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How to post pictures using Photobucket


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I would think you should be able to , if you move the cursor over the top left of the photo and click on the icon it should drop down and give you a option to share links click on that it should copy then paste into the topic box on here.

If 'paste' doesn't work, try 'Ctrl' and 'V' together.

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Tried that didn't work. What does URL mean and why can't I simply copy a picture from my computer as I can with other forums ?

Won't bother, all too complicated


The URL is the link in the sidebar on Photobucket. For this forum you want to use the Direct link that starts http://


It`s really not that difficult, just takes a bit of getting used to if you`ve never done it before. :)


Edit: just noticed Fenboy suggested using a different URL link. With the one he suggested you simply paste it into your post. With the direct link I suggested you`ll need to click the "image" icon in your posting options and then paste the link into the box that appears.

Edited by Danger-Mouse
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Problem will occour if you do not use AOL as server Photobucket is an AOL inspired photo sharing device placed by net nanny on (AOL Photos ) website ..used as anti porn deterent...other users will also have problems with SOME PICS as the website decides if the content of the pic ...is well UN-suitable for downloading to another user..best way we find as some shooting pics can be offencive to some...is on uploading your pic to photobucket give the pic you are uploading a Child proof plain name ..eg...MY CAT....instead of..... MY (PUSSY)CAT and then when sending change name back to original name...as you want it...AOL childproof device rk7/hub9/1996:

Edited by clay shooter
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What a complicated forum this is? What does URL mean and where is the side bar and what is it? Why can I not simply copy and paste a picture from my computer as other forums do such as 'Marlin Owners forum' and why complicate life?


It isn't as my avatar says....... I'm off for a hot chocolate


Nite all

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Must admit to having a lot of agreement with the post from simonb. Why is PW, seemingly, the only forum or website where one gets difficulty posting a perfectly normal photograph. Never had problems on other sites.


Moderators - Is it something to do with cost or limitations of the site?

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What a complicated forum this is? What does URL mean and where is the side bar and what is it? Why can I not simply copy and paste a picture from my computer as other forums do such as 'Marlin Owners forum' and why complicate life?



Have you read the first post in this thread? Everything you need to know is explained step by step, with pictures.


Why can`t you c&p pictures from your pc? I dunno, ask the people who designed the board!


Some boards allow it, many do not. This place certainly isn`t unique in that regard.


And seeing as you seem intent on finding out what URL means I`ll tell you. But I suspect it won`t make you any happier or wiser . . .


"URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the address of a web page. Each page has its own unique web address (URL). This is how your computer locates the web page that you are trying to find."

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  • 1 year later...

Being a complete technophobe, I have never been able to use photobucket despite Fenboy's easy step by step guide.


So are there any alternatives to photobucket that others use now that photobucket are charging ?


Many thanks,



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