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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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You missed this bit


City Centre Neighbourhood Inspector Caroline Ord said: "This was a serious incident of violence which will not be tolerated by Northumbria Police. "

and back over the net




The 30-year-old bouncer involved has now been spoken to by the police but was not arrested.

He was traced to his workplace and attended a Newcastle police station voluntarily


Eye witness said the guy was provoking the bouncer, bouncer knocked him out, seconds later the guy was up and took his shirt off and tried to fight again but his friends dragged him away.


So the lad started it, bouncer finished it. The second bouncer was keeping a eye on lads friends. The lad tried again and the controlled bouncers didn't want it.

Edited by leeds chimp
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just done a bit of digging on this ....


happened at Idols in Newcastle......the lad was ejected for fighting, hit doorstaff from behind then the camera started rolling ..watching it again it does look like the D/S is trying to take him down but then gets a grip for the slam.....

Exactly. He is supposed to be a trained professional with knowledge of restraint and the best ways of incapacitation yet when he was supposed to use this training he decided a Hulk Hogan move was more appropriate

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im from Newcastle and drink in town regular and see a lot of **** the doormen put up with but regardless of the lads actions inside club once hes outside this doorman should have ignored him as its outside his area of control not be sucked into a street brawl as video shows him clearly striking out at the lad which is assault despite whatever went on before and I think he will deffo be charged and lose his licence .the days when bouncers used to hit people with no comeback are gone its all about control now ...something this doorman obviously lacks

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im from Newcastle and drink in town regular and see a lot of **** the doormen put up with but regardless of the lads actions inside club once hes outside this doorman should have ignored him as its outside his area of control not be sucked into a street brawl as video shows him clearly striking out at the lad which is assault despite whatever went on before and I think he will deffo be charged and lose his licence .the days when bouncers used to hit people with no comeback are gone its all about control now ...something this doorman obviously lacks

its all about control now :yes: it always was :good:

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hahahah I was just about post this! The guy who I think should be up for charges is the other bouncer who does absolutely nothing to intervene! He may as well have been twiddling his thumbs and whistling!



The doorman hasn't been arrested. He voluntarily went to the police stattion and was released without charge pending further investigation.

Pending further investigation, doesn't mean he is off the hook yet. The fact he went to the police station because the police were looking to talk to him.


I understand its a difficult job dealing with idiots, I would imagine they were able to get the police involved if need be. Could of killed the **** and that would of been bad news for everybody.



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The lad who got ejected would seem to be a drunken plank who was looking for trouble. That said, the bouncer should have been able to handle this a whole lot better.


When he slammed the lad onto the pavement - it was deliberate - he could have killed him.


If he is struggling with a lad, blind drunk and half his size, he is probably in the wrong job.

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It's all good criticizing the doorman BUT if I was in that position, a drunken idiot shouting in my face, who had already been fighting, no matter where I was I'd want to defend myself and not be a punch bag. As for the harsh takedown being "un professional", there is no such thing as a fair fight, if you can imobilize them quickly then why not? Yes he maybe could have used a different technique but I'm pretty sure while getting punched in the face your not going to think, oh I better be gentle as I might hurt him.


We're all soon to comment on here how he was in the wrong but yet we protest when a thief gets compensated for being beaten/shot etc, what's more valuable to you? Your tv or potentialy your life?

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Speaking as neither a doorman or a drunk,


I think the doorman was out of order....


So was the other bouncer for not stepping in....as for "he was watching his back, making sure nobody else got involved"...sorry no excuse


When the police break up a fight do they let it go, stand back and watch?...or..pile in to bring it to a safe and quick ending?


Hopefully this "Professional" will get his comeuppance, but I doubt it...


Sad state of affairs when the guys supposedly making your night safe inflict more damage than was needed.....


They should have stayed by the door they were manning, and as said, the numpty would have got bored and walked away...


Guilty m'lud....hang him.....



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It's all good criticizing the doorman BUT if I was in that position, a drunken idiot shouting in my face, who had already been fighting, no matter where I was I'd want to defend myself and not be a punch bag. As for the harsh takedown being "un professional", there is no such thing as a fair fight, if you can imobilize them quickly then why not? Yes he maybe could have used a different technique but I'm pretty sure while getting punched in the face your not going to think, oh I better be gentle as I might hurt him.


We're all soon to comment on here how he was in the wrong but yet we protest when a thief gets compensated for being beaten/shot etc, what's more valuable to you? Your tv or potentialy your life?

What a complete load of rubbish!

There was no need for the doorman to even be involved, never mind defend himself! The incident took place outside the premises, the doorman didn't need to be there, so possibly wanted to be?

Professional my ****!

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For many of the posters in this thread - it is all very good to think what you would do in a "Professional" manner if it was you involved in this incident. But let me assure you from long experience that louts like this young lad - fired up to the brim with either alcohol or drugs do not know when to stop. Trying to be nice to them and even joking them on a bit to try and build some rapport (all included in the training for doormen) only works to a point. Being in a fight with a bunch of your mates I can assure you - is nothing like being on the doorman's job. Many of the quick pacifiers or take down moves are inherent in the British army basic hand to hand fighting (for a war time experience soldier) Some of you may have come from the infantry side of things - but how many of you realise these are criminal assault in civvy street - no matter why you have used them? Those who have experience on the door will know exactly what I mean by this. Instead of criticising the door man - you should try to encourage the idea of enforcing sensible drinking, then there would be even less need for doormen. :yahoo::ninja::innocent::whistling: B)


Pushkin :good:

