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Do you really want this lot

Fisherman Mike

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That's 47 mins worth of footage watching. Make the time! If you don't owe it to yourself you owe it to the Kids. Its not an IF thing to come out sooner or later things will collapse in Europe and those pleading different are not pleading their case not yours its quite plainly for them. Biggest issue in politics today is making your vote and our votes count for something, history shows what happens when it does not.

Vote UKIP and get this started, we have been conned, they tell us they conned us with the common market referendum in this very footage because we would have voted against it if they didn't lie in this former debate. Take back control

Edited by kent
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That's 47 mins worth of footage watching. Make the time! If you don't owe it to yourself you owe it to the Kids. Its not an IF thing to come out sooner or later things will collapse in Europe and those pleading different are not pleading their case not yours its quite plainly for them. Biggest issue in politics today is making your vote and our votes count for something, history shows what happens when it does not.

Vote UKIP and get this started, we have been conned, they tell us they conned us with the common market referendum in this very footage because we would have voted against it if they didn't lie in this former debate. Take back control


March on March on raise our flag ... UKIP and Liberty. ..... Can we pinch this anthem from the French?

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If we left the EU, would say, a Bulgarian cleaner or Hungarian gardener be forced to return to their home countries? Because the level of work they do could be viewed relatively unskilled, Nigel said on a debate I watched recently "quality not quantity" which I understand, works very well in Australia. But should I take from that only those who can offer "skilled" labour or labour which we are in short supply of will be allowed to live and work here?

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If we left the EU, would say, a Bulgarian cleaner or Hungarian gardener be forced to return to their home countries? Because the level of work they do could be viewed relatively unskilled, Nigel said on a debate I watched recently "quality not quantity" which I understand, works very well in Australia. But should I take from that only those who can offer "skilled" labour or labour which we are in short supply of will be allowed to live and work here?


Yes, and then you will have the pleasure of employing the local chavs who are the third generation in their family never having worked a single day in their life. Or at least trying to employ. As if they are interested in doing a day's work...

Edited by Psyxologos
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OK its a fair cop...Rumbled...Im just being antagonistic ...principally my post was for the benefit of PW members who only post on political issues .. I didn't want them to feel isolated from the rest of the forum. :lol::lol: :lol:


Over the years I spent quite a bit of time drinking with Conservatives. Being more experienced politically, they kept their opinions close and private. I've heard far worse intolerance and 'right-wing' comments from Tories than any of the recent outings of daft UKIP candidates.

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If we left the EU, would say, a Bulgarian cleaner or Hungarian gardener be forced to return to their home countries? Because the level of work they do could be viewed relatively unskilled, Nigel said on a debate I watched recently "quality not quantity" which I understand, works very well in Australia. But should I take from that only those who can offer "skilled" labour or labour which we are in short supply of will be allowed to live and work here?


No. Absolutely not.


There would be no repatriation for people already here legally.


Illegal immigrants however would, quite rightly be sent back to their own country, irrespective of whether that's in the Eu or elsewhere.


Any inward migration would then be controlled by quantity and quality, the same as in every other country outside the Eu.

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No. Absolutely not.


There would be no repatriation for people already here legally.


Illegal immigrants however would, quite rightly be sent back to their own country, irrespective of whether that's in the Eu or elsewhere.


Any inward migration would then be controlled by quantity and quality, the same as in every other country outside the Eu.



In my opinion immigration amnesties are a mistake. They invite abuse. At the moment EU migrants have the right to live and work here under EU free movement legislation but they are not British citizens. The promise of automatic citizenship for EU immigrants after British withdrawal will encourage a huge influx from poorer countries in the run-up to a referendum. I would like to see all EU immigrants reapply for permits after British withdrawal. Those who meet the requirements and have the required number of points would be unaffected. They should receive three year renewable visas. Those who fail to fulfil new criteria should be given six month visitor visas after which they would be repatriated.

For a generation treacherous governments have handed out British passports like smarties. Britain is grossly overpopulated. Addressing that problem is one of the most pressing motivating factors in restoring our sovereignty and reasserting proper border controls. We know this even if the political establishment and their media apologists are in denial. There is no point in regaining control of our borders if we riddle them with loopholes beforehand.

Edited by Gimlet
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Anyone who thinks voting UKIP is going to reduce or even bring about a cessation of European Immigrants to this country is seriously deluded, it will be no more than a protest vote and totally wasted in the scheme of things. How do you think the rest of the European community is going to react if we elect a racist neo fascist party.?


