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How to post pictures using Photobucket


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Photobucket have seriously **** the bed with this policy change.


From 100% free to $399 a year with ZERO WARNING!

By the time I got their e-mail their changes were already in place.

My website is now a car crash of dead PhotoPhuket links & as I've not been able to update it anyway since January it's now completely trashed.


Just what I needed....


Who the **** thought this change was a good move? They must be on crack!

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Being a complete technophobe, I have never been able to use photobucket despite Fenboy's easy step by step guide.


So are there any alternatives to photobucket that others use now that photobucket are charging ?


Many thanks,




Try this . . .



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  • 10 months later...

Sorry, Guys, having trouble, just testing.

Imgbb went wrong and I can't do owt about it (apparently this may not be a bad thing). Have reverted to free Photobucket and it has changed a bit.

Just in case there should be someone as dim as me - unlikely I know - follow Fenboy's original offering to load and then to post the photo, click bottom right hand corner of photo and then click 'link' on the bottom task bar. This opens up a codes menu and click on IMG Codes which won't go yellow and indicate 'copied' as previously but go 'blue' ready  for you to click 'done' and you're finished with photobucket.



Edited by wymberley
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  • 6 years later...

doesn't anyone use the free snipping tool? no need for hosting or internet stuff.

you just open the image, snip a portion or all of the photo, right click in your post and paste the image. Its quicker to do than to describe


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