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cant renew sgl


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Make a list of the people who you think could and would sign then phone your FLO and ask them which are acceptable otherwise you'll be backwards and forwards.


Mine was signed by my paye boss and a manager at a place that I do contract cleaning.

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It's always been the rule that a director can sign but must have over 10 employees.

Generally they don't check though.

Seems you've been unlucky


Can you point me in the direction of the legislation that states this please.


I was not aware of this.


I have been referee for way over 100 people in my capacity of rifle club secretary or Company owner, and I don't employ 10 people directly, this has never cropped up.



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i havnt seen my doctor for over 3 years i dont think he would sign for a stranger :good:

Unless your doctor is a friend they will charge to sign the form.

Persons who charge to sign the form can not act as countersignatories; neither can RFDs; would persons for whom I've acted as countersignatory / referee for in the past please note and don't think that I'm being awkward when you ask in the future.


Few farmers emplloy 10 people.

I get the impression that this is anopther case of a Firearms Licensing Deparment making up their own rules.



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I thought (could be wrong) that if the gp charges then it is invalid. Anyone of good standing should be able to do it, except a serving police officer for some reason but they can do passports which I find odd.

I also thought a counter-signatory could not charge, mine was signed by a local magistrate and he said he could not accept anything for doing it, maybe it's a bribery thing ?

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Over the years I've had mine signed by accountant, social worker and fireman. As aris says teacher is also a good option. I'm sure if you relax and think about the people you know you'll come up with someone suitable.



He must be a busy bloke.

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Funny coz I got ok from licencing on my counter signature as a non commissioned officer retired, its supposed to be commissioned officer. Anyway I mentioned to the FEO that my FAC counter sig didn't need anything in particular and they said "yeah, its a load of rubbish really" just phone you licensing dept and get them to agree to someone who knows you being suitable. I have done a good few over the years and have nothing really listed other than once being a councillor in the past and my own tickets for a good period, I just state my profession anyway.

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Can you point me in the direction of the legislation that states this please.


I was not aware of this.


I have been referee for way over 100 people in my capacity of rifle club secretary or Company owner, and I don't employ 10 people directly, this has never cropped up.



Load of baloney if you ask me. I've countersigned several SGC and FAC apps in my capacity as a Company Director and never had one kicked back.

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im starting to panic now,police sent back 1st time because i forgot to sign back of pic,now they phoned me today saying my boss could not sign for me because new rules state that he has to employ 10 or more people and we have 7.i know someone who works for the mentally handicapped and have had a CRB test,would she be a candidate.the lady i spoke to today said a nurse or nursery teacher would be ok.HELP running out of time.



Ask them from what document they got this. It is total rubbish as far as I'm aware. There is no statutory requirement for this.



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It's always been the rule that a director can sign but must have over 10 employees.

Generally they don't check though.

Seems you've been unlucky


As my previous; I've never ever heard this quoted and it most certainly is not and has never been in any Home Office guidance publications.



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I thought (could be wrong) that if the gp charges then it is invalid. Anyone of good standing should be able to do it, except a serving police officer for some reason but they can do passports which I find odd.


The police don't issue passports though. It's a conflict of interest if someone from the issuing authority signs in support your application.



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Not so sure on that one, as many reasons for opening things up more. I think "good reason" will come to shotgun ownership though.


Unlikely, in my opinion. Not any time soon at any rate. That would inconvenience the 'right' sort of people who own shotguns, often lots of shotguns. We will never see the likes of David Cameron and the rest of the establishment having to demonstrate good reason to their underlings (the police) to hold on to the family Purdey's.



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an update ,i did phone up and ask i was told that anyone who has been CRB checked is fine,so now posted just need to wait.A couple of days ago there was a note put through my front door from posty saying id recieved a letter with no stamp,so had to go sorting office next day and pay £1.50.The letter was from shotgun licensing saying that my renewal application had been passed to another department for background checks,then when this gets the ok it would be passed onto the licensing dept.So think ive just been unlucky even though ive never been in trouble with law or even had any driving offenses.

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Whilst my SGC was in for renewal with my FAC application, it ran out.. So I gotuse'permit to posses' this allowed me to retain my guns but not allowed to use mine, buy or acquire any guns or ammo until the gun rental was completed, then I send back my 'permit to posses' when my New SGC arrives. Which has now happened along with a FAC for .22, .17 hmr, .243 and a .30-06.


Dont be affried talk to them.. They are helpful.

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i have spoken to them and even though my SGL runs out on the 3rd nov,as long as my application is back with them im ok .


NO you are not, this has been done to death here and on every shooting forum, you will NOT be in possession of a valid SGC/FAC.


Your region do not make the law and have NO authority to change/bend the law, what you have been told a load of dogs doings.

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If you have returned your application form in good time and are experiencing delays which
may put you in unlawful possession of firearms when your certificate expires, then you
should ask for a Temporary Permit under Section 7 of the Firearms Act 1968. This will allow
you to keep and use your firearms and shotguns and also, by virtue of Section 5(2)(a) of
the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988, to purchase ammunition. Unfortunately it will not
allow you to possess expanding ammunition – if you have any. This should be lodged with
a registered firearms dealer until you have your renewed certificate.


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