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air rifle

the poacher

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for £200 you would get a cracking springer certainly have a look at some of the HW,s or a hatsan


atb Evo

another vote here for Evo's advice. I'd be looking at the HW range with my money! The newer ones have a reputation for being a bit clunky out of the box, but any second hand job will be ideal :) they last forever and are excellent work horses

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I have a hatsan striker, it's perfectly good enough out to any range I shoot, namely 30-35 yards on average.

The trigger is a little harsh and not anything near any of my previous hw's however it is just as accurate which surprised me greatly. Often plink used shotgun cartridges out to 40 yards and any miss is down to me.

I believe the barrell is walther and the general build quality is perfectly fine for a budget sporter with the additional benifit of not inducing tears when dragged in mud or banged on tree branchs.

They are also cheap. Not to be overlooked and you would have 50 quid left to spend on lots of pellets (most come with scope and bag for 150).

Should add that if u could get a hw, maybe a 99 for 200 with a scope in reasonable condition it would be money well spent as well.

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A ratting gun only needs to be accurate at shortish range (under 20 yards) and a lot of the sessions will be in the dark using some sort of red filtered lamp, so it needs to be easily loaded in the dark. You'll probably be better off using a .22 gun for maximum damage to skittish rats, plus the larger pellets are easier to handle in the gloom. Go for a cheap lightish break barrel with a short carbine barrel for easier handling. A cheap gun like a carbine .22 SMK XS19 and a cree lamp with coloured filters would be well within budget and do the job perfectly. Maybe if you have other ideas for the future of any gun like rabbits out to 35 yards, then the XS19 would still be ok but you may be better off starting with a secondhand better quality gun like a Weilranch (German) or Air Arms (British.. :-)..).


You often have to hold a gun for long periods waiting for rat action so you may wish to look for a cheap, lightweight, carbine, .22 spring gun, filtered cree light and a 40-50mm adjustable objective lens scope with a magnification range starting low like a x3 or x4 to x9 (4-9x40 Nikko Stirling scope.?). You'll wind the magnification right down to about 4 for a maximum width of field of view to spot them and x4 will still be ok at short range.


My cheap .22 B20 carbine springer with it's cheap 4-9x40AO illuminated mil-dot reticule scope, mounted cheap G3 Cree Q5 (plus red sweet wrapper banded over the end) running on a single AA Duracell battery and is focusable from a spotlight out to floodlight (£2.66 from Amazon) would be under £200 and do the job A1 ....IMO..!!!

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Hatsan 1000s Striker in .25 cal hits like a sledgehammer. Big pop and splatter. Instant Kills.

Accurate out 35 yds but with pellets at 27 grain you get pellet drop after that.

I paid £100 new for the Rifle. £30 Scope. £20 Silencer. job sorted £150 all new.

Ideal for close range Rat shooting or inside Barns and pig sheds.


Have a look at McAvoys guns at Standish Wigan. www.guns.gb.com

They have loads of second hand springers and PCPs from under £200.

Lots of HWs 57. 77. 80. 97. BSA Superstar.

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