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RWS .22 subsonic ammunition.

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I read in a shooting magazine the other day, that RWS have developed a .22 subsonic cartridge that was made specifically for semi auto rifles.

I'm not sure when we will see them on our shelves, but, even as a dedicated Winchester subsonic ammo' shooter, I'd like to try a box or two just to see what they are like.

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I wouldnt bother, the "hollow point" on their standard subs if completly rubbish to say the least, just a small cross cut in the top. So even if they cycle well in a semi, i doubt theyll kill well. Stick to winnies


I'm not following that, the way I see it I'd call it better than the HP on an Eley Sub!




Is there another type you use?

Edited by Dekers
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About 4 years a go i bought a couple of boxes and literally all the hp was was a cross cut in to the front end of the bullet, they may have now changed, but when i used em they were a severe problem.


Pete, I can say they are now amongst the best .22 subs you can buy. No squit. Try a box in the latest flavour, you won't be disappointed.

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I tried a box or too when i was in Kranks

stuck them through my sako

seemed fine but no-one local stocks them so I went back to winsubs


I tried them as they are reported to clock slightly lower velocities and remove the odd "cracker" on a hot day

950-1000 vs 1000-1050 IIRC

good reviews here


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The write up stated that RWS have now developed a 'new' version especially for semi auto rifles. I think I read it in Gunmart magazine last week when on holidays. I left that, and a few others behind, so have no way of checking which one it was in. The photo showed a box of, I believe, 500.

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RWS subs are by far the most accurate sub i've put through my Finfire to date :good: . Eley subs a close second. RWS for me all the time now except when my local RFD can;t get em, in which case its Eley. Used to use those CCI segmented but had a bad batch and went off them. They did kill very well though i thought.



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RWS Subs are the most accurate round I've used in my 452. Cloverleafs at 50 meters. Best group shot today at just under half inch. Winchesters were grouping around one inch with the odd flyer increasing the group to over 2 inches. Eley's were second in accuracy, but seemed to lack the knock down power. It'll be RWS all the way from now on.

Edited by Dancake
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RWS rimfire ammo is the best around at the moment i find! i will go with the fact that the hollow point is abit small so i dont think they have the knock down power of say a winchester that has the equivilent to a small bucket cut out of the front. but with this being the case on the wins they group about as well as a shotgun!

i go for more shot placement than just killing power being produced by the bullet!


i have used the new semi auto stuff and it is good, its a subsonic solid and groups well, but in my m&p 15-22 the hp subs by rws cycle brilliantly anyway with no jams at all or hickups!

the 15-22 is by far the most reliable semi auto out there, so i think you would have to put them through something a little less reliable to really see the benefits!

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