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Same pigeons, different conditions, different result.


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Yesterday although I saw three lots of pigeons numbering over 200 in each flock I never set up to decoy as none of them returned. The still conditions were also not conducive to good decoying. Today conditions were ideal and I headed out to one of the fields where birds were feeding yesterday for a spot of decoying. It was a long walk and I travelled really light, in fact all I took apart from a gun and cartridges was a piece of netting which fitted into my pocket. No rotary, no decoys, no hide poles and no seat.


One of the attached pictures shows a natural hide with the netting at the back of it. The other shows a pigeon skewered by an elder branch and set up as a floater. I actually added four of these as I shot some and very effective they were too. The birds wings were broken and the good wind moved the wings and they looked quite realistic.


There were three flight lines that I could see but only from one of these lines did pigeons peel off and come to the pattern which was growing larger as I shot incoming birds. They decoyed well but I did have to 'reach' for some birds at the extreme end of my capability range. If I had lugged a rotary I may have got them to decoy better. I packed up after two and a half hours and picked 25 pigeons. My escape from the field was timely as the heavens opened as soon as I got back to my car.







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