If you want to barter a better deal for GB in Europe and also safeguard trade and jobs vote with your brain not without it.

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Anyone who thinks voting UKIP is going to reduce or even bring about a cessation of European Immigrants to this country is seriously deluded, it will be no more than a protest vote and totally wasted in the scheme of things. How do you think the rest of the European community is going to react if we elect a racist neo fascist party.?


If you want to barter a better deal for GB in Europe and also safeguard trade and jobs vote with your brain not without it.

Again and again you don't get it,we have had 40 years to "barter a better deal for GB in Europe" ,has that succeeded?do we have a better deal? Our politicians are all smoke and mirrors,they say they are getting better deals but it often turns out they have given something away or agreed to hand over another bit of UK governance.


If you now want to label UKIP as a "racist neo fascist party" then you are deluded and it just smacks of the desperation of people like yourself who want to keep marching to the same tune even if it means the eventual demise of the UK as it is swallowed up into the European experiment that is the EU.

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Anyone who thinks voting UKIP is going to reduce or even bring about a cessation of European Immigrants to this country is seriously deluded. I don't think anyone is expecting, nor wanting that, but at the moment we don't even have the power to eject those who turn out to be criminals.

it will be no more than a protest vote and totally wasted in the scheme of things. So you keep saying FM. For someone who claims UKIP are a joke you certainly seem a mite concerned. An appearance on 15 out of 16 pages on another 'UKIP' thread, and then you started this one. Mmmmm? A lack of your usual smile emoticons suggests otherwise.

How do you think the rest of the European community is going to react if we elect a racist neo fascist party.?I don't care what the rest of the European community thinks; they ceratinly don't care what I think. A 'racist neo fascist party' eh? I don't believe they are, but even if it were true, who can we blame for their rise? Remember, 'all it takes for evil (UKIP according to you) to prosper, is for good men (the present establishment according to you) to do nothing'. How did Cameron dismisevely describe UKIP? 'Fruitcakes, nutters and closet racists'? Now he wants to debate?


If you want to barter a better deal for GB in Europe and also safeguard trade and jobs vote with your brain not without it.You still don't get it; I don't want to barter a better deal for GB in Europe.

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How do you think the rest of the European community is going to react if we elect a racist neo fascist party.?




I would have expected better from you Mike.


You couldn't be more wrong in your observation.

Not only are you wrong in what you say, I personally find it extremely insulting.

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I would have expected better from you Mike.


You couldn't be more wrong in your observation.

Not only are you wrong in what you say, I personally find it extremely insulting.


And I didn't expect any other, it seems that if you think a different direction away from the elected but non representative corrupt back slappers, and the control we are under from non elected failed politicians is the only way forward,and god forbid you are actually patriotic and want your country back in your own hands you are made to believe you are a bigot and a racist, but that's the standard speak to make you not want to rock the left wing boat, a boat that has a captain and crew as inept as the Costa Concordia had, and when the listing left wing boat finally does sink (which it will) I bet the likes of kipper faced Ashton stumbles accidentally in the dark into the life boat B)




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and god forbid you are actually patriotic and want your country back in your own hands you are made to believe you are a bigot and a racist,





True. :good:


Did you see the BBC plant on Question Time on Thursday night?


The sweaty little man at the back trying to deride Farage as being 'dangerous' and making out we were all heading to a state similar to that of Germany in the 1930's.


His name is Charles Bloom, a school governor in Hampshire.


Here's a little bit about him and his family.



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I would have expected better from you Mike.


You couldn't be more wrong in your observation.

Not only are you wrong in what you say, I personally find it extremely insulting.

Come on Poontang you, Welsh 1. Kud and the rest are obviously intelligent men.... surely you can see that UKIP are a one man party made up of misfits, racists and bigots......isolating Britain from Europe and electing such people to parliament is absolute folly...if Nige has to sack any more candidates for having extremist views he wont have any candidates left..


Besides if we alienate Europe we will never win the bloody song contest again.


I would have expected better from you Mike.


You couldn't be more wrong in your observation.

Not only are you wrong in what you say, I personally find it extremely insulting.

get over it :yes:

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Come on Poontang you, Welsh 1. Kud and the rest are obviously intelligent men.... surely you can see that UKIP are a one man party made up of misfits, racists and bigots......isolating Britain from Europe and electing such people to parliament is absolute folly...if Nige has to sack any more candidates for having extremist views he wont have any candidates left..


Besides if we alienate Europe we will never win the bloody song contest again.

get over it :yes:


Same old, same old.


Never mind, not long to go now.


I can't wait...can you?




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