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I have acess to a good acreage of freshly germinated peas, Going tomorrow after seeing a good few birds this evening.

Was just interested in how other shooters are doing over peas now?

Never fired a shot over peas last season.

This year looks like a good start?

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I hardly shot any pigeons on peas last year. This year it's looking slightly better, with very little backwards rape around. I think that some good bags could be shot on peas in the next few weeks (as I've said before I think this is pretty much the best time for peas), just before any cereals become the main focus for pigeons.

I'm hopefully going to shoot on peas tomorrow. Not expecting too many, but I hope to get a few.

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My peas are doing well and did get a couple of good days on drilling and also just as the shoots are breaking through, but the last 2 weeks nothing, but on a brighter note the field I shot 10 days ago BEAN shoots has alot of birds on it again very strange do get this shooting on beans 10 inches high, will give it a go tomorrow afternoon going to be a hot one cant see the birds really moving til late afternoon

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I have shot pigeons on newly drilled fields of peas then not again until the peas flowered.


As for shooting them on beans 10" high, what could they be after? They almost certainly will not be eating the bean leaves. I understand that weed control in beans is quite difficult so they may be going for weeds inbetween the rows.

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I have 10 pea fields to keep a eye on this year , I shot a 30 and 43 when they had not long sprouted and not seen enough on any of them to set up again .


A bit annoying really as I now have 12 days off work and was hoping to get a decent day or two .


As motty says they may well come good later, my favorite time is when they are well up and in flower.

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Just came back had 44 pigeon and 2 crows shot from 1pm to 6pm again on the beans the farmer had to re drill half of the field and they are hitting the new growth ! The farmer said he also has never seen pigeon at this stage also they are not tick beans will find out which ones they are

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Thanks for the replies everyone, I did finally get out the house and set up on the edge of a spinney in a huge pea field. About 100 birds lifted off when I arrived, never to return. ....

The flight line was sketchy and only a few skitting about, seems plenty of food around and courting on the agenda may be to blame. I did manage 16, by the time it died off and was home by 7:30pm.

Saw another flightline on the far side of the field, which was also being used by crows, so will be having a meeting there soon!

Spent 2 days on peas last year... think I got 1 crow and a sunburn from falling asleep in the sun at midday!

On a sidenote, about 50% of the birds I got had what looked like clover in the crops.

Will try the othe fields next week.

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Sorry to jump all over the thread, but I didn't think this report warranted opening a new topic.


I saw more pigeons flighting yesterday than I have for a month. I got set up on a field of peas by 10.30am. Already there was 100 or so feeding. I didn't expect much.

I set up with the wind in my face and I had a steady trickle of birds the whole time I was there. Some familiar flight lines were in use, which was nice to see.

The birds committed best when I finally decided to put the magnet out. I packed up at around 4pm when the flight had died off and pigeons had taken to landing elsewhere on the field.

I reckon the pigeons are now starting to really head out to the fields again.

I finished with a nice bag of 66 pigeons, 1 rook and 1 jackdaw.






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Good going Motty. Did you open any crops? Those peas look very well on and I just wondered what part of the plant they were eating.

I have just opened several crops from birds still in the fridge. Almost all the birds were empty, apart from the odd one with a very small amount of some kind of leaf in them (certainly not pea leaf).

Observing the pigeons before I set up (and looking at the crop damage), they seem to be eating every part of the plant.

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Well done Motty


I had a similar experience yesterday , but without shooting many , I made the wrong decision on where to set up but witnessed as many birds as I have seen for a while flighting to the field .


As I set up really late in the first place I did not move to where they were going and am hoping they will still be visiting the field during the week so I can have a proper go at them.

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those pease are at the same stage up here...............went to the shop this morning.......went past 4 pea fields...saw 5 birds in one clump..... :sad1:



nice pics motty......even if im not doing anything its nice to see other folk are doing something at least.. :good:

Edited by ditchman
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Best time is when they have dropped the flower and have just started to pod up . Myself and a mate once shot in access of 300 on a 50 acre field ,shooting in two different hides almost opposite each other .



I don't think there is a stage of growth that is best on peas. I think that every stage of growth is good, so long as there are not any other crops nearby that the pigeons prefer. This is why I've struggled on podded up peas in mid July, when the pigeons seem far more interested in rape stubble or laid/standing wheat.

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Decent bag of pigeons there Motty, I have yet to get a 50+ bag this year 47 is the best ive done up to now, you were right saying there were more moving about Saturday than of late. I went around 3pm on some short rape that I have been shooting every two weeks since March, bags ranging from 40+ up until the last two bags which were under 20 then on Saturday although not a ideal day for shooting with it being hot and very little wind there seemed to be a nice lot moving about, not big numbers but enough to keep you happy Set up near a big tree they had been using with a magnet and a floater well out and finished with 27 my dog enjoyed it as much as I did as I let him pick up each one as I shot it as I didn't bother to use them for decoys, what I did notice was the amount of flies about a reminder summer is nearly upon us.

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