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Looks like there's going to be a war on sugar.


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I am a type one diabetic (been diabetic for 35 years - since I was 10).


You have to be so careful what you buy because of the hidden sugar!


There was also this mantra that margarine was good butter was bad.


Now it turns out that the exact opposite is true, margarine is hideously bad for you (and tastes like ****) and butter is better for you (than margarine). Hell I decided years ago that butter tastes better and have a cholesterol level of 3.8 despite enjoying it on my bread daily!


Wait 3 days and it will be water is bad for you!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Water is bad for you


You can drown in it


You can die from drinking to much of it


Your skin shrinks in it


Water is the hidden enemy ;)



I feel there's a subliminal message there - somewhere, just can't put my finger on it.


It's all about moderation - that's why I only put a splash of water in my whiskey !

Edited by station
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I gave up all sugar a while ago because it makes my teeth ache, sweet things leave me feeling bloated and lethargic and drinking sugary tea just made me thirstier. So I thought this stuff can't be good I'll cut it out. Then all the experts jumped up and started telling us sugar is the great enemy and we should all give it up. It was nice to be ahead of the curve for a change.


I should add I'm not a diabetic but my father died from renal failure brought on by type 2 diabetes (or I've since learned, possibly brought on by the medication given for type 2 diabetes) so I'm perhaps more conscious of dietary issues than most.

Its extremely difficult to avoid processed sugar. You've practically got to live on fresh meat, fresh vegetables, water and nothing else. It incenses me the way our food is doctored to make it cheaper and more palatable. No wonder people are so fat.

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Its extremely difficult to avoid processed sugar. You've practically got to live on fresh meat, fresh vegetables, water and nothing else. It incenses me the way our food is doctored to make it cheaper and more palatable. No wonder people are so fat.

True. The trouble is because the low fat diet food industry is so massive, they pump salt and sugar into stuff to make it taste nice because the true flavour channels (i.e. fat) are closed. Then you have the women's magazine industry, which despite it being perfectly obvious what's going on, cons on a monthly basis otherwise quite intelligent women into following ridiculous eating regimes because some nauseating celebrity's doing so. Or actually isn't doing so, but it is being paid by the magazine to say that they are.


Margarine is evil and I hate it.

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I think that the most worrying thing about sugar it quite how much of it they put in the food and drink that we eat things like soft drinks can have mad amounts of sugar in them I stopped tacking sugar in drinks and eating sweet things years ago but still the doctor says that I am on the verge of having diabetes my fault as I do eat to much.

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True. There was a programme on the radio the other day that said that a shop bought muffin can have something like ten times the amount of sugar than a homemade one and they will taste the same.


In my opinion a home made one would taste better but that's beside the point. It's a sad state of affairs.

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Water is bad for you


You can drown in it


You can die from drinking to much of it


Your skin shrinks in it


Water is the hidden enemy ;)



that your explanation for B.O then?




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Our water always stinks of chlorine, and I mean stinks of chlorine.......so god knows what else they put in it...Thirty odd years ago when we moved here, the water tasted wonderful...Then came along privatisation, unaccountability and water companies making decisions behind closed doors...


The rest as they say is history

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Our water always stinks of chlorine, and I mean stinks of chlorine.......so god knows what else they put in it...Thirty odd years ago when we moved here, the water tasted wonderful...Then came along privatisation, unaccountability and water companies making decisions behind closed doors...


The rest as they say is history


I'm afraid that is also a perfect description of Government.

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it's absolutely true, water is bad for you. oestrogen from the contraceptive pill passes through the body and out through a lady's urine, the water companies can't or won't extract it when it's re processed so our tap water still contains it, apparently it causes men to grow tits, and testicles to shrink.

Edited by Paddy Galore!
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it's absolutely true, water is bad for you. oestrogen from the contraceptive pill passes through the body and out through a lady's urine, the water companies can't or won't extract it when it's re processed so our tap water still contains it, apparently it causes men to grow tits, and testicles to shrink.



Thank you, at last there is a good reason for my (above mentioned) problems


Everything in moderation. I consume average quantites of protein, carbs, fats and fresh veg, but i do struggle keeping on quota with the old skag!

What are the government daily recommendations for old skag now days, I really don't want to fall behind

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