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i know a lot on here have kids , I would just like to warn you about trampolines , yes I've used and use to own one , but last Wednesday my twelve year old son fell ON one not off and he has broke his elbow in two places and the top of his arm ( not looking for sympathy) ,he has been waiting for an operation since then they think they can do it Saturday, it's took this long cause of the severity and complications of the fractures ,even used correctly they can be dangerous ,a lot will say common sense and all that he was just playing like kids do ,we don't look at the dangers till it happeneds please be carefull

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We've had one for years which the kids have now outgrown. All the neighbourhood kids used to come round to play on it as it's one of the big ones. It has always had a safety net surrounding it and there have never been any accidents. They have had loads of fun on it but now it's no longer used I have no idea how to get rid of it! It is BIG.

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Like everything, accidents happen. When I was a kid, skateboarding was the dangerous activity of the day. I recall at any one time, there was at least one kid at school with a cast on. Perhaps we have become more risk averse as parents now?


A safety net and a bit of common sense is needed with trampolines, but accidents will still happen.

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We've had one for years which the kids have now outgrown. All the neighbourhood kids used to come round to play on it as it's one of the big ones. It has always had a safety net surrounding it and there have never been any accidents. They have had loads of fun on it but now it's no longer used I have no idea how to get rid of it! It is BIG.

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My daughter broke her radius and her ulner bone In 2010...she compressed on a trampoline and trapped her right arm between her body and her bent right leg,..massive tissue loss and bone damage,4 bars and 8 screws in her arm for a year..ruined a very talented tennis prospect,she was trailing for Nottingham under 12's county team....horrendous injury...she was 10 yrs old


None of my kids will ever go on 1 again...


Ps she also competed for the school at trampolining so knew what she was doing..just got it abit wrong and destroyed her arm....a safety net wouldn't have made any difference in this situation

Edited by smig4373
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We have one here, big thing with a net round it, had it three years! Mine are 9 and 14 only person to hurt themselves was my sister in law (fell down steps coming off after to much vino). Know how many kids get killed and injured crossing the road or cycling? I don't go on it and I certainly don't do cartwheels on the lawn but the wife does :lol:

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A timely reminder for sure. Now that our snow is melting I thought about the trampoline and groaned at the prospect of setting it up - massive thing with a safety net. I also thought of the many jobs I have to do outside wondering if I would even get around to the trampoline. I'm going to take this as a warning and not set it up this year. I am sure my daughter will have much more fun at the gun range.

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I agree guys.

The other day my kids said they wanted to go out in the woods and play with sticks and build a fort! - I told them no ******* way was I letting them run about outside to get injured/abducted - So I bought them all some new games on their ipads and they are happily playing on them now.

What's worse is the kids argued back! I don't know if it's TV or the Internet or something, but that wouldn't of happened in my day, sodding country is going to the dogs.

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I agree guys.

The other day my kids said they wanted to go out in the woods and play with sticks and build a fort! - I told them no ******* way was I letting them run about outside to get injured/abducted - So I bought them all some new games on their ipads and they are happily playing on them now.


What's worse is the kids argued back! I don't know if it's TV or the Internet or something, but that wouldn't of happened in my day, sodding country is going to the dogs.


What you gonna do about the childhood obesity now then :lol:

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My ex brother in law was that good on his that he was entered for the Olympics by his coach.

He was amazing to watch but he ******** up his knee big time doing it and had to have an operation to rectify it. At 20 years old he didn't need this in life .

He's totally stopped now


I know all about this after being involved in high level sport myself at an early age myself, thing is even though I have held both my kids back in this respect and often criticise the coaches etc that allow this I am not so sure I should wish for a different past for myself

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I have a good friend who works in the General Medical Council told me that trampolines are to blame for the highest number of accidents resulting in partial of total paralysis of the neck and spine.

Chris went to my Sisters for a birthday party! The kids went out in the garden, and apparently ten minutes later Chris has landed wrong on the trampoline!


I got a phonecall straight away and had to drive to my Sisters! He had a sore back and felt sick!


Not half as sick as I felt when I saw the CCTV. :no:


He caught the edge of the trampoline which sent him in a tumble. His HEAD hit the trampoline, then his chest, then the rest of his body curved backwards and his FEET hit the back of his head!


I won't allow him on another :no:


I bet statistically, there are more injuries on trampolines than bikes, horses etc!


I see kids playing on them all the time, and I cringe when I see a hand full of kids on at the same time :oops:

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Chris went to my Sisters for a birthday party! The kids went out in the garden, and apparently ten minutes later Chris has landed wrong on the trampoline!


I got a phonecall straight away and had to drive to my Sisters! He had a sore back and felt sick!


Not half as sick as I felt when I saw the CCTV. :no:


He caught the edge of the trampoline which sent him in a tumble. His HEAD hit the trampoline, then his chest, then the rest of his body curved backwards and his FEET hit the back of his head!


I won't allow him on another :no:


I bet statistically, there are more injuries on trampolines than bikes, horses etc!


I see kids playing on them all the time, and I cringe when I see a hand full of kids on at the same time :oops:

Why have I just shivered :(

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I agree guys.

The other day my kids said they wanted to go out in the woods and play with sticks and build a fort! - I told them no ******* way was I letting them run about outside to get injured/abducted - So I bought them all some new games on their ipads and they are happily playing on them now.


What's worse is the kids argued back! I don't know if it's TV or the Internet or something, but that wouldn't of happened in my day, sodding country is going to the dogs.

Trampolines have only been around the past 5 years max that you can buy for your garden from the likes of Argos or ASDA. I know they were made before this but not like now.


My kiddies have just finished planting veg in my garden and playing on the swing. My 4 year old boy said daddy can I use your Stanley knife lol and I let him as it's growing up but I supervised him then took it off him.


A woman I know won't make her 5 year old use a bike helmet riding next to the road because in her words " we used them when I was young and I'm alive " but times change and the roads are more busy than ever.

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The question of how much freedom or restriction you give children is very interesting. should you make a play park exciting or safe? are trampolines dangerous or fun, should children be encouraged to roam the countryside or kept in the garden or home, my guess is that just about everyone on here was allowed maximum freedom, climbed trees, fished /swam in the river, made bows, hunted rats and rabbits generally came home late and tired, were often in trouble, I also reckon that we are all glad that we had that opportunity, it would be a real shame if our kids dont have that choice

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