was a runner and so a tricky retrieve for the dog but he came back with it dead so a great first flight and fantastic to be back on the marsh. :) I don't normally get too exited about the early season but I will not be able to shoot October or November so I need to make the most of it! Would have been nice to see some geese but I cant complain at all. post-47152-0-19505700-1378636110_thumb.jpgpost-47152-0-87397700-1378636112_thumb.jpg

Had the ducks the next night fried with a plumb sauce in a wrap- Delicious!! :good:post-47152-0-25422500-1378636115_thumb.jpg

Hopefully these pictures worked this time!!

Edited by wildfowlingmad
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Shame Kent and Wildfowler .250 was not with me this morning!!!! Took a mate after Geese allowing 300-400 to flight through UN-SHOT onto there feed two fields away I moved to intercept the last few Skeins. NOW the interesting bit these Grey' and Canada's was crossing tall trees putting them 45-50yrds high first Skein over mate killed one me to next I killed a R/L he then a R/L after Both taking 6 each we left them alone So how do I confidently know there hight Easy a goose showing 1" either side of a sbs 12ga IS 45yrds if using a o/u turn your barrels side ways and TRUST ME it is a proven FACT my mate used a 12ga and 1/2 choke 3" Gamebore 36 ha STEEL 3shot me 20ga 3" Home Load 15/16oz STEEL 3 Shot I had 7 shots my mate 12 but he also shot 4 Mallard Long winded story but TRUE so you pair just because YOU CAN'T do it PLEASE DON'T go disbelieving people who can oh and before you start on me about using 20ga plenty Gents off here and Other Forums have seen me do. My Adice is learn to shoot and STOP knocking those that can do what you can't Have you ever just perhaps like Many I've met over 40+ years Fowling YOUR 50yrds is 65-70 ??? And that's the problem As Anser2 tried to point out I only try to help NOT to say I'm better again plenty have got there First Goose me as they listened. Enjoy your shooting using whatever you feel is BEST suited to YOU :) :)

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Well done on the geese. Didn't say you 'can't' kill them like that. I shot one last season dead at 50 yards with 30 gram 6's,(bro was near me if back up was needed). And confidence in a cartridge plays a big part.


BUT I'll stick to my size 1 shot and that'll do me. I do take down a few 60 yard birds every year but can't say I'd advocate it.

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This weekends outings.


I headed out to kirton on saturday and was ready and on the sea wall for 4.30 am. There was 2 cars already in the car park but the fowlers had gone.


Not sure where they had gone I thought I will try a spot where ive never seen anybody go.


The tide was a 7.7 at 7.56 am so I didn't want to be too far out but on my last trip I noticed alot of duck fin flight along the river. So plucked up sone corouge and headed out to a spot which is not to far from the river but only a few mins walk out fom yhe sea wall.


Any way I couldn't find a splash but there was a shallow but wide creek with sone water in. As the high tide was a 7.7 thought I would use my mother line that way if yhe creak floids I can get my deeks out no issue.


Only a few mins after setting up and with very little light a pair of teal zoom past, I didnt even get my gun up.


This happened three times before I manage to get upto speed but I was ready the next time and managed to squeeze off teo shots. Nothing fell amd i was reminded way teal are one of my favourite sportong birds. I was a bit miffed at the misses as I had shot a teal on the first.


When the sun had grown a bit more 4 shoveler past by at a decent range. I didnt feel the need to pick up my gun, instead I reach for a large dose of tea fron my flask as my dog tucked herself under my arm.


The tide was getting high now and I realise I have a leak in my neoprene waders. Anybody know of a way to find a leak? Seriously I cant find anything?


The sun was well uo at it was time to head back to tye car.


This was the highest tide I had sat out by myself. 7.7mtr

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Morning all,


I'd promised to take my lad out on Saturday morning but with one thing and another I couldn't get out. After an hour of asking last night I said we'd go out for a quick walk before he had to go to school this morning! Glad I did


We had been out for about 20 minutes before Ryan said dad I can hear geese, geese I said no don't think so boy! But dad was wrong! A skein of about 20 Canada's were approaching. I reached for the call and was gutted as in my rush this morning is left them on the kitchen table! They flew about 100yards straight passed us, so I thought I'd give mouth calling a try. To my surprise after honking a few times they turned they crossed from right to left and the end bird was just in range, swung through and it dropped dead.

Sent the pup for the retreive and it took a few sniffs from him and a bit of encouragement from me he brought it to hand.



Edited by WelshAndy
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Had our first trip of the season on Saturday, we took a new member out with us. After an early start and a long drive we reached the desired location. To our surprise no one else's was about. Tide was around 7am and due to be a big one. The plan was to go to high ground on a flat salt marsh.


We made our way out across the marsh, we could hear the geese out on the reserve making a good old noise. I left my mate and the newbie on the main creek amongst some high ground. I made my way out another few hundred yards out along the main creek to And settled on a small creek. I built the hide and put a handful of teal decoys out well before the sun started to rise.


The marsh felt alive with the noise from the geese and the quake from mallard all over the estuary.


Soon the teal were buzzing all around I left them as I didn't want to put the geese off. But this turned out to be a mistake.


Soon gun shots rung out from the two further down. I still held off. soon gadwall were flying high and wide, the whistle of some wigeon pasted overhead but too high for a shot. Then a pintail came past low and close enought for a shot this dropped to the second barrel and a nice easy start for the dog.


Soon the geese made a move but all went out the way I thought they might no where near us lol. But it was good to see them. A good 600 plus.


Next two mallard came at a nice shoot able hight but I missed by a mile to my anger. Soon the sky was full with duck of all types mallard teal, pintail and the odd wigeon. The tide was now pushing up the marsh decoys were now afloat.


The next chance came by two mallard both fell to the 36g no3. This made up for my poor shooting at the previous pair.


Next a single pintail came to some well early season calling this time a lovely drake. A teal came wizzing past the decoys but I was just to rusty to get on it.


I could hear that the others were getting a bit of shooting but didn't know how they were going. By now the light was fully up and ducks were moving out to feed on the close by stubbles in there hundreds it was a great sight. By now i was totally cut off by the tide. A high single mallard came over which fell to the first shot.


Next 3 high wigeon came directly overhead I picked the middle bird and connected with the first but missed the second, it was a lovely cock bird. By now the ducks and geese had nearly finished the morning flight. But there was time for one more mallard to be added to the bag.


As the tide started to recede I was able to make my way back to the others. After a bit of a walk I had reached them the newbie had bagged a drake pintail and was over the moon and Matt had got himself 3 teal with one shot and a drake mallard. So all in all we had a fantastic first flight of the season.

Edited by Barls2-9-12
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