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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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I worked for years as a doorman in one of the roughest clubs in the northwest, 99.9 % of the time it was a great job.

But then there was always one who wanted to fight the world.

As the industry get tougher and the law gets more swayed towards protecting the criminal then the job gets harder and harder, when do we say enough is enough. Is it when the doorman is stood there like a manikin unable to defend himself for fear of prosecution or loss of his job.

if the idiot had moved on and left of his own accord then he would not of got hurt, I support the doorman lets not tie their hands together or they will become a thing of the past and you will need a stab vest to go for a beer.

99.9%of the time it was a great job well you must have been blessed 65% mayby but when you have had to deal with bad things and i mean bad things its not good at all :no: its a hard job and a very fine line to walk on to be fair i am glad i am out of it i did it for the money not for the glory


as an ex doorman my self for many many years the other doornob not doorman just walking about did not help at all your strength and weakness is in each other the little guy might have got the better of the doorman :ninja: than what would :lol: doornob :lol: have done **** off down the cellar to change a barrel :lol: out the way in other words to many peanuts doing that job these days and the moneys **** i was getting more in the 80s than they are paying now :good:

as i have said above to many peanuts with a badge it don't make you a real doorman :good:

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The way this seems to read to me so far:-

1 The Police are not interested

2 The "victim" has made no complaint

3 The doorman has apparently been dismissed because he failed to fill in an incident book (no indication of any other problem from his employer)

4 The PW Massive know far better than anyone else, even though none were there, and think the doorman is a thug who should be hung drawn and quartered!


Have a nice Day!


ATB! :good:

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The way this seems to read to me so far:-

1 The Police are not interested

2 The "victim" has made no complaint

3 The doorman has apparently been dismissed because he failed to fill in an incident book (no indication of any other problem from his employer)

4 The PW Massive know far better than anyone else, even though none were there, and think the doorman is a thug who should be hung drawn and quartered!


Have a nice Day!


ATB! :good:


Surely most make an assumption based on the video...and then post their thoughts and feelings up on the forum. That's what I presume is the way forum discussions work (in general)... :whistling:

Edited by BRNDL
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The way this seems to read to me so far:-

1 The Police are not interested

Standard procedure

2 The "victim" has made no complaint

still on the sick and unable to

3 The doorman has apparently been dismissed because he failed to fill in an incident book (no indication of any other problem from his employer)

good excuse to get rid of the thug who had become a bit to much of a liability

4 The PW Massive know far better than anyone else, and think the doorman is a thug who should be hung drawn and quartered!

proving the fact you can only kid the brainless

ATB! :good:

is the way it should read.



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99.9%of the time it was a great job well you must have been blessed 65% mayby but when you have had to deal with bad things and i mean bad things its not good at all :no: its a hard job and a very fine line to walk on to be fair i am glad i am out of it i did it for the money not for the glory




I couldn't agree with you more!!

Edited by Fabhui
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Having finally bothered to watch the video, the drunk does appear to have it coming to him. According to most posters here, he's picked a fight with somebody who either:


A. Is a nutter itching to stuff somebody/anybody

B. Been exited from the club by a trained professional for causing trouble


Either way, he's on a hiding to nothing. Perhaps he learned a valuable life lesson, which is, "don't get trappy in a club or bad things will happen to you."

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Having finally bothered to watch the video, the drunk does appear to have it coming to him. According to most posters here, he's picked a fight with somebody who either:


A. Is a nutter itching to stuff somebody/anybody

B. Been exited from the club by a trained professional for causing trouble


Either way, he's on a hiding to nothing. Perhaps he learned a valuable life lesson, which is, "don't get trappy in a club or bad things will happen to you."


would agree with that 10 years ago...but not now...had to do the job and its like having one hand tied behind your back

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had to do the job and its like having one hand tied behind your back

The 'professional' in the video didn't seem to have one hand tied behind his back. The only difference nowadays is the bouncers don't get away with as much as they used to I.e filling punters in/ selling drugs/or controlling the drug dealers in the clubs.


ATB 425

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The 'professional' in the video didn't seem to have one hand tied behind his back. The only difference nowadays is the bouncers don't get away with as much as they used to I.e filling punters in/ selling drugs/or controlling the drug dealers in the clubs.


