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Trying to do an eccles!

aga man

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As i mentioned in another post yesterday, whilst out checking some barley for pigeons i bumped into the farmer who told me he may have something better for me to look at.

He said they had been silaging on wednesday and thursday and with ground stiil damp under foot there was plenty of food for corvids and as a result the 30 acre field was covered in 3-400 rooks and crows.

I didn't have a lot booked in workwise for friday but was concerned about a very hot weather forecast.

I got my jobs done by 11 am and arrived at the field with two plastic crow deeks and 4 dead carions from the freezer.

I put up my hide and wore my face veil and bush hat. In no time the first birds arrived and paid the price.

Everything looked promising for a big bag and the weather was not to hot.

Shortly after i started shooting a guy arrived on the river bank footpath 200yds to my left with what looked like some sort of monitering equipment consisting of a large [8ft] pole with something on the top?

Annoying he would walk about 20 yds and stand with his tester for 10mins and even though he was aware of me shooting he carried on for 2-3 hrs which hampered the shooting slighty.

Never the less it was a nice afternoon and i shot just short of fifty mixed corvids and 1 pigeon.

At 5pm i packed up as the crows had found another cut silage field 1/4 of a mile away.

Not quite an eccles bag but worth setting up for i think.

I take my hat off to you guys who shoot big numbers of corvids regularly. It is more challenging than you think.


I will find out what the guy with the equipment was up to as he parked at the farm,but if anyone has any idea's? [birds of prey perhaps].?


44 corvids in the pic as some fell in the wheat next door and i didn't have the dog.


Edited by aga man
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