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Do you really want this lot

Fisherman Mike

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The Celtic Tiger was doing quite nicely - however, land prices as you say just kept on going up and up and we could foresee that it was going to end in tears when the Banks just went on lending, lending, lending and the likes of Anglo Irish & RBS went spectacularly bust and had to be bailed out.....


Anyway, it was not the fault - I believe - of the EU; I will stick with the banks!


"The Banks" did not break Ireland's economy, a sovereign debt crisis did. And banks don't cause sovereign debt crises, governments do. The EU and the Euro didn't cause the debt crisis in Ireland directly but the folly of conjuring for political reasons an artificial currency marching in step with German productivity and credit worthiness and applying it to a group of hugely differing but relatively impoverished economies made a massive debt crisis in poorer states like Ireland inevitable while simultaneously cutting off the emergency escape route of devaluation which guaranteed a deep recession with no way out. The Euro flooded poor economies with "cheap" debt. Ireland, like Spain, tried to engineer growth with a building boom and capital investment programme for which there was neither the market nor the funding and paid for it with money borrowed against a currency regulated for an economy with virtually no debt and a huge production surplus. It is hard to think of a better way to engineer a colossal boom and irreparable bust. You can't borrow your way to prosperity.

The "banking crisis" was a symptom rather than a cause, not of a failure of capitalism but of a failure to apply capitalism. No business is too large to fail.

Britain, floundering under the same sort of economically illiterate socialist dogma of the Labour Government that afflicted Euroland, managed to dig itself a similar elephant trap without the help of the Euro by sheer profligacy. Again, Brown's political act of desperation in "bailing out the banks" was a symptom of that profligacy, not the underlying cause.

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as much as i want out of europe i dont think i will be going this way sorry, if they win i wont begrudge them their victory but its not for me

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Not at all, he is "uncomfortable" in situations that are normal in everyday life, doesn`t want to have Romanian`s living next door and has a party member who thinks its ok to call gay men poofters and that by aversion therapy he could cure them, and others who think women are lesser beings.


Yeah, the type of party that really balanced individuals would want to join.


On the other hand you could vote for or join any of the other parties who's members are guilty of real crimes, not just alleged Orwellian speech/thought crimes


This little list is just TWO days worth of shenanigans from the main parties members....funny how they never make the mainstream news eh !



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Not at all, he is "uncomfortable" in situations that are normal in everyday life, doesn`t want to have Romanian`s living next door and has a party member who thinks its ok to call gay men poofters and that by aversion therapy he could cure them, and others who think women are lesser beings.


Yeah, the type of party that really balanced individuals would want to join.

HD is on hol in Blackpool and has just told a local that UKIP are a bunch of homophobic right wing fascists? and that the present political elite will serve his interests far better,this is his response to HD


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Fantastic mass debate! Congratulations gents.


Time to raise your writing hand. We have ten "parties" up for it in South Norfolk. My postal vote has been sent. I chopped the big time losers off the top of the picture. :lol: ...at least i though I had.





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HD is on hol in Blackpool and has just told a local that UKIP are a bunch of homophobic right wing fascists and that the present political elite will serve his interests far better,this is his response to HD


It would be nice to see a refutation of an argument instead of idiocy for once, but that would require facts eh?

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It would be nice to see a refutation of an argument instead of idiocy for once, but that would require facts eh?

And what argument would that be,?


So far you have just insinuated i am misogynistic, xenophobic and homophobic,it would be nice to have a debate and a laugh without it being lowered by some of the trash comments you have regurgitated from the gutter press and parties who are scared.


Most people have taken this thread in a light hearted way.

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Whitebridges - No.1, Flynn, helps Farage out of sticky LBC situation, No.2 Agnew is a misogynist, but an existing MEP, don`t look good for No.2 does it?


Welsh1, if you can prove that Agnew and Wheeler did not say those things about women, that the comedian Paul Eastwood was not a racist and allowed to continue at the UKIP conference, Andre Lampitt isn`t a racist, Farage wasn`t xenophobic in his comments recently.


But of course all the above is media spin or political spin... :no:

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The 'average' UKIP supporter?


Can you elaborate on what you think the 'average' UKIP supporter is like? I'm genuinely interested.




No henry i am fairly sure you called all UKIP supporters misogynistic, xenophobic and homophobic ,as i am a UKIP supporter you called me that, as you called everyone who has shown support on this site.


Strange how it seems ok for people who support other parties to launch these attacks on UKIP, but we hear little about the idiots in the main parties.


Would you like to comment on any of these?


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"If they are anything like..." is the quote.


The example you show is indicative of a general slice of the UK population, fiddling expenses, firearms yadda yadda. The common thread of the UKIP baddies is misogyny, homophobia and above all racism and xenophobia.


What makes you think I support any of the other parties?

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"If they are anything like..." is the quote.


The example you show is indicative of a general slice of the UK population, fiddling expenses, firearms yadda yadda. The common thread of the UKIP baddies is misogyny, homophobia and above all racism and xenophobia.