ATB 425

and now you have to put up with all the abuse ...being spat on etc because you cant put the little darling in their place......

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Classic fool. Never, ever be drawn outside first thing and best thing I got told. The guy was provoked into attacking the Saturday night hero and lost all his self defence argument when he left the doors (his job is to exclude and expel period), very different if the lad was trying to barge in or run in at the doorman

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This has popped up on two other sites and go on and caused quite a bit of discussion....


I personally think the doorman did ok....tried many times to take the bloke down and kept going



I have been a door man for 17 years, hes lucky he isn't up on an assault charge and looking at a prison sentence, he shouldn't of come off the door he was working on, typicle ten men doorman who shouldn't be in the business.Gives us all a bad name. Don't get me wrong ive had my fair share of fights over the years but only in the clubs and mostly for self defence but you never take it off your step and on too the street like he did . I would of sacked him on the spot if I was his HD to risky these days to act the way he did licences can be lost and venues closed because hes got a hot head and should not be on the front door of a venue

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there's a few reasons for being a doorman,

1, top up your wages/dole

2, the feeling of being important for once because you couldn't get into the armed forces or the police.

3,the opportunity to beat some one up and get away with it

4, pussy.

depending on the person, and i know quite a few, it's one or the other of those 4, sometimes all of them.

that's about it,

I have done this as a full time job for many years so not a suplimentery wage it feeds my family and fits in with the school run and around my wifes work.It pays me £15 an hr taxed not too top up my dole I was in the army for 11 years 16th air assault so that's another of the above gone, I don't like fighting I like a nice quiet easy shift and if you do your job properly don't let customers get ****** as ***** so they want too fight you check for drugs and be nice and polite all the **** stays outside. And as regards as pussy I wouldn't touch it with your matey door man slags aint no good,


so if you want to TAR me with the same small minded brush that your are using pm me and we can have a nice chat about things and just maybe you would change your views on door staff

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The way this seems to read to me so far:-

1 The Police are not interested

2 The "victim" has made no complaint

3 The doorman has apparently been dismissed because he failed to fill in an incident book (no indication of any other problem from his employer)

4 The PW Massive know far better than anyone else, even though none were there, and think the doorman is a thug who should be hung drawn and quartered!


Have a nice Day!


ATB! :good:



1 - They have no victim willing to provide evidence at court. Subsequently there is little chance of a realistic prosecution. Would you want them to waste time on something that will never ever result in conviction? That's how the courts work I'm afraid....


2 - Probably because he was a berk


3 - The club wont want to be associated with the doorman. They will have found any excuse to get rid of him. Lack of a note in the incident book? Perfect. What was he going to write? "I piledrived a customer onto his head after he drunkenly tried to attack me".


4 - He IS in the wrong. There is no excuse for him to do what he did, or for the other door staff to stand by and watch. From their reactions of acquiescing and allowing him to do it, he probably does it frequently. Or gets upset when his colleagues interrupt his caveman style violence.



I'd be comfortable with him being sacked, and being unable to work in a customer facing role again, particularly with confrontation.

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Being spat at is disgusting and no one should have to put up with that. But taking abuse off ****** people unfortunately is part of the job. I'm sure most 'professionals' have thick enough skin to deal with that. It's not all bad though. They do get to chat up a lot of birds throughout the night.

you learn not to go near the door whores tho.....
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I have done this as a full time job for many years so not a suplimentery wage it feeds my family and fits in with the school run and around my wifes work.It pays me £15 an hr taxed not too top up my dole I was in the army for 11 years 16th air assault so that's another of the above gone, I don't like fighting I like a nice quiet easy shift and if you do your job properly don't let customers get ****** as ***** so they want too fight you check for drugs and be nice and polite all the **** stays outside. And as regards as pussy I wouldn't touch it with your matey door man slags aint no good,


so if you want to TAR me with the same small minded brush that your are using pm me and we can have a nice chat about things and just maybe you would change your views on door staff

Best post so far....



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the bloke kept going towards him and his first action was to try and take the guy down...

Not what I saw. His first action was a roundhouse kick at about 2 yards, how was that trying to take him down? He was the aggressor as shown by the footage and SIA should revoke his license. Bouncer mentality is old hat.

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