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How to you tell if a neighbour is dealing in drugs?


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Small timer, he will not have too much on him, he will be keeping himself in whatever he is dealing, probably cannabis. If you dob him in he has a rubbish life, dob in the guy who supplies him and you save everyone grief.

Henry just what god forsaken glue do you sniff?? surely whether he is small time or shipping 15 tonnes of south americas finest nose candy across the atlantic a month he is breaking the law! the original poster needs to call crimestoppers and let them deal with it

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Henry just what god forsaken glue do you sniff?? surely whether he is small time or shipping 15 tonnes of south americas finest nose candy across the atlantic a month he is breaking the law! the original poster needs to call crimestoppers and let them deal with it


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Very interesting I think on people who are massively anti cannabis that they seem to think the a bloke who puts his feet up and roles a joint at the end of the week leads to suicide or Herion abuse! Lol each to there own opinion though I spose. Chances are by now all them nice young lads who was buying weed have got a bit lean and stoned and robbed an old lady, stole her car to go in search of a McDonald's with the munches, found out its not a 24/7 one and topped themselves. Either that or there shooting up behind a skip.

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Very interesting I think on people who are massively anti cannabis that they seem to think the a bloke who puts his feet up and roles a joint at the end of the week leads to suicide or Herion abuse! Lol each to there own opinion though I spose. Chances are by now all them nice young lads who was buying weed have got a bit lean and stoned and robbed an old lady, stole her car to go in search of a McDonald's with the munches, found out its not a 24/7 one and topped themselves. Either that or there shooting up behind a skip.

:lol::lol: Nice one sir !!! ps. Hows yer back getting on dude ?

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Just had to clock in to see how this had got to six pages! Simple answer is if you have suspicions inform the rozzers.As for legalising cannabis,why not? How many people die from canabis abuse on a yearly basis when compared to that other drug alcohol?Does the fact the latter is a legal high make it ok?

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Very interesting I think on people who are massively anti cannabis that they seem to think the a bloke who puts his feet up and roles a joint at the end of the week leads to suicide or Herion abuse! Lol each to there own opinion though I spose. Chances are by now all them nice young lads who was buying weed have got a bit lean and stoned and robbed an old lady, stole her car to go in search of a McDonald's with the munches, found out its not a 24/7 one and topped themselves. Either that or there shooting up behind a skip.


Similarly interesting how current or previous cannibis users who have no understanding of the pharmo-psychological effects of caniboids are happy to tell everyone how safe and harmless they are because "it never did them any harm".


A single use of cannibis can and does have serious psychological ramifications in some people...it cannot be argued that alcohol carries the same risk and alcohol in moderation has health benefits. Of course over use of alcohol is not a good thing either though.

Edited by oscarsdad
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Similarly interesting how current or previous cannibis users who have no understanding of the pharmo-psychological effects of caniboids are happy to tell everyone how safe and harmless they are because "it never did them any harm".


A single use of cannibis can and does have serious psychological ramifications in some people...it cannot be argued that alcohol carries the same risk and alcohol in moderation has health benefits. Of course over use of alcohol is not a good thing either though.




well I'm neither pro or against I simply don't care about someone who smokes a bit of bud, and think people use anything they can for an excuse for someone's behavior (religion,computer games drugs and alcohol). I know plenty of cannabis users, one is a farmer who I shoot with regularly, he sits in a field and smokes a joint, sips his tea, and chats away. He's well spoken and works harder than most and I know 4 or 5 people like that, but I'm also not saying it's ok, but I would rather that than the bloke who was smashed out his face on Saturday night and had two coppers knicking him outside the kabab place in my town, and all the women falling all over the shop and shouting etc, that is simply my opinion anyway

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:lol::lol: Nice one sir !!! ps. Hows yer back getting on dude ?


alright mate, back to work now, been a long road to recovery but job done , ready to get back to shooting. operation wasn't nice but thankfully done now, all done on not a single pain killer! Marine style haha. just smoking some huge doobys to sleep better ;) lol

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how well do you get on with the parents of the lad ? could they be the channel to him, everyone seems to blame the parents.. maybe a word with them 1st, if not why not have a word with the lad, something on the grounds like "i have heard there is someone dealing in drugs around here"


as many have said, if its a bit of weed now, what could it be later,


there are two sides to this fence.... those who have tried it or smoke it , will say there is nought wrong with it..... those who have seen the uglier side will be totally against it....


as for the law..right or wrong... beer wine spirits are not illegal , Dope is

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I have no objection to what anyone does in the privacy of their own house, they can smoke what they want, have sex parties or swing as long as they do not impact on me.


Sadly a large percentage of Junkies do....


I've always thought drugs should be legalised, controlled, but legalised. The government could make billions in taxes and drug related crime would fall through the floor. Not only that, but they could create a more pure and thus safer substance. The only reason I can think of for them not being legalised is because the only people who really profit from drugs, the Cartel and related parties, have too much influence and control, and have invested too much in keeping the necessary people quiet in the necessary places for them to allow anything else.


It would create thousands of jobs and inject a huge amount of money into our economy.

People will take drugs and people will die because of them - illegally or otherwise.

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I have no objection to what anyone does in the privacy of their own house, they can smoke what they want, have sex parties or swing as long as they do not impact on me.


Sadly a large percentage of Junkies do....

Hence why some things are or become illegal and others dont.
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I've always thought drugs should be legalised, controlled, but legalised. The government could make billions in taxes and drug related crime would fall through the floor. Not only that, but they could create a more pure and thus safer substance. The only reason I can think of for them not being legalised is because the only people who really profit from drugs, the Cartel and related parties, have too much influence and control, and have invested too much in keeping the necessary people quiet in the necessary places for them to allow anything else.


It would create thousands of jobs and inject a huge amount of money into our economy.

People will take drugs and people will die because of them - illegally or otherwise.

As a large number of hard drug users are spaced for most of the time, who will pay for their drugs, legal or otherwise?- Jo public again....

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