What makes you think I support any of the other parties?

So fiddling expenses and firearms offences are ok?


Pointing an air rifle at your neighbour when arguing is ok?


Bullying and harassment is ok?


Intimidating people to vote for you is ok?


The list goes on.


You seem to want to discredit only UKIP, why would that be? if you are not a member of any party as you insinuate,then why are you not highlighting these people in the other parties?

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On the other hand you could vote for or join any of the other parties who's members are guilty of real crimes, not just alleged Orwellian speech/thought crimes


This little list is just TWO days worth of shenanigans from the main parties members....funny how they never make the mainstream news eh !




in case people didnt check your link...


This list covers yesterday's (the 15th May) and today's press reports only. The breakdown is:


Tories - 2 on firearms offences, 1 for falsely claiming to be a barrister, 1 drink driving ban, 1 disqualified for benefits fraud, 1 cronyism over pub license breach, 1 accused of sexist remarks


Labour - 1 banned from office for bullying, 1 cronyism delaying prosecution for benefits fraud, 1 electoral fraud allegation, 5 resignations over racism claims, 2 resignations over homophobia claims, 1 facing investigation into homophobic remarks


Lib Dem - 2 on benefits fraud charges

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in case people didnt check your link...


This list covers yesterday's (the 15th May) and today's press reports only. The breakdown is:


Tories - 2 on firearms offences, 1 for falsely claiming to be a barrister, 1 drink driving ban, 1 disqualified for benefits fraud, 1 cronyism over pub license breach, 1 accused of sexist remarks


Labour - 1 banned from office for bullying, 1 cronyism delaying prosecution for benefits fraud, 1 electoral fraud allegation, 5 resignations over racism claims, 2 resignations over homophobia claims, 1 facing investigation into homophobic remarks


Lib Dem - 2 on benefits fraud charges

well at least im sound in the knowledge that trusting none of them is the way to go.

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Funny, really, how we all see things differently according to our own perspective. Have had a BNP flier through the door this morning. Their 22nd May campaign is based on immigration mostly, interspersed with asylum seeking anti Muslim incitement, and they regard UKIP as moderates and no different to the mainstream parties...ConLabDem.

Not long now...don't forget to vote. :yes:

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So fiddling expenses and firearms offences are ok?


Pointing an air rifle at your neighbour when arguing is ok?


Bullying and harassment is ok?


Intimidating people to vote for you is ok?


The list goes on.


You seem to want to discredit only UKIP, why would that be? if you are not a member of any party as you insinuate,then why are you not highlighting these people in the other parties?


No, none of these are OK, you are missing the point. If they were all firearm offences or all fiddling expenses then there is something going on that is institutionally wrong with them right the way to the very core, the common ethos if you like.

That is why I do not like UKIP, they are all to do with making those who are in a minority, some of whom are deeply marginalised groups, even more marginalised. By doing this we get an even more fragmented society rather than a society that can live alongside each others difference.

if you want the UK to be a totally homogeneous group with no discernible difference between one person and another then vote UKIP next week and in the general election.

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Has anyone else seen the recent LBC radio interview (is filmed as well) with Farage? Its the only time i've ever seen him on the back foot for a whole interview. Its pretty brutal, media is saying UKIP are trying to have it taken down. He's answering the question "why do people think you're racist?"



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Has anyone else seen the recent LBC radio interview (is filmed as well) with Farage? Its the only time i've ever seen him on the back foot for a whole interview. Its pretty brutal, media is saying UKIP are trying to have it taken down. He's answering the question "why do people think you're racist?"



blimey it showed what a bigot he is er O'Brien that is, by god he likes to hear his own gob go.



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Has anyone else seen the recent LBC radio interview (is filmed as well) with Farage? Its the only time i've ever seen him on the back foot for a whole interview. Its pretty brutal, media is saying UKIP are trying to have it taken down. He's answering the question "why do people think you're racist?"




looks like o`brien owned farage start to finish


strikes me farage is using immigration as a platform for fear rallying the weak and simple minded of which we have no shortage

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looks like o`brien owned farage start to finish


strikes me farage is using immigration as a platform for fear rallying the weak and simple minded of which we have no shortage

O'brien is up his own backside,i had to stop listening to him years ago because he is there for one thing to argue,and if you don't agree with him he will argue louder,there is a reason he is on talk radio,because he is good for nothing else.


As for the rallying the weak and simple minded,you need to read this thread from start to finish, do most of us that support UKIP fit that category,i think not.


The only weak and simple minded people out there are those who are believing the pathetic rhetoric being spun by the main parties and their supporters who fear change and are in full spin mode.

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looks like o`brien owned farage start to finish


strikes me farage is using immigration as a platform for fear rallying the weak and simple minded of which we have no shortage

ooh goody now you are considered weak simple minded and in fear, for wanting change, and the regaining of control of our that means MY country back in OUR hands,personally I believe the really weak, fearful, and simple minded, are the ones who want what they have always had IE a balaclava with no eye holes.baah baah baah




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