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Been suffering from this for the last couple of years or so, but have been really bad this last three or four days.

The pain is awful and I am walking like I have crapped myself and feel generally awful , never had a flare up last this long before .

Now two days in to a week of antibiotics


Anyone else suffer ?


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what is it mate, Iv'e had most things

Its when the lower intestine gets pockets in the wall , these pockets get "stuff" lodged in them and becomes infected , it can cause severe pain in the lower abdomen and pubic area .


I am not one for time off work but have now been unable to go for three days :sad1:

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Its when the lower intestine gets pockets in the wall , these pockets get "stuff" lodged in them and becomes infected , it can cause severe pain in the lower abdomen and pubic area .


I am not one for time off work but have now been unable to go for three days :sad1:

My mate never has time off except for this he is literally in agony sometimes

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That sounds deeply unpleasant, what do the docs say?, milk's hard to digest perhaps it pass through quick, good luck, oh iv'e not had that yet!


Its when the lower intestine gets pockets in the wall , these pockets get "stuff" lodged in them and becomes infected , it can cause severe pain in the lower abdomen and pubic area .


I am not one for time off work but have now been unable to go for three days :sad1:

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A relative suffers and had flare ups around the same time every year, even ending up in hospital. It has been put down to Strawberries, he had a tunnel greenhouse full of them and shortly after he started to harvest them, he would end up in hospital.


Good luck and hope you're feeling better soon

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Know how it feels FB just coming off the back of an acute attack. Anti biotics did not seem to do the trick this time so off for a Ultra Sound scan on Friday - very debilitating as the pain can be and is excruciating when it comes on. This time though the pain still seems to be there and its proving extremely difficult to get up after lying down as the pain when turning is extreme (once up and about all seems fine). Lets hope the scan shows up something and then I can start dealing with it. Re adding extra fibre, I started doing this after the first attack 3 months ago. Probably needs more time.

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Been suffering from this for the last couple of years or so, but have been really bad this last three or four days.

The pain is awful and I am walking like I have crapped myself and feel generally awful , never had a flare up last this long before .

Now two days in to a week of antibiotics


Anyone else suffer ?


Yes I had diverticulosis for several years and controlled the symptoms and treated it successfully by dietary changes and losing a bit of weight.


I only had it develop into infected diverticulitis once and I was hospitalised for 3 days and given AB's intravenously..


Fibergel, and a high fibre diet plus plenty of fruit and veg and water worked for me along with pro-biotic yogurt.. I also try to avoid eating foods with seeds which are indigestible like tomatoes, strawberries, jams and some nuts. I get the odd twinge now and again but no where near as bad as before


Good luck

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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I have suffered for the last ten years with diverticulitus and eventually ended up with a blocked bowel and had to have a bowel resection. One thing I didn`t know was that when you have a flare up you should forget the high fibre diet and only have a very soft diet until the flare up recedes.According to the surgeon most patients carry on with the high fibre during a flare up and make the condition worse.

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Just being diagnosed with this myself,been back and forth to docs since October .

I was told twice it was bladder infection and prescribed anti biotics, even though urine sample showed no infection present.

Late January one evening started burning up but I was freezing and shaking not shivering,got myself off to bed.Next morning had to get wife to phone 999 pain in my lower abdomen was unreal could'nt move anyway hospital took X-rays and I've had a CT scan heaps more anti-biotics and told to increase fibre but do it gradually.

Not looking forward to any flare ups ,seen on the net that aloe Vera fluid helps certain sufferers?

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Have suffered with it in the past which nescessitated a 5 day stay in hospital hooked up to a cocktail of intravenous drugs,

Was a time where there was talked of a bowel resection and stoma IF the blockage didnt clear itself and I hadn't responded to treatment.


Since then, have the odd flare up where it is Agony like nothing else I've ever experienced

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Been there done that - feel for you guys. Been told I'll get a cut and shut if it re-occurs. I now eat a lot more fibre.


If only we were told more about it in our youth instead of just the polite 'eat plenty of fibre because it does you good' sayings that sounded like old wives tales.


If it was spelt out to us in all its glory - like indigestible fibre keeps your tommy tit tubes open wide instead of shrinking so much your waste sometimes finds it easier to go somewhere else if you have too much processed foods it might have registered as much more important and believable.


People need it spelling out - because youths are still eating rubbish.

Edited by Dave-G
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i had a colonoscopic about 8 years ago and the doc doing the procedure asked me to look at the screen and explained i had mild diverticula disease -- is this the same thing? and some bowel poloyps


i,ve been having pain in my pubic region for a few and was told it was firstly prostate pain ( prostatitus ) then later trapped nerves etc . also have a lot of lower right sided pain.


could it be the same thing developing , to be honest i am suprised i have'nt had a follow up colonoscopic to keep check on it.

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I found out I had this last year when I thought I had a bladder infection that wouldn't clear up. Then started having air come out with my pee and then getting bits of solids in my pee as well. None of it hurt though. Turned out that the diverticuli had formed a fistula (a tube) into my bladder and was allowing what was in my colon into my bladder.


Ended up with having a foot of my colon removed and being off work for two months. Couldn't lift anything heavier than a dinner plate either which was not good as my son had only just been born and my wife had to look after a 2 year old, a new born and me.


Now eat a high fibre diet, take Fybogel everyday and generally avoid seeds where I can. I do still have tinned tomatoes in things like spaghetti bolognaise though.


It is apparently very common, especially as you get older but normally doesn't cause any issues and most people don't know they have it. I was 31 when I had the op done and the surgeon said that I was young to have it and very young to have had any issues with it.


With a bit of luck I won't have any more problems, though mu guts have not been quite the same since.

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Most people over 40 have diverticular disease in this country but only a small percentage of them seem to suffer from diverticulitus which is an infection.Classic diverticulitus starts with lower left abdominal pain which then spreads to the pubic area.

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i had a colonoscopic about 8 years ago and the doc doing the procedure asked me to look at the screen and explained i had mild diverticula disease -- is this the same thing? and some bowel poloyps


i,ve been having pain in my pubic region for a few and was told it was firstly prostate pain ( prostatitus ) then later trapped nerves etc . also have a lot of lower right sided pain.


could it be the same thing developing , to be honest i am suprised i have'nt had a follow up colonoscopic to keep check on it.

Yes its the same thing, diverticula disease is the condition, diverticulitis is what it becomes when infected I believe .

Edited by fenboy
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Had the same thing as aris's missus three years ago, thought I'd pulled a muscle in lower left abdomen, pain got worse, hospital said was urine infection, day or two of pain later my gp, who is really on the ball, said it's diverticulitis turned peritonitis, and they opened me right up the next morning, cut a couple of ft of bowel out and gave me a colostomy for a year or so, then same op in reverse, connected my bum back up to my guts, and sewed colostomy hole back up, and have been all good since.

Bit scary, but could have been prevented by diet, I ate meat bread and potatoes, hardly any fibre, and didn't drink enough, so digestive transit was sometimes poor.

Now porridge is my friend, which has also allowed me, an overweight smoker who has a long-term affair with bacon, to have a cholesterol below average. Also drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit and veg.

The shivers/pain thing was something I got a few months before the op, doc said I'd had same thing then but wife nursed me thru it, if you get bad pain in abdomen, shivers, nausea etc, call doc and tell him about diverticulitis and be honest- since my op I've heard several people die each year because they and their docs don't take this seriously til it's too late.

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