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CENS ear protection


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I just received my Cens Digital 2's last Thursday, shot clays with them on Saturday.


I think they are amazing so far, mode 1 is for game and I swear you could hear a pin drop at 50 yards. Mode 2 is more for all round shooting and is a little more subdued.


The advantages are they are comfortable to wear all day from straight from the box. They reduces shot noise really well, you can hear birds wings flapping no bother and they are well made.


The negatives are- they are to damn loud! As in the electronic box that amplifies noise can be too loud even in the lowest setting. If your shooting down the line the noise of the guy next to you can become painful. Maybe it's just because my ears are young? The price and the 3 week wait once you have your moulds sent away.


If you have any other questions. Fire ahead. I have photos of mines if you want to see what comes in the kit.



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I've been tempted to buy a set of these for some time but I just can't justify the price, especially when you compare them to a set of good electronic ear defenders such as the 3M Peltor Sporttac that I presently use - just my two cents....


Also, in-ear protection doesn't offer the same protection as a normal set of ear defenders :good:

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has any one had experience with the pro flex passive ones? (they cost £90) im looking into getting some of them, however i cant afford the digital ones just yet :(


should i save up as get the more expensive ones? or will the passive do a good enough job?? ( atm i don't wear any hearing protection)


normaly i go rough shooting and pigeon shooting when i can. so im not shooting everyday but still need some hearing protection.





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I have the passive ones - they work fine. The passive filters are also removable, and the digital ones fit right in if you want to retrofit them later.


I use both the Pro Flex passives and over-ear protection when i'm shooting, and just the passives in when i'm near others shooting. Belt and braces. I am already suffering a little bit of tinnitus, I don't want it to get worse.

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has any one had experience with the pro flex passive ones? (they cost £90) im looking into getting some of them, however i cant afford the digital ones just yet :(


should i save up as get the more expensive ones? or will the passive do a good enough job?? ( atm i don't wear any hearing protection)


normaly i go rough shooting and pigeon shooting when i can. so im not shooting everyday but still need some hearing protection.





My CENS passive plugs are fine, can still hold a normal conversation but they cut out the reports of the gun. As I only shoot clays I don't need to hear a wing beat from 100 yards away so they are perfect for what I need. Edited by Trevorevans
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i was looking at the passive ones at first but had a feeling they would just be like a normal pair or eat plugs.

My normal electronic ear defenders are fine for the game shooting i do its just the rough shooting really for when im working the dog there abit hard to use then


No,the passive ones are more than just ear plugs - they have a passive filter which blocks high-impact sounds but allows some sound (like talking) through. The electronic ones actively amplify external sounds while protecting your hearing from gunshot.

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I've been tempted to buy a set of these for some time but I just can't justify the price, especially when you compare them to a set of good electronic ear defenders such as the 3M Peltor Sporttac that I presently use - just my two cents....


Also, in-ear protection doesn't offer the same protection as a normal set of ear defenders :good:

The cens are moulded to your ear canal and fit extremely well,they are very good at blocking out noise,i would say that because they are fitted to your ear canal they will block more noise than ear defenders which will let in noise if the seal flexes with your face and jaw moving about.


has any one had experience with the pro flex passive ones? (they cost £90) im looking into getting some of them, however i cant afford the digital ones just yet :(


should i save up as get the more expensive ones? or will the passive do a good enough job?? ( atm i don't wear any hearing protection)


normaly i go rough shooting and pigeon shooting when i can. so im not shooting everyday but still need some hearing protection.





I have the cens passive and they are very comfortable and block shot noise out ,you can upgrade to the digital module at any time but i found i am happy with the passive just rough shooting with the dog or pigeon shooting.


But please get some ear protection, once it has gone you can't ever get it back,and believe me tinnitus is not funny i have had it for 25 years(not shooting related) and it is a noise with you for the rest of your life.

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I've used the Pro Flex Passives for a few months now and am very happy with them.

In the hide you can hold a conversation with ease, and they cut out gun fire crack very well.

They are also extremely comfortable to wear for whole day shooting and come with great after sales service.

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I would like to hear from anyone who has upgraded from the passive modules . I have just got the passive modules and have only had a couple of shots at the local crow population and am unsure as yet .

I think they fit well the only way i can break the seal with my ear is leaning my head right back and opening my mouth ( a pose that should not be replicated unless i have just missed a 60 yard pheasant and am in a state of disbelife :whistling: )

I would like to know if the electric modules cut out more noise than the passive version in real terms ? At this rate i am going to be wearing my peltor sportacs over my cens and my ears will still be ringing due to tinitus :/

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If you have tinnitus passive or total block ear defenders are not good the Tinnitus I'm told is the ear not being able to hear outside so listens to the inside noises, hence I hate working in the quite and turn on the radio it masks the tinnitus. The reactives allow you to hear outside so the tinnitus is kept at bay until you fire, this I'm told by my audiologist means the perceived noise reduction is better as our tinnitus will be better.

