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I have a Browning Maxus Premium Grade 3 and love it. Never had a jam and I don't strip it down very often.

Always used it with 28g plus cartridges though as I've no need to use any less in it for pigeons, crows, rabbits etc which is all it's used for.

It stands in on the sporting clays if my MK38 is away being serviced etc and I do quite well with it.

I do shoot better with my pair of Miroku O/U's but they are both nice grade 5 guns and I don't want them getting knocked about.

In some ways I wish I had got a composite or camo version so I can do just that but this gun looks the part wherever I shoot it.

A semi auto is so much easier to reload in a hide and the extra shot is handy if you have a couple of birds come in at once, although my issue seems to be wasting 3 cartridges on one bird that's got away! Must learn to have more self control when I know I've missed.

I was out last night and arrived a bit late at my permission but managed 4 crows with it.


29520455695_06da8d6f6a_b.jpgBrowning Maxus Premium Grade 3 by Chris Carter

Edited by ChrisPCarter
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I found a potential issue with my Maxus Premium that others may want to be aware of. It's a standard 2+1 (3 shot) 3" chamber version and with the more common 70mm cartridges all is fine but if you use 65 or 67mm ones and try to push a fourth in by mistake it won't go right in the magazine but it can slip back past the carrier to the left and sit there ready to load making it a 3+1 (4 shot).

I've heard of 3.5" chamber guns taking more cartridges and "ghost loading" which is a quite deliberate way of forcing another cartridge in but with the above sizes it's far too easy to do just by pushing them in as normal.

This would make it an S1 shotgun that needs to be on a firearms certificate I believe.

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Guest cookoff013

I found a potential issue with my Maxus Premium that others may want to be aware of. It's a standard 2+1 (3 shot) 3" chamber version and with the more common 70mm cartridges all is fine but if you use 65 or 67mm ones and try to push a fourth in by mistake it won't go right in the magazine but it can slip back past the carrier to the left and sit there ready to load making it a 3+1 (4 shot).

I've heard of 3.5" chamber guns taking more cartridges and "ghost loading" which is a quite deliberate way of forcing another cartridge in but with the above sizes it's far too easy to do just by pushing them in as normal.

This would make it an S1 shotgun that needs to be on a firearms certificate I believe.


i`ve got to chime in here. whilst you are partially correct, but wrong.

theoretically i can manufacture 1.75" / 2" hulls (whaterver) and can stuff a good few in any semi auto. meaning all semi autos are illegal if they fall into your catagory. reguardless of the "more common chamber length." the 3.5" semis are designed to take 2 in the mag of the maximum chamber, and can fit 3x 65mm tight fold crimp. ghost loading is a non issue because the 2 shells are stored in the tubular magazine, the 3rd is not stored in the magazine.


an s1 shotgun is a shotgun that conforms to the s1 catagories without modification, an s2 shotgun is a shotgun that conforms to the s2 catagories, usually an s1 with a magazine plug. it is a slight grey area, s1 gun is an s1 gun because it is registered as an s1, its what its registered / classified for...

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  • 5 months later...

New Toy/Project.................. Ithaca Model 51 Got it from an auction house for next to nothing after a brief inspection showed it to have a cracked slide (common on this model if the nylon buffers and mainspring are not maintained etc) I am awaiting an estimate for laser welding (recommended by wabbitbosher) and also will be ordering spring/buffer repair kit from US. I must admit I have been looking for one of these for a while and I fell for this one. The wood is lovely and the gun just feels right. Its a three shot as manufactured so no crimp and they apparently are really soft shooters. Just intend to get this one back from the brink of extinction and out on the clays


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