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For many of the posters in this thread - it is all very good to think what you would do in a "Professional" manner if it was you involved in this incident. But let me assure you from long experience that louts like this young lad - fired up to the brim with either alcohol or drugs do not know when to stop. Trying to be nice to them and even joking them on a bit to try and build some rapport (all included in the training for doormen) only works to a point. Being in a fight with a bunch of your mates I can assure you - is nothing like being on the doorman's job. Many of the quick pacifiers or take down moves are inherent in the British army basic hand to hand fighting (for a war time experience soldier) Some of you may have come from the infantry side of things - but how many of you realise these are criminal assault in civvy street - no matter why you have used them? Those who have experience on the door will know exactly what I mean by this. Instead of criticising the door man - you should try to encourage the idea of enforcing sensible drinking, then there would be even less need for doormen. :yahoo::ninja::innocent::whistling: B)


Pushkin :good:

Again,totally irrelevant to the post in question.The doorman was not in a position where he NEEDED to defend himself;he put himself there.He was outside the premises on the pavement(how long does it take to get this point across?) and did not need to be there.At some point he left the premises to continue the altercation with the numpty,why?If the numpty has been ejected and was outside on the street then what reason does the doorman have for following him?It gives the appearance that he wanted the confrontation.This may not be so,but from what is on film doesn't give much scope for any other conclusion.

And just how do you enforce 'sensible drinking'?The drug is legal for crying out loud.

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I'm not sure kneeing someone in the head of slamming someone head first into the ground do they're unconcious should play any part in a licensed doormans 'toolbox'


There are times a doorman should have to only defend them self of walk away and call in the police.


This is sick. A doorman is paid to control drunk people. Whilst I don't agree with excess drinking, commercially that's the reason this industry exists. Slamming your pay ticket into the ground is too much.

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I've been in loads of scraps like that, every weekend on the door I worked we got little knob-heads trying it on....it allways ended the same way...sometimes you have no choice but to give someone a good hiding...it's the nature of the job, but the other lad should have got hold of the lad and both just held him down, the doorman shouldn't have walked towards him and kicked out at him, neither should he have dumped him on his head....a lad I worked with got 3 years inside for putting a lad in a coma with 1 punch...loads of people have and will comment on this but only doormen know what it's like every weekend dealing with people like this who just wanna show off... They sometimes put you in a position were violence is the only solution..

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For many of the posters in this thread - it is all very good to think what you would do in a "Professional" manner if it was you involved in this incident. But let me assure you from long experience that louts like this young lad - fired up to the brim with either alcohol or drugs do not know when to stop. Trying to be nice to them and even joking them on a bit to try and build some rapport (all included in the training for doormen) only works to a point. Being in a fight with a bunch of your mates I can assure you - is nothing like being on the doorman's job. Many of the quick pacifiers or take down moves are inherent in the British army basic hand to hand fighting (for a war time experience soldier) Some of you may have come from the infantry side of things - but how many of you realise these are criminal assault in civvy street - no matter why you have used them? Those who have experience on the door will know exactly what I mean by this. Instead of criticising the door man - you should try to encourage the idea of enforcing sensible drinking, then there would be even less need for doormen. :yahoo::ninja::innocent::whistling: B)


Pushkin :good:


When you're 18 your head is all over the place. Trying to fit in with mates, girls, job, moving out etc. You have a night out and have a falling out with one of your mates and get a bit gobby with the bouncer, so he bounces you off the kerb, causing potentially life threatening injuries. But it's ok 'cos he was fired up. Bloom' eck. Glad I don't go out anymore.

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The key word here is doorman-he had no right to be policing the pavement.Thats for the Police to do.


Eject the troublemaker from the club then prevent him from re-entering by all means,but he pursued him onto the pavement to continue his assault and this is very wrong.With any luck the Police will charge him.

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I grew up drinking in Coventry in the late 80s early 90s. That was like the Wild West!


This doorman put himself in the firing line when he stepped away from the club. He should have stood at the door where he had back up and the ability to retreat back inside. Obviously he wasn't happy with what happened inside the club and wanted some retribution. That isn't acceptable anymore so he's in the wrong IMO.

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ive watched it half a dozen times to try to give a more informed opinion of what happened , i have no idea what happened before or after the video so its impossible to comment.


the kid was a loud angry drunk idiot that was shouting abuse at the doorman , but , any experienced doorman (experienced in life and door work) would have enough brains to ignore it unless it went further than words (its just noise)


the doorman followed the drunk kid onto the pavement (unless the kid was damaging people or property it was none of the doormans business) the doorman was there to protect the club and its customers and he wasnt doing a very good job of it whilst he was brawling on the pavement like a thug.


the doorman made the first move , he tried to smash the kids knee and it didnt work , he then tried to throw the kid down but that didnt work either so it turned into a brawl (the other doorman should have had the balls to get stuck in and take the kid down before anyone got hurt) the kid should have been restrained for everyones safety until he calmed down or police officers took him away.


ive been in the same situation a thousand times , it can all happen very quickly and isnt always easy to deal with , you rely heavily on your mates (other doormen)but in this case his mate did nothing whatsoever to help him .


the doorman just walked away ! , that was disgusting ! , at the very least he could have checked that the kid was still breathing , he did his first aid training when he did his sia badge and should know better !.


the doorman in the video was a thug ! and his mate is a useless door supervisor ! , its due to thugs like this that doormen need to be badged now.


drunk kids like this are why doormen get work , if you cant handle a dunken idiot on a fri/sat night then you have no business working as a doorman !


for the record , ive been in this situation many times , yes it gets up your tits but thats what youre there for , save the rough stuff for the bloke with a knife or broken bottle and when it does go wrong and someone is laying spark out on the pavement , at least have enough human decency to make sure that you havent left them to die or suffer brain damage.

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