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Is wildfowling for young uns?


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I arranged to meet Dignity off here to have a stroll down Andersons creek this afternoon. I have not been out for various medical type reasons and was hoping that I was getting a little better.

From the car park to Andersons creek is a good walk, I cant just think how long probably an hour or so. When I got there my hips were aching like flippin eck ( I have never had any bother in this area before) Anyway I thought I would like to get back closer to the car sooner than later.

I hatched a plan so that Dignity could go to a safe area to have an evening flight and I left him to enjoy it.

It was really painfull walking back to the car and was I happy when I was in the driving seat.

I think if I was a horse they would have me put down, 57 and knackered.


A few pictures from today.







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I walked down near there the other week , its a good trek , I pulled something in my groin on the way back , took me nearly a hour and half to get back !


I am glad its not just me then, thing is oxfordfowler runs down there and is not out of breath, mind you he is not a fat hat like me :good:

Keep up the good work Harrycatcat, at least you got down I've not been much this year, went down to Andersons with dale last time I went, he did struggle with the walk as well! Call himself a boxer he was steaming keeping up with me with them little legs of his !!!



You can get ready :lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Sorry to read of your health problems.


Hope you feel better soon.


Its just old age creaping on and a moaning old g*t :lol:


I have just been to the physio about my shoulder and expained what happened with my hips and he said the 5mm neoprene waders would have been too tight and too much resistance when walking like walking in a straight jacket, I think he was sugesting I should lose weight :blush::blush::lol:


Nylon waders next time then, more room to move about :good::good: :good:





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Quite seriously, consider what you do on the marsh. Pushing things too far for your current abilities might put you at real risk and on certain occasions those who might need to come out to help you. It looks like you have some mud there and in the bottom of one of those gutters aint a good place to have a heart attack or pop a knee etc. There are always easier spots and sometimes they will shoot better, its a bit like fishing sometimes we cast too far thinking its better out there and all the fish are under our feet :yes:

Its no coincidence that my wife doesn't sleep until I am home or phone to say I am off the marsh of an evening

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Thigh boots and a pair of Flexothane trouser leggings cut off just below the knee.



Its just old age creaping on and a moaning old g*t :lol:


I have just been to the physio about my shoulder and expained what happened with my hips and he said the 5mm neoprene waders would have been too tight and too much resistance when walking like walking in a straight jacket, I think he was sugesting I should lose weight :blush::blush::lol:


Nylon waders next time then, more room to move about :good::good: :good:





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Its just old age creaping on and a moaning old g*t :lol:


I have just been to the physio about my shoulder and expained what happened with my hips and he said the 5mm neoprene waders would have been too tight and too much resistance when walking like walking in a straight jacket, I think he was sugesting I should lose weight :blush::blush::lol:


Nylon waders next time then, more room to move about :good::good: :good:





How much do you want for the boots

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I have given the thigh waders some thought and the thing is when I went with dale down winkle run to the front we were knelt down in small creeks and the water came up around my waist as I had to tie my coat up higher than my waist, with thigh waders I would have been wet.

I think the way forward is some nylon chest waders which will be more room to move and also so I can sit down on them as well.

Probably get some for 20 odd quid off fleebay.





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Hi guys I have had a dog most of my shooting life ,well five in fact and by takeing him out twice a day on long walks helps you maintain a reasonable level of fitness .I also go beating on two local shoots where we have just finished 26 days .I am not making out im super fit because I am not ,far from it ive got a roapey back and shoulder but if you enjoy doing what you do the effort in doing it don't seem to bad .It also help having the time to do it ,having been retired nearly 7 years you don't have to fly about On our beaters wagon we have got 4 or 5 who are well in the 70s and the ex keeper who do some picking up is 87 this year so hopefully we can carry on a few more years yet .

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Harry, how did you get past border patrol, get back to you grass field the other side of the river and leave the real marsh to us young guys.


If we catch that dog damaging sea defences too you will be getting a visit from the EA.


Well done for getting down there mate, hope you soon get a duck or two. I'm off work the last week so if you want a trip out give us a call.

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Harry, how did you get past border patrol, get back to you grass field the other side of the river and leave the real marsh to us young guys.


If we catch that dog damaging sea defences too you will be getting a visit from the EA.


Well done for getting down there mate, hope you soon get a duck or two. I'm off work the last week so if you want a trip out give us a call.


:lol::lol: :lol: Will do mate if I am still off work :good::good:

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Harry wildfowling is not just for the young , but as we get older we have to temper where we shoot to be well within our phyical capablities. As I have got older over the past few years I have found the outer saltmarsh ( my marshes are over 1 1\2 miles wide to the sands ) beyond my reach. Last summer I had a stroke that has badly restricted me this season , but by picking spots within a few hundred yards of the sea wall I have still managed 20 duck and a couple of pink feet geese off the foreshore , but I have found myself shooting inland marshes more and more.


As Kent says do not push your self beyond what is comfortable for you. Remember we go fowling to enjoy ourselves first and formost and once you find the long walks over rough grounds exausting its time to evaluate what you are doing and ajust your shooting. I love shooting below the sea wall and am lucky that I have a few spots on my saltmarsh where I can hope to get a bird or two without to much effort. However many clubs have inland wildfowling grounds some like Rockland WA have shooting that you can get to by boat that needs little effort and the sport is still magic.

Edited by anser2
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Fowling is defiantly for the young

first find keen youngster strong one

Kit youngster out and then load him with your own tell him carry it will toughen him up

Odviousely he goes first to see how deep the mud is

Your there to keep him safe

Pick 2 spots to shoot from

Have the best spot for your self youngster can learn from watching

After the flight youngster carry everything back

Debrief after with other old fowlers while youngster cleans guns equipment and dog

Ask youngster if would like to go again

If yes you've gate a mate who could save your


Seriously though take someone with you if your not 100% fit

All the best


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