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My doctor gave me gel bags that you put in the freezer but you can still mould them to your back - slip them inside your belt - he told me that cold is better than hot.

Yep absolutley mate ,if you think about it the original pain derives from swelling/inflammation which in turn is pressing on the sciatic nerve causing the pain .Now in order to relieve the pain you need to reduce or manage the swelling /inflammation this is best achieved by cold packs be they ice packs a bag of peas or whatever,as cold causes tissue to contract and heat causes tissue to relax and expand its obvious that cold treatment is going to be more beneficial as it helps to contract the swelling off the nerve.Think of sportsmen whats the first thing the trainers do when they start treating their player or fighters injuries hot treatment or cold ? always cold as getting the swelling down as quickly as possible really helps .

Edited by Jega
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pregabalin -- been offered it , does it work

I was on Gabapentin for a while but I'm on Pregabalin now. I doesn't help a lot but it takes the edge off the pain to a certain degree. Only problem is I have to take gastro tablets with them otherwise I suffer from bad indigestion. I was told the Pregabalin was for the nerve damage I have and Codine etc was for the disc pain.

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I've got leaking discs also something called sacroiliac dysfunction which really gets me down, I take pregabalin,tramadol, and when I can't sleep because I'm in so much pain I have zopiclone 7.5mg very effective but can be highly addictive, I have injections in my facet joints which help a bit, they are on about cementing my vertebrae or something like that sounds a bit industrial to me, I had a severe anaphylactic reaction to amitriptyline and ended up in hospital with adrenaline injections and a drip and in hospital for 24hrs so certainly didn't help in my case lol, I see Phsio every other week not really sure wether it helps to be honest.....

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I had the injections that were mentioned earlier this year. I was told they would last for about 3 months and would then wear off, which is exactly what happened. It was well worth it though, for the first couple of months it was bliss to be free of the constant background pain, and of course the less frequent crippling pain that would occasionally set in.


I'm probably going to be going in for a second round early in the new year - in my opinion it is well worth it as a temporary measure.

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I had the injections that were mentioned earlier this year. I was told they would last for about 3 months and would then wear off, which is exactly what happened. It was well worth it though, for the first couple of months it was bliss to be free of the constant background pain, and of course the less frequent crippling pain that would occasionally set in.


I'm probably going to be going in for a second round early in the new year - in my opinion it is well worth it as a temporary measure.

Yes if it works. I've had a few now and they didn't do anything for me but some people I have spoken to have had them work and they agree with what you are saying. I also had lumber blocks which weren't very nice, worked for a very short time(2 weeks max).

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I'm gonna give them exercises a go, the mrs has also picked me up some freeze spray, same as deep heat but opposite effect. It not too bad, feels soothing, still in a lot of pain but not quite as bad, every little helps I guess.


I'd rather avoid injections and surgery if I can but it's certainly worth bearing in mind.

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The injections seem to be very hit or miss.

I know more people that they didn't work for, than those where they were successful.

The orthopedic specialist I saw didn't recommend them.

They didnt work for me, lasted less than 12 hours....


Was a nice 12 hours though...



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