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Fibre Cart's - Sporting Clays

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I am about to come to the end of my Hull Intercomp HV fibre cartridges.

My local ground has the following for sale:-

I want fibre, as I shoot at grounds where it is required, and want to sue the same cart's all the time.


English Sporter (Express) £158

High Velocity (Express) 21g £166

Eley First (Eley) 28g £168

High Velocity (Express) 24g £204

Eley Blues (Eley) 28g £205

Pro Comp (Express) £223

Pro Fibre (Hull) £223


I have used the Eleys there previously, and did not notice too much difference to the intercomp. They seem to be decent value

Ideally I would like something not too heavy on the shoulder, as I will share with my dad, who has a neck problem, and could do with a little less recoil.


Can anybody recommend any of the above over the Eleys





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Avoid the English sporters. Cheap, but very hard on the shoulder. For low recoil, see if you can find hull comp-x 21g - very soft.


The eley firsts are ok. I like gamebore velocity. I'm sure you should be able to buy a box of each to test.

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Avoid the English sporters. Cheap, but very hard on the shoulder. For low recoil, see if you can find hull comp-x 21g - very soft.


The eley firsts are ok. I like gamebore velocity. I'm sure you should be able to buy a box of each to test.

I'm sure a man like yourself can take a little recoil from English sporters I love them.

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I'm sure a man like yourself can take a little recoil from English sporters I love them.


They're ok at a push, but if I had a choice i'd go for the Gamebore velocity. Particularly if I were going to shoot a couple of hundred in a day :)

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I would go Comp X if you want a nice soft-shooting cartridge.


Incidentally, recently bought a slab of Eley First 'Special' on offer and thought they were excellent. Not sure of the difference between these and the older First's other than appearance ('high brass') but I'll be sticking with these for a while.

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We've used Eley first in 24gram for a while but after this last thousand are used up I won't be using them again.

They seem very very dirty and after trying to contact them re a problem with 1000 we had bought they didn't bother to reply. (yet they can come on pigeon watch and big up their latest offerings posing as a unbiased shooter) LOL


We have tried the fiochhi 24gram fibres which are good but quite punchy.

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No compX or superfast? Are the eley's the old blues? Or new Olympic blues? No Amber's or Rebels ?

That's the list of their website - maybe they have more in plastic wad.

Thanks all for your inputs, will try a couple of boxes of the lighter loads, and maybe try shopping further afield.

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