Edited by welshwarrior
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I suffer from Tinitus after over 50 years of shooting, then, after a couple of minor strokes, I was left quite deaf ( needing 2 hearing aids). As an Instructor, I was looking for some form of electronic hearing defence and enhancement. I had tried most types of the 'cans' available, but without exception, they all suffered from the same problem, wind noise. (No, NOT farting). The sound of the wind through the microphones, drowning out everything else. Not too many Clay Grounds have a vacancy for a deaf buttoner ! About 4 years ago, I treated myself to a pair of Cens electronic hearing defenders at a cost of over £400. I had the wax impressions of my ears made and awaited the arrival of my Cens. I had been informed that due to having 'narrow ear canals' I was unable to have the 'soft' rubber plugs, only the 'hard' plastic variety. After a couple of weeks the new Cens arrived. I was unable to get them into my ears and in fact the right one actually cut my ear. Back they went. After a couple of weeks the modified Cens re arrived. All seemed to be OK and they did actually work VERY well with minimal or no wind noise. After about a month the right hand on/off/volume switch became faulty, leading to the being left on and flattening battery syndrome. Back they went once again. After a week or so they were returned with allegedly, a new switch fitted. It felt pretty much the same to me but having been without the things for some 2 weeks and needing them three to four days per week, I decided to plod on. All went well until about 12 months of use when the troubled right hand plug lost the switch top, it had snapped off. I did find the switch top and contacted Cens. Because they were now out of warranty, I was told they needed a service every 12 months anyway. (Something I was NOT made aware of at time of purchase)The cost of which is or was (2 years ago) £70 plus the cost of any parts. I tried to point out that the right hand switch had been faulty from day one. Er.... tough luck, send them back and we will look at them. What happens if you decide I need a new switch ? Er.... you pay for it ! I stuck the switch top back on with superglue and have carried on for the last 2 years. Do they work ? YES, very well. They ARE expensive, they EAT batteries (compared to my hearing aids),they ARE high maintenance and the after sales leaves a lot to be desired. I have a pair of Emtech passive 'plugs' which are some 15 years old and still going strong. I tend to use them when hearing is NOT a priority. If I did not need or use the Cens in a semi professional capacity, I would NOT purchase them. IF you want good passive ear plugs, buy Emtech. Hope this prolonged rambling helps with your choice.

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  • 1 month later...

i know it was a while ago when i first posted about these ear plugs but i was just wondering do the passive work exactly the same as the proflex apart from amplfing sound

when the trigger is pulled do they deaden the sound exactly the same or is there some differance ??

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has any one had experience with the pro flex passive ones? (they cost £90) im looking into getting some of them, however i cant afford the digital ones just yet :(


should i save up as get the more expensive ones? or will the passive do a good enough job?? ( atm i don't wear any hearing protection)


normaly i go rough shooting and pigeon shooting when i can. so im not shooting everyday but still need some hearing protection.





I would look at the Emtech, their after sales service is FAR better.




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No,the passive ones are more than just ear plugs - they have a passive filter which blocks high-impact sounds but allows some sound (like talking) through. The electronic ones actively amplify external sounds while protecting your hearing from gunshot.


are they much different or better than sonic2's ?

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Russdy, in answer to your question. Do the passives deaden the sound of gunfire ? Yes. I had used the passives for some 8 years without a problem, apart from losing one. Emtech were able to replace the lost one inside a week. I found that I could continue normal coversation whilst wearing the plugs. After a minor stroke left me deaf, I purchased the Cens digital electronic plugs some 4 years ago. They have been a constant source of problems from day one really. I suppose I use them more than average, sometimes around 32 hours per week, but I was assured that they would be up to the job. Cens are very economical with the truth regarding after sales. I had them repaired twice, under warranty. Now the warranty has expired I am being quoted silly prices for overhaul/repairs. Your decision, oh by the way, the Emtechs are still going strong and I use them when not shooting in company.

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Russdy, in answer to your question. Do the passives deaden the sound of gunfire ? Yes. I had used the passives for some 8 years without a problem, apart from losing one. Emtech were able to replace the lost one inside a week. I found that I could continue normal coversation whilst wearing the plugs. After a minor stroke left me deaf, I purchased the Cens digital electronic plugs some 4 years ago. They have been a constant source of problems from day one really. I suppose I use them more than average, sometimes around 32 hours per week, but I was assured that they would be up to the job. Cens are very economical with the truth regarding after sales. I had them repaired twice, under warranty. Now the warranty has expired I am being quoted silly prices for overhaul/repairs. Your decision, oh by the way, the Emtechs are still going strong and I use them when not shooting in company.

I agree with Westley. I bought emtec 13 years ago. I have had dust filters sent out quiet often FOC, my fault as I clean them in the sink and they disappear down the hole. I thought I lost one and when I called they found my original moulds in no time at all (never got a replacement cost as I then found the lost one in the car seat runner within minutes of the call).


The best thing is they look as good as new and work well after all this time, left in the car in the glove box, might not come in wild 2 tone colours but now't wrong with green, blue or skin colour, after all you can't see them in your ears.........

Edited by markm
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